Showing posts with label Martin Armstrong. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Martin Armstrong. Show all posts

Thursday, May 30, 2024

ARMSTRONG: you need not prove that there was even a crime committed. Just that the intended conspiracy is just an agreement.

Former President Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records, as a jury of 12 unanimously returned their verdict on May 30 after two days of deliberation. With this result, President Trump becomes the first ever American president to be convicted of a crime. Of course, he will appeal a conviction expeditiously.

This District Attorney will earn his fame in the history books about the decline and fall of the United States. This has crossed the line and now it will be open season against politicians and anyone who dares to run for office. The allegation was over a $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels as if that entire issue made him president. That story was in the press prior to the election. Bragg claimed:
The defendant DONALD J. TRUMP repeatedly and fraudulently falsified New York business records to conceal criminal conduct that hid damaging information from the voting public during the 2016 presidential election.
When Manhattan District Attorney, Bragg, indicted Trump on 34 counts last April for allegedly falsifying business documents in connection to $130,000 paid to keep porn star Stormy Daniels quiet about her claims of an affair, he elevated what is typically a misdemeanor charge to a felony by arguing it was done to conceal another crime, which they failed to specify.

Bragg had to clarify in court the unstated crime they allege former President Donald Trump intended to conceal, which was not clearly specified in the indictment, according to multiple reports. That was to hide the info from the election.

While I am in Europe right now, this trial has lowered the image of the United States and appears to be fulfilling the model’s forecast that we are staring into the eyes of a collapse in confidence in government. It is spreading as a contagion on a global basis and this insane trial is what 2032 is all about. Government should NEVER be allowed to instigate prosecutions for they will always abuse that power for political purposes.

I suggest reading John Stuart Mill’s classic book – ON LIBERTY. No matter what century, the rule of law crumbles to dust whenever the government has the power to prosecute rather than private individuals. This results in the first injury civilization suffers that begins the fall and decline.

The Roman Emperor Maximinus I used Conspiracy, a crime still used by the United States yet abandoned in Europe, Russia, and China. Conspiracy is the law of tyrants, for it allows the conviction of someone for a crime they did not commit, nor even attempted to commit but you claim they “intended” purely as a mental state to commit in the future. Maximinus I engaged in legal persecution.

Using conspiracy, the law of tyrants, Maximinus I effectively tore the Roman economy apart at its seams. He charged a noted Senator by the name of Magnus, with conspiracy against the emperor, found him guilty, executed him, and then arrested 4,000 others claiming they conspired with him to intend to depose him. He then used criminal law to claim they had committed a conspiracy, and that, of course, justified confiscating all their property as well.

On the January 6th trial in Washington, The Biden Administration indicted Former President Donald Trump that he conspired to defraud the country he used to lead and attempted to prevent the peaceful transfer of presidential power to Joe Biden. This is the same theory all tyrants have used throughout history for you need not prove that there was even a crime committed. Just that the intended conspiracy is just an agreement.

Friday, May 3, 2024

The UK Will Deport Migrants to Rwanda

The European Union is making it extremely difficult for the UK to free itself of taxpayer-subsidized residents. Migrants in the UK are now fleeing to neighboring Ireland, where they are under the control of the EU courts and cannot forcibly remove migrants.  --Martin Armstrong

Thank you to Jerri Lynn Ward.  And to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak finally has the power to bypass the European Union courts and tackle the UK’s migrant crisis.  About 1,843 illegal immigrants crossed into the UK in 2019, but that number quickly multiplied to 28,526 in 2021. It is believed that the UK was forced to admit an astounding 60,000 undocumented illegal immigrants in 2022. These numbers are completely unsustainable economically. Sunak has finally passed a bill to deport a fragment of these illegal residents to Rwanda.

Now Rwanda is receiving 370 million pounds over the next five years for permitting a fraction of the UK’s refugees to relocate there. At the moment, the UK is only expected to deport 5,700 illegal migrants to Rwanda – which may sound like a grand number but is insignificant compared to how many have found their way onshore. Home Office Health Secretary
Victoria Atkins admitted that many of the cohorts have stopped reporting and will need to be tracked down. The government would like the first wave of flights to begin in as little as 10 weeks.

The European Union is making it extremely difficult for the UK to free itself of taxpayer-subsidized residents. Migrants in the UK are now fleeing to neighboring Ireland, where they are under the control of the EU courts and cannot forcibly remove migrants. 

Here is your looming civil war. 

Micheal Martin, the Irish deputy prime minister, has blamed the Rwanda policy for a recent uptick in unwanted residents. How bad is the issue? Nearly 80% of recent migrants to Dublin have crossed over from the UK. Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris is asking the European Union for permission to deport them back to the UK.

“We’re not, I’m not interested in [returned migrants]. We’re not going to accept returns from the EU via Ireland when the EU doesn’t accept returns back to France where illegal migrants are coming from,” Sunak stated, later adding, “I’m focused squarely on getting our Rwanda scheme up and running. I want the deterrent which will say that if you come to our country illegally, you will not be able to stay and you will be removed either to your own country if it’s safe or Rwanda.”

Chris Heaton-Harris, the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, correctly explained that in order for Ireland to conduct a massive deportation operation, the EU courts would be required to allow ALL EU nations to deport illegal migrants. “If this legislation is, as I believe it is and I’ve been assured it is, just setting us back in time to where we were and what we were dealing with, then I’m comfortable with that,” Heaton-Harris said. “But we are fully behind implementing our Rwanda scheme.”

Why should the UK be forced to negotiate with the unelected officials in Brussels regarding domestic matters? Ireland should place blame on Brussels for permitting open border policies that have threatened the entire bloc’s national security. Brexit has been This is yet another reason why the creation of the European Union has been an utter failure. Independent nations are no longer independent. They cannot base their policies on their own nation’s best interests and instead are forced to bend to the wills of Brussels.

Friday, April 19, 2024

HOMELESSNESS: [California was] provided this money [from the Feds] with no strings attached and were not required to prove that their agencies were working. As Argentina’s Javier Milei said, “The origins of our evils is the cancer called the public sector.”

Check out this $242,000/year public administrator who oversees homeless programs for a very large non-profit in the city of Los Angeles.  And she's not even the highest paid bureaucrat in the homeless industry.

If these agencies actually combatted homelessness, they’d be out of work.  --Martin Armstrong

Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.

California’s programs to combat homelessness have been utterly ineffective. 

California’s homeless crisis proves the public sector is a welfare program and political tool. The California State Auditor released a report this month that reveals California’s programs to combat homelessness have been utterly ineffective.  Nine agencies funded by the state have received billions from 2018 to 2023, but homelessness is rapidly rising and California hosts the largest homeless population in the nation. What have these public agencies done with the $24 BILLION they were awarded to combat homelessness?

Homelessness has risen by 56.7% in California since 2015. The federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has been used to funnel money to smaller state entities under the impression that they would use the money to assist the people. California Interagency Council on Homelessness (Cal ICH) takes the funding from HUD to coordinate with these main 9 failed programs, but the audit found that CAL ICH has failed to consistently track where this money has gone and has zero methods in place for gathering data on the success of these federally funded initiatives.

CAL ICH has failed to consistently track where this money has gone and has zero methods in place for gathering data on the success of these federally funded initiatives.

“Cal ICH’s statutory goals give it specific responsibilities as the State’s primary resource for homelessness policy coordination and accountability. However, it has also been directly managing multiple large grant programs as mandated by statute, including the multibillion‑dollar HHAP program and the more‑than‑$700 million ERF program,” the study found.

The audit could “not determine the cost-effectiveness” of any of the programs funded by HUD through Cal ICH as they have “not collected complete outcome data for this program, and the expenditure data it has collected may be unreliable.”

This means that the federal government permitted the state of California to squander $24 BILLION in taxpayer funds in a mere five years. They were provided this money with no strings attached and were not required to prove that their agencies were working.  As Argentina’s Javier Milei said, “The origins of our evils is the cancer called the public sector.”  There are people within these non-profit agencies making a lot of money to do absolutely nothingThe public sector has largely become a form of government welfare as they produce nothing but expect everything. If these agencies actually combatted homelessness, they’d be out of work.

For example, CEO of Dignity Health, Lloyd H. Dean of California was the highest-paid nonprofit executive in 2022 after taking home $35.5 million when his agency made a revenue of $9.5 billion. Second in line was Gregory Adams of Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, who earned $15.6 million with a revenue of $68.1 billion. The third highest-paid non-profit role went to Teresa Campbell of San Diego County Credit Union, who earned $11.8 million on a revenue of $305.2 million. Their organizations are largely tax-exempt since they’re not for profit.

The audit concluded that the state should be held accountable and have some form of reporting standards in place. “To promote transparency, accountability, and effective decision‑making related to the State’s efforts to address homelessness, Cal ICH should request that state agencies responsible for administering state‑funded homelessness programs provide spending‑ and outcome‑related information for people entering, experiencing, and exiting homelessness,” the audit concluded.

They should completely eliminate these agencies. The $24 billion was certainly enough to see that these agencies are merely leeching off of society, preying upon the most vulnerable in our nation. How could homelessness have more than doubled since these agencies were implemented? Simple. The people in control of the money are misusing the funds.

Those who want socialism or social justice fail to realize that this is precisely what happens to entire nations when the public sector becomes the supreme leader. They create useless agencies that continue to grow like cancerous cells, multiplying in size and in funding. THEY PRODUCE NOTHING! The federal government provides them funding without expecting results. This is a dirty game that the federal government plays with its pet state, and in the end, we the people always lose.  

Thursday, April 4, 2024

LUONGO: [Mike] Johnson is doing the job he was put in place to do... slow/stop the roll towards WWIII by stopping aid to Ukraine.

So much to say here:
1) Johnson is doing the job he was put in place to do... slow/stop the roll towards WWIII by stopping aid to Ukraine.
2) He has a steadily weakening position as his majority in the House has eroded from 4 seats to 1, through lawfare and resignations.
3) is fronting for her boyfriend McCarthy and the Neocon lobby by going after Johnson on the budget. She's scum.
4) Until they can end-run Johnson and force a vote, nothing happens. Hence, why MTG called for a vacate vote on his Speakership.
5) Expect even more intensity on this as we push towards the convention. The goal is to leave Trump with no options but war if he makes it to the WH in 2025.
6) Rick Wilson and company are now openly calling for Trump to be assassinated lest he stop the march to war per .

Monday, April 1, 2024


Excellent article by Kelly Jane Torrance.
The last 14 months have seen a 20% rise in assaults on cops, with a 72% rise in cop stabbings.


New York is the only state in the nation where judges cannot consider a defendant’s “dangerousness” when setting bail. 

Sunday, March 24, 2024

ARMSTRONG: Illegal aliens are flooding the United States to alter the census and the Electoral College to ensure that the Democrats will always win.

Two of my employees, one British and one German, were denied entry to the United States because they might not leave! . . . Unless they vote DEMOCRAT, anyone worthwhile from Europe or Asia need not apply.  -- Martin Armstrong
from Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics

QUESTION: Your comment on how you had the mandate from Hong Kong to negotiate with Australia, and the PM would not allow them in because they would vote conservative, has highlighted this entire agenda from the Democrats. They are destroying our country. Will Biden grant them voting rights to suppress those of us who work for a living? 

ANSWER: It is far worse than that. Most states can’t even restrict voting. Illegal aliens are included in the census. That means the Electoral College votes are allocated by the census, and seats in the House of Representatives are also based on the census. If all Americans left California and they are all illegals, they still get the largest vote as illegals. If we look at the 2020 census, Texas has gained two more votes in Congress and the Electoral College for the next decade. Colorado, Florida, Montana, North Carolina, and Oregon each gained one seat, based on the 2020 census. The seven states that lost one vote each were California, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. That is because real Americans are fleeing the Blue States.

Illegal aliens are flooding the United States to alter the census and the Electoral College to ensure that the Democrats will always win. 

This is getting so outrageous, you just can’t make up this shit anymore. A judge in Washington, DC, the land of Marxists, actually threw out a challenge against allowing noncitizens to vote in the election. These Democrats are determined to win, and they do not care about the law or the people. Why can’t Canadians, Europeans, Russians, Chinese, and everyone else vote in the 2024 election if there is NO requirement to be a citizen?

This is outright treason against the American people. They are even starting to replace American workers, reducing the cost of labor. Unions are actually being undermined by this agenda, and they have not really WOKEN UP. That is why blacks and Latinas are leaning toward Trump. They see this as undermining their own advancements.

Any American who now votes for a Democrat is voting against their own future and that of their family.  This is just out of control.  

Biden has been shipping illegals around the country to strategic places to overthrow Republican states. This is not simply an invasion; it is an attempted coup to overthrow the United States, including its Constitution. The Biden Administration attacks any state that tries to enforce voter ID to prove you are an American. The audacity of the Attorney General to claim requiring voter ID is not necessary so they can carry out this treason against real Americans. So much damage is being carried out that there will never be any reconciliation. They expect to rule by sheer tyranny.  

Even the NY Times has reported that the majority believe we are doomed. I am NOT being partisan here. This is why the computer is projecting that there WILL BE NO UNITED STATES post-2032. The Democrats are hell-bent on pushing Marxism despite the fact that it has ALWAYS failed, and this entire illegal immigration is their way to take over the country. they do not care about the people – we are the dirt beneath their feet – not the air beneath their wings.  

We will have no choice but to separate blue vs. red states. There is simply no other alternative. Civilization ONLY survives when everyone benefits. The Democrats do not care that their ideas are anti-religious, anti-culture, and anti-democratic. They MUST impose their agenda regardless of the cost. The rich have become anyone with a job.

This is why there is a growing sense of doom. But this is also engulfing Europe. Those who are supposed to represent us only represent themselves and the agenda. They are told how to vote without ever knowing what the real agenda will be, 

The Founding Fathers understood tyranny, but, unfortunately, the FAKE NEWS of Cicero so enchanted them that they wrongly assumed that a Republic was the best form of government when it was the most corrupt, just as we see today. Even that theme has been used in movies like Star Wars, where the republic is fighting against the empire. Throughout history, this will end in the only way it ever has – the “republic” will collapse.

Then we have companies firing Americans so they can hire illegal aliens on the cheap. This is getting completely out of control, and Americans have to wake up. Then again, the computer will be right, and there will be a time when separation is the only solution. Over one-third of the people in Alaska want to separate from the United States. The same is rising in Florida and Texas, with other states joining rapidly.

Representative Anna Luna happens to be in my district.  She has been putting up a good fight, but she is outnumbered. 

Two of my employees, one British and one German, were denied entry to the United States because they might not leave! It has cost me more than $100,000 so far to fight for my employees who they reject and have families overseas with no intention of staying here while Biden lets criminals come in and countries empty their prisons with tickets to America. I am sorry, but I have ZERO respect for what is happening from first-hand experience. Unless they vote DEMOCRAT, anyone worthwhile from Europe or Asia need not apply.

I am finishing an important book on this subject illustrating the TRUTH from contemporary accounts and even using the coinage to provide the real version of why Caesar was compelled to Cross the Rubicon in the middle of a DEBT CRISIS, and the people cheered. The corrupt Senate fled Rome, and the people did not support them any more than we see today. Those who relied on Cicero and even Cato, who was the leader of the oligarchs, have so distorted history that it threatens our very existence.
Mark Antony’s wife, Fulvia, so despised Cicero and his fake news that he was beheaded and his hands cut off as retribution. As legend has it, Fulvia then wanted to pierce Cicero’s tongue and used her hairpin in her act of revenge against his lies. I suppose that was one way of dealing with the fake news promoters.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

You know who does revere the dollar? Everyone living outside of America, especially the people in 3rd-world countries who still place the dollar on a pedestal because its purchasing power far outweighs their own national currency. Migrants are not following the American dream to build a new life; rather, they are following the dollar.

If they were permitted to work, they would see that their wages would not take them far. They have no concept of American taxation.  --Martin Armstrong

Thanks to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.

I revealed how Democrats planned the deliberate invasion of America to secure votes for socialistic policies. There is a second motive that is not largely understood, but it becomes apparent when you follow the money. In particular, follow the dollar.

The dollar’s purchasing power is significantly less than it was a few short years ago. Americans understand that inflation is here to stay, and the cost of living far outpaces what they earn. Americans mourned the American dream and are living in survival mode. During private waves, when the public turns away from the government, people hoard their money. The American people no longer revere the USD and are turning away from all government investments. They see the value of their dollar declining every time they go to the store, pay their mortgage, or glimpse at their bank account. Tax season highlights the misuse of government funds as we are taxed every time we look at the dollar.

You know who does revere the dollar? Everyone living outside of America, especially the people in third-world countries who still place the dollar on a pedestal because its purchasing power far outweighs their own national currency. Migrants are not following the American dream to build a new life; rather, they are following the dollar.

Now, our fiat currency could easily be exposed for being worth less than the public perception. “Money” is merely worth its associated cost. Most people blame the Federal Reserve for they are led to believe that it is the Fed that creates trillions of dollars to use for every outlandish spending package. The Federal Reserve simply prints more money when demanded by monetary and fiscal policies on a small scale. The bulk of the real money supply is US government debt, which has become cash that pays interest. The dollar remains the strongest currency in circulation, for now, but it does not have the same strength as it once did because all governments are cascading toward a sovereign debt crisis when there is NO BID for government debt.

The migrants provide the illusion of a stronger dollar and a reason to print in continuation to meet the monetary policies enacted under Biden. Furthermore, the migrants are provided with free housing, health care, food, and all other living expenses in order to perpetuate the concept of a strong Democratic Party. If they were permitted to work, they would see that their wages would not take them far. They have no concept of American taxation. Therefore, the second motive behind the deliberate invasion of America is entwined with the declining purchasing power of the USD, but they also need bodies for World War III. They will offer citizenship in return for military service. If what the migrants were getting, which is nearly $2,000 a month just in food and medicine, they would suddenly see that they could not possibly live with no trade and language skills. The Democrats are getting their just due, for a growing proportion are coming from the Middle East and Africa who neither share American values nor just may not be soldier quality.

Friday, February 23, 2024

"Trump could wind up seizing the state capitol, the governor’s residence, etc., plus having his property returned to him."

Thanks to Martin Armstrong's "NYC Bonds Are in Sell Mode."

COMMENT: Hi Martin, 

Thanks for the “astute lawyer” compliment. That was very nice, and coming from you, it is very meaningful to me. 

The Epoch Times headline in your “NYC Out of Control” post calls the dollar part of the verdict against the Trumps a “penalty.” It has also been called a “fine,” but I haven’t yet seen it called “damages” in a headline. I think Hochul, Engoron, and James know that the amount was based on a damage assessment and calculation that may not hold up.  

New York Executive Law § 63(12) clearly reads that the attorney general “may apply . . . for an order . . . directing restitution and damages…”. [Emphasis mine.] New York proved math calculations, not actual damages, where the damaged party had to be made whole. Had the statute recited a list of fines, they’d probably be in a more sound position, but their position now is what I would call “too dicey for comfort.” I would seize nothing in this situation because there are too many cases of improper seizures to worry about. The verdicts against those who seize property in error or improperly or hastily in a flawed or tainted case are many times larger than the amount of the money judgment used to seize and sell the property of the defendant. 

Furthermore, if New York has someone running the Trump businesses, and should he or she destroy or damage the businesses, the state could be liable for many, many times the amount of the verdict/judgment against the Trump family. Trump could wind up seizing the state capitol, the governor’s residence, etc., plus having his property returned to him. I’ve seen this happen. Once, the State of Louisiana overreached, and once, the U.S. government was a litigant against a billionaire oil man, banker, and friend who could not get the IRS to return his multi-million dollar overpayment of taxes. He finally had enough, and he seized the Hale Boggs Federal Court Building. He got his money a day later. 

Perhaps by dancing around exactly what legal principle the amount of the money verdict/judgment is based on (i.e., damages, fines, penalties [i.e., a payment imposed as punishment], whatever), the Hochul, Engoron, James enterprise has walked into a trap. The Eighth Amendment prohibits excessive fines. If they maintain the amount is absolutely based on the principle of damages, how can they show a diminution of the state being “whole” (or “wholeness” if you will) owing to Trump’s actions with third parties. If they maintain the amount of the verdict/judgment is based on a properly enacted and published fine or penalty, then they must face the Eighth Amendment. 

In my opinion, Hochul, Engoron, and James are whistling past the graveyard. They have put their careers on the line, and the dice are tumbling. 

Best regards, and thanks again. 


This is so political it smells, and just because this Judge, who is not qualified to judge a turtle race, simply decrees, they think they are God, and everyone must bow down to them and kiss their ring. It is so rare to find a decent judge in New York. Judge Lawrence McKenna saw what they were doing and tried to protect me. The government went to the Chief Judge to remove him and then sealed the record. 

The DA belongs in prison with the governor and this disgusting judge. This DA is bragging that she will now seize Trump Tower. When the computer projected that the 2024 election would be intermixed with serious civil unrest and that neither side would ever accept the outcome, as we draw closer and closer to this date with destiny, it is looking very, very dark indeed.

The computer is projecting a panic cycle in September, rising volatility in October, and October will be a critical turning point heading into the 2024 election. We should no longer have the motto Gold Bless America. It should be changed to God Save America These LEFTIST are destroying the very foundation of law; without that, civilization can no longer exist. That is the testimony of history – not my opinion. 


Bond investors have piled into New York City’s tax-exempt bonds, lured by their relatively high yields. However, with a $7 billion budget deficit spiraling costs of sheltering asylum seekers and other migrants that have sought refuge in New York on top of this collapse in the rule of law, NYC is a sell – not a buy. Wall Street profits are declining, and with them, there are looming job cuts at major investment banks. Many are migrating to Florida, which puts pressure on city tax revenue. New York’s fiscal outlook is a disaster. That suggests the city’s general obligation bonds aren’t particularly attractive at current valuations – they are a sell. 

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Illegal Migrants Double and Triple Dipping on Taxpayer Funds. Why they're almost like politicians who bring them. Anything else I can get for you, mija?

O, come on, if you were an illegal migrant, looking to settle in or settle down in your sanctuary city, wouldn't you too double and triple dip?

Dip #1Sanctuary New York will receive free tuition, free room, and board [or sleep and food]. 

Watch this video where migrants in Sanctuary New York will receive free tuition, free room, and board [or sleep and food].  For those other graduates, remember the days when you had to work one or two or three jobs just to pay off your tuition and to, oh, yeah, eat and house yourself?  

Dip #2Sanctuary New York funding illegal migrants to the tune of $10,000

You played fair, fool.  So Sanctuary New York is really loading it up on its taxpayers.  Not to be outdone, the Federal government and the UN, along with Catholic Charities, are also financing illegal migrants to the tune of $10,000. 

This debit card program — if you read the actual contract — has the potential to become an open-ended, multibillion-dollar Bermuda Triangle of disappearing, untraceable cash, used for any purpose.

It will give migrants up to $10,000 each in taxpayer money with no ID check, no restrictions and no fraud control. 

By the way, Mayor Adams's plan to give Illegals $10,000 each DOES NOT REQUIRE ANY ID CHECK:

Breaking News: Mayor Adams's plan is to give Illegals $10,000 each with No ID check required, No Fraud control, and No Restrictions.

Dip #3The U.S. Federal government is handing out EBT or Debit Cards

Why is that a problem? Because that money, investigations have shown, is being handed out directly to migrants who want to cross the border illegally. “People who might not have taken the risk to travel to the U.S., because they were worried about food or safety now have help,” Bensman points out. “That help,” The Epoch Times notes, “comes in the form of prepaid debit cards, food, water, shelter, medical care, and transportation.” In most cases, these migrants are “directly” receiving cash — “what the U.N. emergency manual calls ‘cash in envelopes.’” 

I am sure that there is a lot of 4th, 5th, and 6th dipping.