Saturday, February 17, 2024

HOLY DISENFRANCHISEMENT, BATMAN: NEW: San Francisco Appoints First Noncitizen to Serve on Elections Commission. Kelly Wong who came to the U.S. in 2019 from China and isn’t legally allowed to vote

Ah, but who can forget the lovable, bumbling, racist, American-hating, Democrat, John Conyers, 1929-2019, who begged us not to call law-breakers illegal during his 2013 aneurysmatic appeal to Americans to not call "our citizens" [what, members of the Bolshevik cult?] illegals?  Back in the oughts, every inner-city school had posters pinned to their walls that read, "Nobody is Illegal" and "Immigration Is Not a Crime."  It is if you do it illegally, mija.  Some even had full-sized posters of their beloved, Che Guevara, you know, that fellow entrepreneur who killed Catholics by the scores while their children watched the executions on television.  

NEW: San Francisco Appoints First Noncitizen to Serve on Elections Commission. Kelly Wong who came to the U.S. in 2019 from China and isn’t legally allowed to vote will be overseeing and creating policy for the San Francisco Department of Elections. Wong is an immigrant rights advocate who wants to educate other immigrants who don’t speak English about the voting process. Imagine that people who don’t want to integrate by doing the least and learning the national language will be deciding on the future of an American city.


Yahoo News captures it quite well.  

Today's big immigration hearing at the House Judiciary Committee got off to a rocky start this morning, when Rep. John Conyers opened the proceedings by asking everyone to please stop saying the words "illegal immigrants." Conyers is the Ranking Democrat on the committee, and he may have tipped his hand on which side of the debate he's going to come down on:

“I hope no one uses the term ‘illegal immigrants’ here today. Our citizens are... the people in this country are not illegal, they are out of status, they are new Americans that are immigrants, and I think that we can forge a path to citizenship that will be able to pass muster.” 

In other words, an immigrant is just a citizen you haven't met yet. 

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