Showing posts with label Sasha Latypova. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sasha Latypova. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

LATYPOVA: The system is designed to fuck you up and bill the government.

Western countries on the left, and African and Middle Eastern countries on the right.   

Two main drivers are vaccines (all of them) and the second most important one - diagnostic screening tests: mammograms, colonoscopies, and prostate screening. The false positive rates are set on purpose extremely high. Sasha Latypova

from Sasha Latypova,

The cancer rates in Western countries were sky-high even before the mass turbo cancer-inducing mRNA goodness was rolled out. It's not food and it's not chemtrails. Two main drivers are vaccines (all of them) and the second most important one - diagnostic screening tests: mammograms, colonoscopies, and prostate screening. The false positive rates are set on purpose extremely high. Mammogram positive is less than 10% real positive. So you can do the math. They falsely diagnose and then do surgery and chemo on healthy people, who would have never noticed otherwise that they have cancer. Because they don't have cancer, but their oncologist wants to get paid. It's disgusting. Do not do any cancer screening tests, and in general, do not do any diagnostic screening tests. Only test when you actually have a health issue, and then get a second opinion or multiple. Research for yourself, do not follow your idiot doctor's recommendations blindly. The system is designed to fuck you up and bill the government.

She links to Sage's Newsletter, which may be behind a paywall.

To show the enormity of the cancer rates in Western countries, Sage cites a passage from Dr. John Coleman's 1991 book, The Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300,

The population of Canada, Western Europe, and the United States will be decimated more rapidly than on other continents until the world population reaches a manageable level of 1 billion, of which 500 million will consist of Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are people who have been regimented for centuries and who are accustomed to obeying authority without question.

Sage continues.  

Okay, so the two big agendas in play are POPULATION CONTROL and COMPLIANCE.

And these two agendas also are paramount in the Day Tapes. 

You got this?  POPULATION CONTROL and COMPLIANCE.  But what about all of the illegals that the West is engineering in all of its countries?  That's not population control, is it?  It is.  It's turning people into rats in a cage, where the cultures are destroyed and people are reduced to appetites.  

Sage defines what cancer is: 

Cancer is a disease in which cells begin to grow abnormally in a particular tissue or organ, which can eventually disrupt the body's ability to function properly. Cancer has more than 100 different variations and can occur in nearly any type of cell, including the skin, tissues, organs, and blood. Many cancers can also spread, or metastasize, to other parts of the body. Cancer risk is influenced by several factors, such as nutrition, environment, physical activity, and genetics. Males are roughly 20% more likely than females to contract cancer and have higher cancer rates than women in almost every type of cancer. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world, behind only cardiovascular disease. It is estimated that every sixth death in the world is due to cancer. 

Ah, I see.  Cancer is population control.  It's the perfect example of plausible deniability. 


Cancer. He said. "We can cure almost every cancer right now. Information is on file in the Rockefeller Institute, if it's ever decided that it should be released. But consider - if people stop dying of cancer, how rapidly we would become overpopulated. You may as well die of cancer as something else."

Efforts at cancer treatment would be geared more toward comfort than toward cure. There was some statement that ultimately the cancer cures which were being hidden in the Rockefeller Institute would come to light because independent researchers might bring them out, despite these efforts to suppress them. But at least for the time being, letting people die of cancer was a good thing to do because it would slow down the problem of overpopulation. 

More valuable insights from Sage, 

Cancer tends to be more prevalent in high-income countries due to lifestyle factors such as smokingobesity, and alcohol intakeFortunately, these also tend to be countries with sound health care systems, which can better detect and treat cancer than the health-care systems in low-income countries. Moreover, advancements in medical knowledge and technology continue to improve each country's cancer survival rate. Although a decreasing percentage of cancer patients succumb to the disease, the total number of deaths from cancer continues to rise. This is often attributed to the fact that the world's ever-growing population includes more senior citizens, whose cancer risk is highest, than ever before. Cancer rates are typically expressed as a crude rate or as an age-standardized rate, which adjusts for the fact that some countries' populations are younger overall than others.

Friday, March 15, 2024

LATYPOVA: the Blob is planning something “big”, for which they need a lot of poison. I advise everyone to stay vigilant, tune your bullshit detectors to maximum precision

Moderna is building manufacturing facilities in many countries, with much more capacity than they had for covid shots.


Moderna says construction of its new mRNA vaccine factory in Laval, Que. will begin later this year, with production expected to begin by the end of 2024. It will be the pharmaceutical giant's first manufacturing facility outside the United States and cost an estimated $180 million to construct.”


“US biotech company Moderna has reached an in-principle agreement to build an mRNA vaccine manufacturing facility in Victoria. It will become the first mRNA manufacturing facility in the Southern Hemisphere. Moderna expects to produce up to 100 million vaccine doses each year in Australia.”


“Expected to come online by 2025, the facility, also known as the MITC, will aim to supply the U.K. with mRNA vaccines for a “wide range” of respiratory diseases, according to Moderna. […] Last Summer, Moderna struck a preliminary deal with the U.K. to erect the MITC as part of an effort to shore up access to “rapid pandemic response capabilities.” At the time, Moderna said it was designing the facility to be activated “on an urgent basis.” The move falls under the U.K.’s “100 Days Mission,” which aims to blunt the force of future pandemics.”

Japan (pending government vaccine deal):

On a vaccine diplomacy trip this week to Japan, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel told the Nikkei news outlet that the company would build a manufacturing facility there, contingent upon securing a long-term vaccine deal with the government. 
The plant would be an end-to-end producer of shots for COVID, flu and any other vaccines the company might develop with its mRNA technology platform, Bancel told the publication, while referencing moves the company has made in AustraliaCanada, and England.”


SHANGHAI, Nov 28, 2023 (Reuters) - U.S. vaccine maker Moderna began construction of its first facility in China this month to manufacture mRNA medicines, the company said.”

Spain - expanded capacity at Rovi:

This new agreement, which has a term of ten years, includes a series of investments expected to allow the manufacturing capacity to increase across ROVI's facilities in Madrid, Spain. In addition to producing Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine, ROVI's platform could also be utilized to service future Moderna mRNA vaccine candidates.”

According to my inside source at Moderna:

the new capacity is not for flu vaccines, but it could be.

The most likely next product to reach the market is Flu vax and they are planning it for this coming fall (2024). However, this manufacturing expansion is too large if all of it is just for the flu product, considering that covid boosters were ~20% uptake.

My estimates of capacity are based on what was available for covid vs what is being built out now.

For covid they had Norwood MA, Lonza NH, Lonza Swss, Rovi Spain

Now they will have Norwood which capacity will be 2x what is was during covid, Canada, Australia, UK, Rovi Spain and possibly Japan and China

It seems that they are building these facilities in anticipation. There are no new products approved except the covid vax which is questionable at best.

They are also building capacity for Personalized Vaccine Treatment - cancer gene therapy product.

I agree with my correspondent’s assessment - the Blob is planning something “big”, for which they need a lot of poison. I advise everyone to stay vigilant, tune your bullshit detectors to maximum precision. It is likely that as soon as this coming fall the biological/chemical and possibly radiological weapons will be used. I don’t know if this will be “elections special” or later, in 2025. Above all else, protect your family and do not comply.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Here is a direct link for those who don't have a Twitter account.  

If you have any doubt left that the U.S. government committed acts of treason in its attempt to mass murder hundreds of thousands, even millions and more, of Americans, then listening to Robert Barnes' comments should disabuse you of your innocence.  

Other emails and documents had come out Exposing the degree to which high ranking people at the Food and Drug Administration knew about the fraud but covered it up rather than investigated one of the people there one of the associate General counsels for enforcement the Food and Drug Administration will make another appearance in this case.  The Justice Department waited until the last minute before the first round of dismissal hearings before the judge.  And they made a very rare intervention but not a full intervention.  They just said, "Judge, we would hope you would dismiss on behalf of Pfizer, but we're not actually intervening for the purposes of dismissal."  They attempted that and it partially worked. 

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Did the Pentagon orchestrate the COVID pandemic?  

Newly leaked audio from AstraZeneca shows that might very well be the case in fact the covid was classified as a national security threat by the US government in the Department of Defense on and this information was allegedly kept from Donald Trump the reason we know this is because of this leaked audio and the coverage of Sasha Latypova who is a former pharmaceutical Executives who turned executive journalist and she writes about this on her sub stack and exposing this fraud and cover up of these pharmaceutical Industries and the lies that we were told during the covid pandemic.  And Sasha joins us now great to see you and great work is always thank you for joining us.

LATYPOVA, 00:51. Hi Clayton thank you thank you for inviting me.

MORRIS, 00:55 My pleasure so let's talk about this leaked audio.  What's the story we've been told, what is the story we've all been told, what is this the story that maybe even President Trump was told before we get into what is the truth?

LATYPOVA, 01:13  Yeah, so as you recall from early 2020, we were told the story that there was a jump of a virus in China and that there were mixed stories about whether it was a bat or a Pangolin, but the idea was that this was some sort of a wet market event in Wuhan. And there is this transmission to humans, and from one person you have this spreading all over the world and now we have this dangerous, dangerous pandemic and we all have to be in fear stay home be locked down don't go to school, and so forth.  And they are still trying to portray it as maybe it was zoonotic although long ago they kind of conceded to the fact that this was something engineered also as you recall even before 2020 for decades we have been propagandized about pandemics and these kinds of events and this was designed on purpose by Hollywood by media and by academic false narratives that I published on as well describing that something like this can happen will happen and then a very dangerous virus will escape and kill half the world and that's why people were preset or programmed into this mind frame where you hear the trigger word of pandemic of a virus and everyone is fearful and goes along with the narrative.

MORRIS, 2:36. We had the movie Contagion, 2011, a big Hollywood movie that was.  And Outbreak, 1995, but there are lots more.

Friday, March 1, 2024

SASHA LATYPOVA: if you were claiming a specific mechanism of action, you need to demonstrate it. And that's in the manufacturing documentation . . . None of this was done. Not only that, we later learned that they faked their Western blots

There was no evidence that they were making that Spike protein that they were claiming that they were making ever.  And they have never demonstrated that they can make it actually.  There's not a single scientific publication.  In fact, there was recently a publication showing the opposite, showing that they are making aberrant proteins because of that pseudouridine substitution apparently it creates these skipping the frames and they're making different proteins every time.  So how is it that the claimed mechanism of action the most important part claimed mechanism of action is oh we're going to give you this mRNA code and your cells are going to make these specific Spike protein with the specific virus or variance and now they have these boosters for variants how do you prove that you can do it if you've never demonstrated that you can make one consistent Spike protein?

00:52. So they were measuring instead the amount of antibodies right is that what you're talking about they're measuring the antibodies but never the spike protein in the blood of a human?

01:00. Right, so as a manufacturer, if you were claiming a specific mechanism of action, you need to demonstrate it.  And that's in the manufacturing documentation, so they were supposed to make, for example, a cell assay showing that at least in the cell, ideally, you would do it in an animal model, but at least in some cell lines show that you can actually by putting this mRNA in there, it will make the specific spike protein this Wuhan, whatever you're calling the spike protein, or for Omicron or for Delta, they're claiming all sorts of variants now.  None of this was done.  Not only that, we later learned that they faked their Western blots, and Western blots is one of the assays that you do to characterize those spike proteins that you're making.  Well, guess what?  They faked them. They just computer-generated them.  They never produced the real images and even the computer-generated ones we're showing spike proteins of different weight, not the Wuhan one.  It's as awful as it gets.  In the U.S., it's completely disregarded as I'll explain the legal framework.  But in EMA because of the conditional marketing approval, this was a condition of their approval that they will eventually submit that data to the regulators.  They never did.  Never did.  They just abandoned that requirement altogether.   

Saturday, February 17, 2024

SASHA LATYPOVA: "States have the right under [the] Constitution to nullify federal laws that contradict [it]. [T]he public health emergency, PREP Act, and EUA countermeasures, they definitely contradict [the] U.S. Constitution because they enable democide."

Hear Tom Woods on Nullification.   

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

"But what this says is that EUA products, no matter what happens, no matter how adulterated and full of these dangerous contaminants, they shall never be deemed adulterated or misbranded by the FDA."

Everybody assumed that these vaccines were going through the Expanded Access Use pathway.  Turns out they were not.  They are a completely different category of product that the federal government has created . . . called EUA, Emergency Use Authorization countermeasure, and this category only exists under Public Health Emergency or Prep Act declaration by Health and Human Services Secretary.  So under this particular category, they're regulated by a completely separate section of Food and Drugs and Cosmetics Act [FDA] that says that "everything that's illegal for normal pharmaceuticals is now legal as long as Prep Act window remains open for them.  And as we know for COVID-19, the Prep Act window is open until December 2024.  

Monday, January 22, 2024

SASHA LATYPOVA: "pandemics as scams to push these unregulated, illegal called countermeasures on the market and call them healthcare products"

nobody was ever concerned about the Spanish Flu.  It was invented years later to propagandize fear of viruses and this whole idea of viral global pandemics which actually cannot happen by nature, by science, by anything, by any metric.  If they were possible, we wouldn't be here, so they do not exist.  It's fiction.  --Sasha Latypova

05:49. In this presentation what I want people to understand is this whole business of Emergency Use Authorized Medical Countermeasures.  So these are keywords that everyone needs to learn, and this is how the governments in the world are able to put poisonous products on the market, call them vaccines and therapeutics, and continue pushing them even under what we know are illegal mandates in violation of informed consent.  

[Un]Regulated and [Il]Legal "Medical Countermeasures"

So this whole presentation is describing in context of pandemics as scams to push these unregulated, illegal called countermeasures on the market and call them healthcare products. 

06:37. First, let's review ancient history.  100 years ago this was published in the British Medical Journal in 1922.  The predecessor to the W.H.O., before 1949, was called the International Sanitary Convention.  It was basically a conference between numerous countries that were involved in international trade and travel, and there were a different number of countries that would attend, usually about a dozen countries.  Representatives would come for several months to negotiate these conventions about sanitation measures on ships that were primarily carrying trade and travel, and other activities such as pilgrimages.  They went on for about a hundred years from 1850 to 1948.  These conventions were concerned primarily with diseases related to sanitation and what the treatments were for things and crowding, such as cholera, typhus, smallpox, and plague; all these are bacterial, except that smallpox claimed to be viral but I have concerns about that too.  The main concern always was cholera which is bacterial and was carried by water.  As ships would come into port, they would all have cholera because they didn't have proper sanitation.  So that was the focus of the conventions.  Respiratory illness was never a focus of it, nothing related to the flu or any respiratory illness related to people worldwide.  Between 1918 and 1919, I reviewed the proceedings for these conventions from 1912, and the next one was in 1922, which is published here, so about 3 or 4 years after a huge pandemic that killed 50 million people worldwide, not a single mention of the word "flu" or "influenza," "respiratory," anything in the proceedings of this convention which went on for about 6 months in 1922.   So I am telling you, this is a historic document.  Very fine that nobody was ever concerned about the Spanish Flu.  It wasn't the same.  It was invented years later to propagandize fear of viruses and this whole idea of viral global pandemics which actually cannot happen by nature, by science, by anything, by any metric.  If they were possible, we wouldn't be here, so they do not exist.  It's fiction. [9:38]  Now of course this fiction continues and importantly it gets pre-programmed into everyone's heads. The media, the internet, and Hollywood is a big place where they create these fear-porn shows and movies like Outbreak and Virus and Zombie Virus.  All those things are very entertaining but people get pre-programmed by them to respond with fear to trigger words that later on are put into the news like this.  That's another one that they're propagandizing right now, RSV, which is a total scam but they are driving this fear through the internet and the news, saying everyone is dying from RSV now, go get vaccinated.

"Swell of RSV cases among kids has North Texas hospitals near capacity,"  
"RSV, and viruses making it hard to find a bed in children's hospitals," 

In every grocery store, they have the propaganda again.  I go to buy food, and their messaging is on the PA system the propaganda continues, "RSV, RSV!"  "Flu, flu, flu shots.  Get 10% discount on your groceries if you get 7 vaccines in the pharmacy here in the grocery store!"  

10:43. Now what happened with COVID, that was another scam pandemic.  It was not a pandemic it wasn't even an epidemic it was largely driven by what they may have distributed some poison agent, various theories might have been probably some sort of synthetic toxin that produces a reliable signal, or more or less reliable I, mean they still have to cycle PCR to about 40 Cycles but they could at least get some consistent signal somewhere to claim it was a virus but largely we know that this whole covid pandemic was driven by first of all several key locations, such as New York, New Jersey, Boston, and Belgium account for the majority of the global cases.  And then specific hospital murder protocols which are still being practiced by the way as of September of last year.  My relative in Upstate New York tried to kill her with this exact protocol, so I have first-hand experience with exactly what happens.  The elderly people who may have respiratory issues during winter get scared by the news, "Oh, and we have a novel virus circulating.  If you have fever, sneezes, and coughs, you have to run to the hospital.  And then in the hospital, they fake test you with the PCR test that's 97% false-positive at 40 cycles falsely . . . and we were told with my relative, "test repeatedly for COVID until you get positive." That was on the phone with the ER.  So they test repeatedly until you get a positive; then they assign you to this COVID ward where they isolate you, dehydrate you, and oftentimes remove food.  Early on they would remove everything--food, fluids, they would ventilate them because they would scare all the hospital staff that this person has a novel deadly virus you are all exposed.  Didn't give them protective equipment they said we had shortages.  So that the hospital staff is fearful and ventilates them just to keep them . . . not to be ordered not to interact with them too much. 

13:07. Then using Midazolam, using Remdezivir to fail kidneys, to fill them with fluid, and then call it pneumonia, call it COVID.  Huge fraud on death certificates as well, especially in Massachusetts.  My colleague, John Beaudoin, I don't know if you've invited him, but if you haven't you should.  He has this whole investigation; he has access to death certificates in Massachusetts and he can conclusively prove all of this was complete fraud.  And then they were financially incentivizing all the hospitals to call anything COVID thereby giving them 20% increase bonuses If they use Remdesivir. In California, one COVID case could have generated half a million dollars in billing to the hospital plus 20% bonus.  There are many cases now litigating this.  I don't know how they're progressing, but I am hopeful that this will be further uncovered by those legal cases.  I'm just describing how they faked the COVID-19 pandemic.

14:15. Now, many people are not aware that we're still living under the COVID-19 pandemic.  In the United States, the PREP Act declaration for COVID-19 was extended to the end of this year, December 31, 2024.  And they also extended Marburg and Ebola pandemic declarations and a few others so Marburg and Ebola specifically is now . . . we're under Marburg and Ebola pandemic globally.  Do you guys know about this?  Until December 2028.  I'll explain why the PREP Act is so important in the United States, but there are similar laws that are in play in Europe and other countries, like Canada, and Australia, New Zealand, and UK.

15:07.  So the legal structure.  Underpinning all these pandemics and scams and why they're announcing them continuously and why they're using this mechanism of countermeasures.  This is a very similar structure that's being used in Europe; there's a law about countermeasures there.  Just look for the keywords "Medical countermeasures" or "emergency use countermeasures," and you will find those similar legal structures.  In the US, the legal structure consists of numerous statutes but there are 3 key pillars that are being utilized here.  First one is Public Health Emergency Declaration, which is done by this PREP Act announcements.  These are the announcements that Health and Human Services Secretary, Xavier Becerra, declares in the first person because it's only his opinion that matters, "I determine that there is a pandemic and I am issuing this declaration."

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Idaho Rancher, Doug Cameron, was hospitalized for over 100 days, his medical bills are totaling $2M+, with direct out of pocket expenses of $170,000+ (!)

A short read from Sasha Latypova,  

However, I do want to share this segment, the testimony by an injured rancher, Doug Cameron of Idaho. Mr. Cameron was coerced by his employer (a large dairy that received incentives from the federal government, and was given vaccination targets). Doug was previously very healthy and working tough physical job required of a ranch manager. After 1 injection of Janssen he was hospitalized for over 100 days, his medical bills are totaling $2M+, with direct out of pocket expenses of $170,000+ (!)

He has been fired from his job. The doctors admit it is vaccine injury but will not document it for fear of losing their license. The evil of this is hard to comprehend, even for me - and I am very familiar with numerous stories like this.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

the number that they are concerned about is life expectancy. And it happens to be highly affected not by the average lifespan necessarily but by childhood mortality, That's why they're so after pregnant women and children and babies

If you don't have an X account, then use this link.  This is a montage of different interviews that reference the reduction in life expectancy as a way to hide the kill or culling of the population.  They can't drop a nuclear bomb; too visible, too obvious.  So the shots that make sick and reduce their life expectancy is a more subtle way to achieve the same results.  Now, there is a financial angle to this.  

11:55  The same guys who are missing $20 trillion from their financial statements over the last 20 years just happened to be the guys who are depopulating the country.  That is not a coincidence, right?

12:11. The life of expectancy that's a very interesting number . . . for them it's all a numbers game.  [She's thinking of the Nazi doctor, Dr. Mengele.]  Hitler's Fauci.  He was in public health and by public health they meant death camps and he was in hiding for a number of years after the war and finally when he was caught, he was like "I was just doing my job."  It was a numbers job.  It was just statistics and Public Health numbers that he was doing.  And that's the number that they are concerned about,  life expectancy.  And it happens to be highly affected not by the average lifespan necessarily but by childhood mortality, number one.  Number one:  childhood mortality.  That's why they're so after pregnant women and children and babies and catching them right in the hospital right away and giving them all kinds of poisonous injections right away including now approved monoclonal antibodies.  

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

LATYPOVA: ‘We can now have a non-investigational substance and use it in [a] non-medical and non-investigational way… That makes it [an] illicit drug.”

“[W]hen you switch the status [of a regulatory pathway for a drug with the FDA]… to the non-investigational one [the EUA countermeasure pathway], the clinical trial becomes not a clinical trial—it’s just a collection of people trying drugs. Just like a recreational party…”

The “first time the emergency use authorized thing came in was November 2003 through the National Defense Authorization Act, not through a bill that had to do with the FDA, or NIH, or public health, or anything like that.”

The FDA lawyers said, in effect, “We want to violate the law, and we can’t, unless we design this new, extrajudicial pathway for ourselves.”

Thursday, November 30, 2023

“[W]hen all these influencers on... [the] health freedom side... say, ‘Oh, we found contaminants, the DNA plasmids, [etc.]… well, in the US law its clearly spelled out that this EUA countermeasure shall not be deemed an adulterated or misbranded product no matter what.”

Here is the law to which Latypova refers.  

“A lot of cases were filed litigating and complaining about things like, ‘Oh, we were forced to take experimental products… and then they get thrown out and the judge writes, ‘These are not experimental products.’ Well, guess what? The judge is correct,” Latypova says. “And that’s how they do it. They create this pseudo-legal structure so you don’t have to bribe the judge.”

The retired pharma executive adds, “So when people are saying, well judges are… bought by pharma, or politicians are bought by pharma, [that’s wrong]. They make the structure such that you don’t have to bribe the judge for them to issue this decision that is actually solidifying the whole structure and making the case law that [the C19 injections] are not experimental, you shouldn’t complain, everything is fine.”

Friday, November 17, 2023

DR. MERYL NASS: "In 2013 and 2014, there were calls by many scientists because of the work of Kawaoka and Fouchier to stop it."

In World War I, there was a lot of gas used, so, chlorine, phosgene, and other gases were used, and everybody felt that these were worse than bullets.  Now, I don't know why they thought that but they did.  There were also biological weapons used.  There were biological agents, for example, used to kill horses because horses are used in war.  In 1925, the Geneva Protocol came into force, where the nations that were involved in World War I, said, we don't want to use biological or chemical weapons anymore, and we're going to make this treaty.  So they did, but not everyone ratified the treaty.  The United States signed it, but we never ratified it.  It took us 50theFaars to ratify it; we didn't ratify it until 1975.  To this day, I don't know what we did between 1925 and 1942.  But by the time World War II came along, we were making chemical and biological weapons and stockpiling them in great numbers.  Everyone knows about Fort Deitrick Lab which is where the research [bioweapons] is done, but there were large places for storage underground in Alabama and in Arkansas.  When the United States tried to get rid of some of its chemical weapons by pouring them down holes in the ground, into caverns and things, actual earthquakes occurred.  And so in some places, we had to pump them out, and then a lot of our chemical weapons were actually dumped in leaking canisters into the Atlantic Ocean off a little Naval Base in New Jersey near Sandy Hook they were just scuttled from there.

2:00.  In any event, we continue to develop all sorts of weapons--electromagnetic, radiologic, chemical, nuclear, conventional, and in 1969, after a lot of complaints about what was going on in the Vietnam War, President Nixon said we would stop the biological weapons, we would no longer research them, make them, keep them, and we would encourage every other nation to do the same thing.  About four months later, he added toxins to that list, because we had quite a storage of toxins, which were primarily used for assassinations but could be used for other purposes; for instance, we had toxins that could give you diarrhea.  So if you had a small group of soldiers and you just wanted to incapacitate them for a few days, you could do it with those sorts of toxins, including cholera toxin. So the Biological Weapons Convention was written up in 1972 and came into force in 1975 and almost all the countries signed it.  But there was no enforcement mechanism in it; that was supposed to be put in later.  And there were review conferences set up every 5 years to develop a protocol for how to do inspections, you know, how could one country call for inspections of another country? What would it take? How would we do it?  What are the parameters?  And then, if we found they were cheating and actually were working on biological weapons, how would we punish them? And how would we maintain the validity of the treaty?  Those things did not get established over the first 15 years, after that the United States really got in the way.  Now, Russia and other countries may not have wanted inspections added, but it was generally the United States that was pulling the plug.  Particularly in 2001, the countries had all negotiated together and thought they had a done deal, and at the very last minute, the US pulled out.  So we had an unworkable biological weapons convention.  Now, in the 80s and '90s, we did sign a convention to ban chemical weapons, but the United States said it was going to take some enormous amount of time, like 20 years or more to get rid of all their chemical weapons . . . which, by the way, I thought was always funny because when we decided that Syria needed to get rid of their chemical weapons, it only took a few months; of course, for the US, it was going to take 20 years.  Eventually, it was only last year that the United States destroyed the last of the chemical weapons it had declared.  The Russians also got rid of the last of their chemical weapons, and Syria long ago, and other countries.  So, supposedly the chemical weapons are gone.  The biologicals, however, we don't know.  So, the Russians had a leak from an Anthrax factory in 1979, so everybody knew they were cheating.  In the book, Germs by Judith Miller, 2002, of the New York Times and two of her colleagues at the time, it was revealed that the United States had these three programs to develop Anthrax weapons in different ways and that they were also considered by most people who knew about these treaties to be transgressing, to be going against the treaty provisions.  So there we were.  There were some sort of standards that scientists were going by.  Scientists were not asking the federal government or funders to pay for biological warfare research; in general, it was considered a no-no.  But then there were experiments on avian flu, on smallpox, and the 1918-1919 Spanish flu that most scientists thought were very dangerous and were going against the biological weapons convention.  But they were basically allowed to proceed with a bit of a pause to discuss them but then they continued. 

6:30  There was a researcher Kawaoka, Yoshihiro Kawaoka . . . From Japan who works at the University of Wisconsin who is doing this work and Ron Fouchier at Erasmus University in Holland, doing this work.  So they changed the name.  If you want to let it continue or start again, you need a new name.  You need a benign name, so they called it Gain-a-Function, and that way nobody knew what the hell it was.  Now it's Gain-of-Function.  In 2013 and 2014, there were calls by many scientists because of the work of Kawaoka and Fouchier to stop it. "This is too dangerous.  We can have a pandemic and kill hundreds of m millions of people on this planet.  Why are we doing this after hundreds of scientists signed petitions?" 

The Obama Administration said, okay we're going to have a moratorium on this gain of function work.  And people like me thought "Oh, good, we're going to have a moratorium we're going to figure out how to regulate it and everything's going to get better," but, in fact, the only moratorium was on SARS Coronavirus and the Avian flu viruses.  So if you're doing gain a function on any other organism, you could continue.  No problem. The NIH was supposed to come up, particularly Fauci's group was supposed to come up with a way to vet these experiments.  So somebody applied to the NIH for grants for Gain-of-Function, Fauci's people were going to look at it and see if it was dangerous or not.  That never really got put into place.

8:10. A committee was established but it never looked at more than 6 experiments over the six years or so that it was in existence. Ralph Baric's experiments on the SARS Coronavirus never went through that group.  So illegally they were allowed to continue.  Baric thought that he had been given a waiver because he actually published in one of his papers that he had been doing Gain-of-Function research, and the moratorium came in, and he was given a waiver, so he was able to continue.  But the Fauci emails showed that there was no waiver, that his experiments had never been looked at.  In 2017, the moratorium was lifted, and Fauci and Francis Collins wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post, saying "This gain-of-function research is so important that it's worth the risk."  That it's worth the risk!  Can you imagine the temerity of them?  

Wikipedia explains that, 

On 19 December 2017, the NIH lifted the moratorium because gain-of-function research was deemed "important in helping us identify, understand, and develop strategies and effective countermeasures against rapidly evolving pathogens that pose a threat to public health."

So it's continued, and they've continued to fund it.  Now somewhere in the 2000s, the Department of Defense got the idea that it would be better to have some of their weapons, we assume it was the Defense Department, they're doing weapons research, be handled by Fauci at the NIH rather than being done by them.  And Fauci started farming it out, and that's how some of it wound up at Wuhan, we believe.  So the DoD added to Fauci's salary, which is how he became the highest-paid employee of the US government.  A large part of his remit was to make decisions on Gain-of-Function research that would be funded at the NIAID.