Monday, February 5, 2024

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Vaccine Freedom Movement!!! --Sage Hana

One guy [Steve Kirsch] is a big tech One ID surveillance helpful inventor who came up the ranks with DARPA as a kid and went on to become a quarter billionaire in Democratic party Mega donor.

When COVID "emerged," he was involved with a Rockefeller philanthropy-administered fund that studied Remdesivir.

He is concerned about overpopulation.


The other guy [Dr. Robert Malone] is a lifetime biowarfare Industries medical countermeasures scientist.  When COVID hit, he was involved with a defense threat reduction agency project that was designed to identify medical countermeasures for a novel entity, say a novel coronavirus.  Well, that project came up with Remdesivir.  

He is also concerned with overpopulation.  


These two guys found themselves on a podcast about "How to save the world" from the coronavirus pandemic with another guy [Bret Weinstein] whose brother [Eric Weinstein] was a consigliere for another billionaire.  That other billionaire runs a CIA data mining site.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Vaccine Freedom Movement!!!  --Sage Hana 


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