Showing posts with label Chris Cuomo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chris Cuomo. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

FIVE TIMES AUGUST TO CHRIS CUOMO: you attempt to rebrand yourself as some new independent and unbiased Cuomo while you half-heartedly feature vax injury stories for ratings

Um, Dave Smith spent three hours with you the other night literally showing and telling you with *your own words* replayed right back to you in front of your face how astronomically wrong you’ve been throughout Covid and clearly absolutely none of it connected. So, I recognize there’s nothing I or anyone else can do or say at this point. Just understand how badly you’ve blown it. Know that you’re out, Chris. You’re not coming back from this. You simply can’t (or more likely won’t) accept being wrong on any of it, and that’s the issue here. You disingenuously advocate for some 9/11-style COVID commission so we can “understand what happened” but you refuse to start with yourself. Instead, you attempt to rebrand yourself as some new independent and unbiased Cuomo while you half-heartedly feature vax injury stories for ratings, and then smugly brush aside the very people who warned that all this would happen. You whitewash past remarks and reframe what you said back on CNN, you downplay the worldwide government tyranny you helped enable… anything to avoid accountability and responsibility. You can’t even man up enough to say “Guys, I made some terrible mistakes along the way, I’m sorry.” — Pro Tip: THAT’S WHERE YOU BEGIN, CHRIS. You don’t get to repackage yourself and expect us all to forgive and forget where you came from. It doesn’t work that way. You are no better than an abusive husband expecting to be thanked by your wife because you’ve stopped hitting her. You abused the public with your position in media, and until you take a good hard look in the mirror and accept that? Nobody is buying your bullshit. It’s done, man. We all see it.

Here is the interview.

Saturday, May 13, 2023


I am sure that there is still a sizable percentage of Americans who readily surrendered any personal freedom in the name of the greater good, because, you know, they wanted to show the world how virtuous they were, or are.  And that still there is a sizable percentage of the American population who would defend these voices for doing the right thing to save the world.  How can anyone watch another movie, or interview, or commercial from Arnold Schwarzenegger?  SMH.