Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Why do coffee enemas?

they always tell you it's a gallbladder that has gallstones, but really all of your gallstones come from the liver.  So if they take out your gallbladder, that in my opinion is the biggest sin of all because the gallbladder didn't do a thing.  All the gallbladder is doing is collecting the stones that came down from the liver . . . But [the liver] is producing the most stones . . . it produces [them] not from meat [but] from seed oils, like corn oil, Canola oil, soybean oil, indigestible fats.  --Wejolyn

9:25  Why a coffee enema?  It helps to detoxify your liver.

11:00  WWI or WWII, they discovered . . . they had run out of morphine, run out of the ability to get painkillers to the people who were suffering, and they had to take off their limbs, and they had injuries, and they discovered that coffee taken rectally was a painkiller.  It helped people to feel better, but they didn't know why.  I think it was Max Gerson one of the first to really look into it and discover what it was and the why?  People like to look at you and say, "Oh, you like to take coffee up your butt because you like the caffeine?"  

11:43  Well, is it only caffeine?  For me, I had fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, lupus, MS, and breast cancer.  And one of the things that can happen to us, and I've talked to a lot of people who've been diagnosed with Lyme Disease, the problem that happens is that everything becomes complicated because your systems (plural) that should be detoxifying you are not.  When I had fibromyalgia really bad all of my toxins just recirculated inside me.  I didn't poop often.  My lymphs were blocked.   And if I tried to work out or sweat a lot to open up my lymphs because of fibromyalgia you would work out and by the next day your flat in bed for 3 days because you tried to do something here in this constant thing right so animals are a huge blessing through this initial time again you're not doing this for your whole life this is a helpful adjunctive therapy to help your body to do what your body needs to do it's not and it's not doing.  Why might your body not be doing it?  Could be years and years of congestion, the wrong foods, wrong diet, lots of grains, lots of seed oils, like Canola oil, Crisco, and all the crap we've been given.  There's a lot of reasons why our colons don't work, right?  But you might say to me, "You know, I'm eating great now. I'm doing low carb.  I'm doing carnivore.  I'm not doing any junk food, I'm doing really good.  Why can't I go?  Because now you have congestion.  

And I point out to you guys . . . if you look at my finger here, this is the liver back there.  Now the liver will produce well they always tell you it's a gallbladder that has gallstones, but really all of your gallstones come from the liver.  So if they take out your gallbladder, that in my opinion is the biggest sin of all because the gallbladder didn't do a thing.  All the gallbladder is doing is collecting the stones that came down from the liver.  So, now they've taken out your helper and now you have no gallbladder.  But guess what?  Your original problem where those stones are are still there up here in the liver.  What is the number one diet that makes the most cholesterol . . . the stones are cholesterol by the way.  You can do a lab to find out that these stones there are cholesterol.  Dr. Hilda Clark used to believe that inside every single Stone in the base in the middle of it was a parasite I don't know that that's ever been technically proven from a lab, but, you know, things happen.  But that liver here is producing the most stones . . . it produces is not from meat: it's from seed oils.  What are they?  Corn oil, Canola oil, soybean oil, indigestible fats.  Oh really we're all worried about cholesterol and we're not going to eat lard and we're not going to eat butter, and all these good things that would go right through perfectly, but we take these oils that are made in factories through many, many, many processes and finally deodorized so we can't smell the rancidity of them, and we're all eating them.  They're in every processed food.  They're in every organic box of food that you buy, most of them have these bad fats.  So that's one of the reasons why you get all these Stones up here what's another reason bad oils the seed oils sugar and lots of eating grains do you all realize that gluten only which is the wheat berry that every single other kind of grain that you consider gluten-free they all have their own form of gluten just a different name oats has sign corn has sign oatmeal has evidence these are all forms of anti-nutrients they're in all grains and seeds seeds grasses seeds of grasses why really very simple but it's hard to believe what if all these grasses and Grains we're only meant to go to ruminant animals like cows and sheep and goats because they have three and four stomachs and they can break them down humans we have one stomach we cannot break all that down but lots of us are eating it another reason why we get lots of stones up here The Bad Seed oils the grains.

15:50. I'm going to talk to you right now about coffee enemas. And why they're so valuable.  I just showed you how to do a water enema.  Now I will say before you do a coffee enema, you really want to make sure you don't have a bowel movement sitting in there because coffee enemas we want to hold for 12 to 15 minutes.  Why?  Because I told you about a vein that's attached to the sigmoid back here: that's a portal vein, the hepatic vein.  It goes from there to the liver 

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