Showing posts with label Snake Venom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snake Venom. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 27, 2023


Wednesday, April 13, 2022

COVID-19 refers to Corona venom 19.

This is Dr. Bryan Ardis' defense of his claim that COVID-19 is not a virus source, but rather it is snake venom poisoning. You'll have blood coagulation and anti-coagulation. The 19 in COVID-19 does not refer to 2019 as has been drilled into our heads. According to Ardis, the 19 refers to the 19 snake venom sequences.  

He is being attacked in the blogosphere with everybody dismissing his claim that COVID-19 is a King Cobra venom poisoning.  You may be tired of thinking or hearing about COVID-19, the spike proteins, Dr. Fauci, etc.  But you should know that this claim is not new.  And there is a way to stop the effects of venom poisoning in your body.  The product?  Nicotine.  Because nicotine blocks the snake venom inside the spike protein and keeps it from lodging in nACH Receptors.  He gives the etymology of the word virus.  Apparently, the COVID-19 refers to Corona venom 19.  

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Snake venom toxin in the spike protein? Nicotine blocks spike from lodging in nAChReceptors

It was from Dr. Bryan Ardis where I'd first learned about Remdesivir, about a hospital advocate, and about how the spike proteins behaved like parasites and that people should be on anti-parasitics.  So I've loved his research abilities, his activism, and his network of professionals like Thomas Renz, Leigh Dundas, and others.  I've relied on other doctors, too, but Ardis' tenacity is inspiring    

There were four sections of this interview that I found compelling.  

12:00  mm   

14:55  January 21st of this year, just two months ago, the FDA decided to authorize Remdesivir as the only drug to be used on newborns [newborns with COVID?] in this country.  The screenshot at 15:14 of "FDA Approves Veklury [Remdesivir] for the Treatment of Non-Hospitalized Patients at High Risk for COVID-19 Disease Progression" comes directly from a press release found at Gilead's website.  "I can't even fathom the men or women in charge who would actually do that.  So now it's been moved out of hospitals into in and out-patient care for children as the only treatment for as young as newborns, seven-pounds heavy, through the 18-year pediatric age range.  It's the only authorized drug.  There is nothing else that they're allowing for COVID-19 treatment.  I find that incredibly evil.  
Also, now they've canceled monoclonal antibody uses throughout the United States and all U.S. territories for COVID-19 early treatment, and they're moving Remdesivir to the fusion centers where they were using monoclonal antibodies as the only IV infusion drug allowed. At the 15:55 mark, the screenshot contains the Forbes headline, "U.S. Pauses Distribution of Monoclonal Antibody Treatments that Proved Ineffective Against Omicron," Zachary Snowdon Smith, December 23, 2021. I have been moved with one singular purpose since May of 2020 when I read Anthony Fauci's memo about Remdesivir, I felt this spark inside of me that I now had to go voice to the world a warning to try to protect as many as possible innocent lives from being killed.  

16:40  It all started with a text.  There's a medical doctor that I admire and love that has had since the beginning of COVID the ability to project information

29:10  People are buying snake venom and mixing it with the same preparation as what is listed on the fact sheet of Velkury.  His screenshot does not provide a source.  Okay, what's his point?  To take Cobra venom, or any other kind of venom, and inject it into horses to create monoclonal antibodies.  When you read the EUA for Remdesivir, it states from January 21, that every practitioner who administers this to a COVID patient pediatric or not, you have to evaluate for thrombin time.  

29:36.  If it increases the prothrombin time, it means it's taking your blood's ability to coagulate and making it longer.  So it thins your blood; you can't clot.  You will internally bleed to death.  With Remdesivir it is stated on the Emergency Use Authorization, that every patient has to have its Prothrombin Time before you give Remdesivir and during treatment.  Do you know what King Cobra venom does to the blood?  

It makes it so that it can't clot. 

It makes it so that it can't clot.  Do you know what the other emphasis is?  It's prothrombin time.  And if you look at the CDC and NIH's websites, it actually says it increases prothrombin time, which is exactly what King Cobra venom does to the human body.  And Remdesivir is a lyophilized peptide-protein from King Cobra venom.  The University of Arizona published last summer a paper when they actually evaluated the blood samples and tissues of people who died, hundreds of them, from two different hospitals after being treated for COVID which means they got what drug--Remdesivir.  When they evaluated their blood, the title of their published article is "Like Venom Coursing the Through the Body: Researchers Identify Mechanism Driving COVID-19 Mortality," Rosemary Brandt, College of Agriculture and Life Science, August 24, 2021.

32:55  And then they take you through all of the elevated enzymes from the blood samples of these people that are naturally found in rattlesnake venom and viper venom that are at levels they've never seen before.  Do you want to know how they got there?  5-10 days of Remdesivir.  They've known since 2005 that if you inject a mouse with Cobra venom, like they're doing with Remdesivir injecting it into your veins, . . . [citing this article, "Histopathological Alterations Induced by Naja naja Crude Venom on Renal, Pulmonary and Intestinal Tissues of Mice Model, Md. Abdulla Al Mamun, et al., 2015. Here are Histological Changesit actually causes a cytokine storm in all of the animals.  I am convinced that COVID-19 is not a respiratory virus of any kind.  It is actually venom poisoning.  It is actually, I believed, synthesized peptides and proteins from venoms of snakes, and they're administering them and targeting them to certain people.  The amazing thing about these 19 toxins found in Cobra venom is they're specifically sequenced to target specific organs, like the pancreas in a diabetic, like the heart in a heart-diseased patient, like the liver in a Hepatitis patient.  

33:55  So if I die because I am . . .  And then use mRNA technology that they've been isolating from snake venom for years that they knew were unusually stable, more stable than any other mRNA they've isolated from natural organisms for decades.  In 2015, they took mRNA from Cobra venom, krait venom they wrapped the mRNA in nanoparticle hydrogel "Nanofibrous Snake Venom Hemostat," ACS Biomater Sci Eng. 2015;1(12):1300-1305.  DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.5b00356. Epub 2015 Oct 20.  And they made it even more stable.  Then they actually added dynabeads to those nanoparticles surrounding the mRNA of snake venom and it made it even more stable.  It made it last longer.  It made it to get inside your cells.  Dynabeads are magnetic metals nanoparticles.  

36:54  Cites Season 4, Episode 15 of The Blacklist, 2016, called "The Apothecary."  Peptides found in krait venom poisoned Raymond "Red" Reddington.  In the show, you learn that he was poisoned by drinking from his drink.  Then I realized something.  I realized how they've been spreading this.  Odd that the CDC's website has a wastewater page with COVID tracker.  


Well, you'd think that new information like what Dr. Ardis presents here with Peters would bring ah-ha moments, and it does for his audience.  It did for me.  I'd heard that the spike proteins contain a genetic sequence of snake poison.  What I thought was interesting was how specific Ardis was by pointing out the King Cobra and the Chinese   Oh, and by the way, I am all for men like Ardis, who is a chiropractor by trade, to insert his research findings onto other fields.  This is how insights come about.  Now it's up to the scientific community to verify or deny it.   

One scientist I follow, Walter Chestnut, says that there is no snake venom per se, but rather the spike protein ACTS like snake venom.  Chestnut calls the protein an epitope, which are antigens that 

Good to know that there are remedies to snake venom poisoning.

It's important to take nicotine lozenges.  Why?  Because nicotine blocks the snake venom inside the spike protein and keeps it from lodging in nACH Receptors.