Monday, February 19, 2024

World Trade Towers, 1973-2001, buildings underwent extensive elevator renovation in the 2 or 3 years prior to 9/11

Reports of the [World Trade Tower, 1973-2001] buildings undergoing an extensive elevator renovation in the 2 or 3 years prior to 9/11.  All kinds of workers had access to the cores of the building.  And on the day of the attack the elevator company [ACE Elevator?] would not assist in the operation of the elevators.  And the elevator company subsequently went out of business in a couple of years after that.  The information is out there.

Despite it being one of the largest most extensive renovation projects on the World Trade Center records for the retrofitting and rebuilding the elevators are missing.


The largest elevator modernization project in history is mentioned at the 11-minute mark.  

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