Showing posts with label CNN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CNN. Show all posts

Monday, May 20, 2024

Mexico is way ahead of the US in promoting organic regenerative agriculture.

from CNN,

2023 marked a historic milestone for Mexico’s agri-food sector, with exports soaring to $51.87 billion—a 3.9% increase against the previous year and the first time the nation’s food exports have surpassed $50 billion.

This accomplishment not only reinforces Mexico’s economic dynamics and trade connections but also exemplifies its commitment to raising the profile of its agri-food sector.

Against the backdrop of growing sustainability trends and evolving regulatory policies, Mexican officials are finding opportunities to accelerate the development of agri-food in a way that aligns with national reforms and customer demand.

As part of these efforts, it is supporting the $300-million investment of what will be the world’s largest non-genetically modified (GMO) corn manufacturing plant—Millfoods. Located in the municipality of Salamanca, Guanajuato, it is set to transform the food and beverage industry under a vision to act locally, think globally, and progress sustainably.  

Friday, February 9, 2024

ELISE STEFANIK destroys CNN's Kaitlyn Collins. Could Elise Stefanik be a VP candidate?

This is the Left allowing their opponent to throw their boy under the bus.  

COLLINS, 3:18. I think the skating report that came out today that you referenced on President Biden's handling of documents would suggest that it's not weaponized because it was quite brutal in its assessment . . .  if he had been charged, would you make the argument that he should have been charged because he has presidential immunity?

"It's specifically because of the mental acuity."

STEFANIK, 3:34. First of all, if you look at what the Special Counsel said, it was a willful, "willfully not abiding by rules when it comes to classified information; willfully breaking the law," and the only reason they're not pursuing prosecution is because the lack of mental acuity of the president of the United States.  And this disastrous press conference no no it was specifically because of the mental mental acuity that was pointed out in the documents that's why you saw a panic White House forced out a doddering, unfit president of the United States for disastrous press conference to try to clean it up and it only did more damage the reality is Donald Trump is going to win this November and Democrats are spiraling out of control because they say that Joe Biden continues to plummet his polls are going to go down much further tomorrow based upon that horrific press conference today and it's selective prosecution the fact that it's not even a slap on the wrist when the prosecutor himself the special counsel himself . . . 

COLLINS, 4:29. it was a slap on the wrist . . .

STEFANIK, 4:29. It's not a slap on the wrist if they specifically say "We're not pursuing that prosecution."

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

NATIONAL MEDIA PSYCHOPATHS: CNN's Kyra Phillips asked his doctor if the boy spoke of the value of Operation Iraqi Freedom.


Kyra Phillips, why she's just an all-American girl who is married to CBS's John Roberts.  

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

HILARY FORDWICH: "we need to go right back to the beginning of that supply chain and say, 'Who was rounding up their own people, and having them handcuffed in cages?'"

00:00  Don Lemon.  Well, this is coming . . . all of this wealth and you hear about it comes as England is facing rising costs of living, a living crisis, austerity budget cuts, and so on.  And then you have those who are asking for reparations for colonialism, and they're wondering, you know, $100 billion dollar, $24 billion dollars here and there, $500 million there.  Some people want to be paid back and members of the public wonder "why are we suffering when you are . . . you know, you have all of this vast wealth.  Those are legitimate concerns.

00:32  Hilary Fordwich Well, I think you're right about reparations.  If people want it though, what you need to do is to always go back to the beginning of the supply chain.  Where was the beginning of the supply chain?  That was in Africa.  When across the entire world that slavery was taking place, which was the first nation in the world that abolished slavery?  First nation in the world to abolish was, started by William Wilberforce, was British, Great Britain, they abolished slavery.  2,000 naval men died on the high seas trying to stop slavery.  Why?  Because the African kings were rounding up their own people.  They had them in cages waiting on the beaches.  No one was running into Africa to get them.  But I think you're totally right.  If reparations need to be paid, we need to go right back to the beginning of that supply chain and say, "Who was rounding up their own people, and having them handcuffed in cages?"  Absolutely.  That's where they should start.  And maybe, I don't know, the descendants of those families, where the naval men died at the high seas trying to stop the slavery, that those families should receive something, too, I think, at the same time.  

1:36  Lemon [stunned]  It's an interesting discussion, Hilary. Thank you very much.  I appreciate it.  We'll continue to discuss in the future.   

Monday, October 18, 2021


Bari Weiss rocks on Twitter.  

Find more of her work through a free subscription on Substack.  

Here is her resignation letter to the New York Times.  Wikipedia provides some background on her reasons for leaving.  

Weiss announced her departure from The New York Times on July 14, 2020, publishing a resignation letter on her website criticizing the Times for capitulating to criticism on Twitter and for not defending her against alleged bullying by her colleagues. Weiss accused her former employer of "unlawful discrimination, hostile work environment, and constructive discharge".

In her letter Weiss said, "Stories are chosen and told in a way to satisfy the narrowest of audiences, rather than to allow a curious public to read about the world and then draw their own conclusions." She also wrote, "Twitter is not on the masthead of The New York Times, but Twitter has become its ultimate editor." 

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

CNN SCUM: Meltdown as They Attempt to Ban Dr. Mercola's Book on COVID-19