Wednesday, February 14, 2024

20,000 people die of cancer every day this translates to 8 million people a year, half a million of which are Americans. 

At the beginning of last century, 1900, 1/20 person would get cancer; in the 1940s, it was one out of every 16 people; in the 1970s, it was one out of 10. Today, one person out of three gets cancer in the course of their lifetime.  

I liked this video when I first saw it, but reviewing it here this morning the fear-mongering is absolutely atrocious.  I like to tell people to pause, to stop and think, as does Chris Beat Cancer's, Chris Wark.  No wonder patients freak out and are shocked into an anxious state for which the doctor provides the only solution: chemotherapy. 

Over 1 million Americans are diagnosed with a new cancer every year.  All these people suddenly plunge into a dark tunnel that will radically change their life in the years to come.  

"They find themselves at the complete mercy of the disease," which is a trillion dollar industry.

While in that tunnel, each patient feeds an immense medical apparatus that employees hundreds of thousands of people and generates millions and millions of dollars for the medical and pharmaceutical industry from research laboratories to medical school prevention clinics to worldwide drug sales.  sales.  Today, the cancer medical apparatus is so large and expensive that it needs its patients in order to survive just as much as the patience need the apparatus to survive.  

01:48. Peter Barry Chowka,

The typical cancer patient spends $50,000 to treat his disease with 1 million new American cancer patients every year.  That translates to 50 billion dollars annually spent on cancer treatments in the United States . . . 

But you've got to love this gem of a follow-up comment,

but to modern oncology, cancer still remains a mystery.  

03:09. The official Theory maintains the cancer originates in the cell.  


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