Saturday, February 24, 2024

TENNESSEE: Lettuce and Tomatoes Are Pharmaceuticals Now

"Republican Suggests Vaccines May Be Getting Injected into Lettuce," Nick Mordowanec, Newsweek, Friday, February 23, 2024.

Rep. Scott Cepicky is introducing a bill, HB1894, to require labeling on produce with vaccines so that they know what's in the food.

Can you give me an example of a food that's a vaccine?

CEPICKY, 00:06.  University of California, Riverside has already perfected the ability to put human vaccines into our lettuce right now.  Tomatoes, it can do that also.  For UC Berkeley, Big Tobacco, RJ Reynolds, and stuff have perfected the ability to put a vaccine in tobacco products.  

CHAIRMAN JOHN RAY CLEMMONS, 00:26 Is that even legal to do in the state of Tennessee to sell those with a vaccine in them?

00:35. I'm not arguing that point what I'm saying is there is no law deeming that when you go into a grocery store you should know it's a consumer that this had a lettuce is a head of lettuce and the head of lettuce right next to it could contain a vaccine in it all we're saying is that if it does have a vaccine in it make sure it's listed as a pharmaceutical so people can get the proper dose.

CLEMMONS, 00:56. My question is right now can you walk into a grocery store and there be a head of lettuce for sale that has a vaccine in it.  I don't think it's allowed under state law presently, and if it is and you had to list it as a pharmaceutical, are we going to then have Walgreens' pharmacies with a refrigerated section?  I mean how is this going to play out?  

01:27. This is more of a consumer protection bill right here to make sure that when you go in to buy tomatoes and there's a polio vaccine in there that you are aware of what you're buying as a polio vaccine. The problem you have is if it's not treated as a pharmaceutical, being the size and difference between you and me, how many tomatoes do I have to eat to get the proper dosage versus how many tomatoes do you have to eat; and if you eat too many, do you get an overdose; if you eat too few like we had in the cattle industry with aureomycin, we weren't dosing our cattle properly and the horn flies were developing immunity to it if you don't have the proper dosage of a vaccine it could lead to the efficacy of that drug not work anymore.

CEPICKY, 02:08.  Talk to me about the lettuce bill for a second it came from a constituent who moved from California who is tied to UC Berkeley out there . . . "University of California Riverside has already perfected the ability to put human vaccines into our lettuce right now."  He brought this to my attention, and at first, it sounded absolutely incredible right, but then he produced all the documentation.  

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