Monday, February 19, 2024


High-end data centers, $2.5 billion each.  Most institutions need more data centers.  You need power.  NY has Niagra Falls.  I can't go to New York, so I'm going to Oklahoma, North Dakota, and West Virginia.  Those are winner states.  I don't have to do stuff like this.  I have to syndicate all that debt and equity.  We're talking billions of dollars

Look at Tennessee right now.  The fastest-growing city in the United States is Nashville.  Winner state, good policy, competitive taxes.  You've got to start thinking about this in terms of winners and losers.  New York: Megaloser state.

What did you think of Governor Hochul saying, "This is like a unique one and done, because Donald Trump went too far, so nefarious?  You guys if you're doing what you should be doing, you have nothing to worry about. 

Every investor is worried because where is the victim?  Who lost money?  This is some arbitrary decision the judge made.  This policy . . . what does this say about the legal bar in New York?  Aren't they going to question this judge?  $355 million as a penalty plus interest at 9% and there's no victim!!!  Her words fall on deaf ears to everybody.  There's nothing that she can say that justifies this decision.  And this has nothing to do with Trump.  Forget about Trump.  This is not a Trump situation.  This is a New York problem now.  The whole world is looking at this saying, "What are you doing to yourselves!"

Will never forget Neil Cavuto on COVID, the lockdown, and especially murderous with the vaccine mandates.

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