Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The state has always been coming for your kids

The state has always been coming for your kids, first, through different curricula, like the New Math of the 1960s to changing subject title of History to Social Studies to the more recent Common Core, designed to separate kids from their parents.  Parents were shocked by Common Core math which separate kids from parental authority.  Parents can't figure out why they're doing calculations this way.  Also, states, their unions, and school districts feel that your children belong to them because the state provided educational services and social programs for your kids.  Therefore, they presume that your kids really belong to them, to the state, and the state's righteous designs on them.  As to your tax dollars, one, the state considers it your duty to pay taxes for social programs; and two, well, the state feels it knows how to spend your earnings more efficiently than you do yourself.  Though it seems new, the state has always been coming for your child's identity, body, and mind.  It's just now that the state has billion-dollar backers who want to own your child. 

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