Tuesday, February 13, 2024

LUONGO: No, they don't have unlimited amounts of money. That's why Powell is at 5.5%. He's breaking the cycle of unlimited amount of money.

FERRIS  The government doesn't need to have a civil war with bullets flying because they have control of the technology.  They can literally shut off our bank accounts.  The Italian mafia was stopped by the government in the 70s and 80s.  They've got the technology.  They have unlimited amounts of cash, of money to come after you . . . 

LUONGO  No, they don't.  No, they don't have unlimited amounts of money.  That's why Powell is at 5.5%.  That's what I've been banging my shoe on the table like Krushev about for 2 years.  He's breaking the cycle of unlimited amount of money.  They are desperately trying to break the United States to [regain] control over unlimited amounts of money.  They're not going to get their CBDCs money.  They've already been tried.  They don't work.  People don't want them.  They're not going to get this stuff through.  They've already failed.  What they think now is take us to war . . . to invalidate the concepts that the old systems were built on . . .  

Haven't seen really good football for over 20 years.  

Tom references the movie, BASEbaketball, a 1998 movie that I've never seen.  

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