Showing posts with label Immigration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Immigration. Show all posts

Saturday, February 24, 2024

VIDEO: Poverty and Migration Explained for Visual Learners

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

"The uninvited caravan doesn't have a right to come to the United States. No one asked them to come up here. This is not their country. . . . They have no claim to come here" --Dave Smith

If they move to a place where there is so-called public infrastructure, without an invitation, they are squatting.  --Michael Rechtenwald, Libertarian Candidate for President in the 2024 Election.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023


So the cartels are not responsible for this?  This is Biden's policy.

Though I agree with what Mike Benz pointed out last week, I don't really know the details of it.  Sounds like the Latin American countries are becoming narco-states from which people are migrating, but I can't imagine that all of the migrants we see and hear about crossing the border illegally are Honduran.  Honduras is just north of Nicaragua in Central, or Latin, America.

What is going on in Mexico, Venezuela, Ecuador, and other South and Latin American countries that makes it so necessary for us to crowd out our children and real estate and American culture?  Have we gone fully Mexican?  And if so, why didn't the federal or state governments check in with citizens to ask him what percentage of immigration do you think is fair?  

Saturday, September 23, 2023

The US and Mexican governments collaborated on Operation Wetback in June 1954.

from Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.

Illegal aliens are pouring into America from the southern and northern borders. Cities have been destroyed, public places overrun, and local governments are wiping out their budgets to support these intruders. US citizens are beginning to clash with refugees, as was witnessed in Staten Island, NY, when people tried to prevent migrants from exiting a bus. The NYPD was there in full force but was nowhere to be seen when Black Lives Matter was burning down neighborhoods. The migrants are here because the Biden Administration allowed them in. If elected, Donald Trump promises to kick them out.

“One of the most important issues in this campaign is ending the nation-wrecking catastrophe on our southern border,” Trump stated. He says that the invasion has created such a crisis that he would work to secure the borders on day one. “A vote for President Trump means Joe Biden’s horror show at the southern border ends at high noon on Inauguration Day, 2025,” he stated. Trump said he would end every open border policy and follow the Eisenhower Model.

Here is Trump in 2015.

I love the spin by the CNN reporter, "Trump's claim is true but misleading."  If it's true, doesn't that make the claim a fact, taking it out of the realm of an unproven claim or conjecture?

President Dwight Eisenhower implemented Operation Wetback in 1954 to deport Mexican citizens. The term “wetback” has been considered derogatory ever since, but both the Mexican and US government participated. America needed cheap labor during World War II and introduced the Bracero program from 1942 to 1964. Mexicans could work in the US temporarily on short-term contracts. Mexico agreed as they wanted their citizens to return with USD to boost the economy. The US government was unable to handle the influx and this led to the El Paso incident where Border Patrol simply opened the borders with Texas. Two million Mexicans applied for the Bracero program but 70% were denied.  

Mexico was facing a time of political instability and extreme poverty. No one wanted to return to Mexico with their dollars, angering the Mexican government, and a portion were there illegally without a contract. The US and Mexican governments collaborated on Operation Wetback in June 1954. The goal was to deport as many people as possible with little to no processing time. Numerous planes, buses, and boats descended on the US and brought everyone they could find back to the Mexican border. The Mexican government then moved these people to a portion of the country in need of labor, primarily agricultural. Over 1,074,277 people were deported back to Mexico.

Human rights groups back then shrieked at the inhumane handling of migrants. In today’s world, the Social Justice Warriors would use their own children to barricade the border to prevent this from taking place. But there is no alternative. South Korea recently implemented a less extreme mass deportation strategy that was successful. There are estimates that over 3 million illegals have entered the nation under Biden, and they’re not here to work in the fields. Trump has long touted the importance of securing the border and perhaps now others will listen.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

I was a person who ridiculed Trump's wall. And now I've been now there, and I've talked to everybody down there . . . . The Mexican drug cartels are literally running U.S. immigration policy, not the President of the United States. --Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

This is a heartbreaking humanitarian crisis...I was a person who ridiculed Trump's wall. And now I've been now there, and I've talked to everybody down there, and I have have a different position...We cannot survive with what's happening there now...The Mexican drug cartels are literally running U.S. immigration policy, not the President of the United States. --Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

U.S. IMMIGRATION POLICY: Whatever city you want and you don't have the money, the Department of Homeland Security will pay for your plane ticket

Please tell us how the people from Nepal are getting here to the United States and who is enticing them to come.

It took me 3 days down there to really understand what's happening at the border I didn't really understand the full impact of how crazy it is many of them have been terribly abused there's a tree called the rape tree where the cartels extract the final payment from women before they come across and what happens to children when they come across and the disappearances the people are are extorted they're exploited they're robbed they are beating their raped so that's part of the issue the other part is that they come across and they're not released on their own recognizance they are brought through the border patrol and the border patrol processes them they fingerprint them so if they have a criminal record they're diverted to a holding facility if you don't have a criminal record you are asked what city do you want to go to? And many of them don't have any money.  Whatever city you want and you don't have the money, the Department of Homeland Security will pay for your plane ticket.  Read that again.  The Department of Homeland Security is paying for illegal immigrants to stay at any city of their choosing paid for by U.S. taxpayer.  You're brought to the airport on buses and you board the plane to whatever destination you want in the country they're Landing in New York and Minneapolis creating big burdens on the social services systems in those cities.  The way it's happening and there's the worst part of the border patrol is utterly tomorrow lives then you know they

Wow!  "We're not defending the border anymore.  We're just processing people coming in."  9 of them have committed suicide in the last couple of years because they're utterly demoralized.  The cartels are now running everything at the border, so the cartels have tick tots that you can look up and YouTube videos to show what you need to do to get into the United States to the cartels you fly from countries all over the world of all the families that we saw coming across about 300 only two were from Latin America.  I thought all these people were going to be from El Salvador, Nicaragua, or Panama, or Costa Rica and Mexico, but no.  They're all from countries countries like Azerbaijan Kazakhstan Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan . . . a lot of them from China, Nepal, and Tibet, and then every country in West Africa.  The reason is that cartels are advertising across the globe.  You get on an airplane to Mexico City, and you get your visa in Mexico City.  And the cartel will help you do it, so a domestic Visa in Mexico.  And then you fly to Mexicali.  They have a parking lot that's filled with these big white buses.  Each bus carries 55 people and