Saturday, February 17, 2024

PUTIN: it's time to take responsibility FROM the Germans [the German people] for their "historical guilt". Ask yourself, who forced this unwarranted guilt on the Germans for the last 70 years

It is utterly ridiculous and profoundly,  counterproductive to be blaming one group a generation or two post-event for the crimes of people two generations in arrears.  But the Jacobites persist in telling us that Germans must acknowledge their responsibility for the crimes of the Holocaust and WWII, even if the Germans born post-WWII had nothing to do with them.  It's the same with white Southerners today who are called to acknowledge responsibility for the crime of slavery and, after the end of legal slavery, the continuing oppression of blacks.  

Putin says

it's time to take responsibility from the Germans for their "historical guilt": I do not believe that today's generations of Germans should bear full political responsibility for everything that Nazi Germany did. It is impossible to shift responsibility onto people of today's generation for what Hitler and his henchmen did, not only in Germany but also in other parts of the world, Europe, and so on. I think that would be unfair. And in general, to mold this label on the entire German people is an unfair position, it is an abuse of what the people experienced, the peoples of the Soviet Union experienced. It seems to me that this is not fair, and there is no need. It is necessary to proceed from the realities of today, to look at who actually does what and what kind of policy they pursue.

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