Saturday, May 4, 2024

US Gov't using health emergencies to legislate its way to permanent tyranny

Please understand that pandemics are scams.  They are only declared as a way to authorize tyranny.  

Know this: the United States Government's Chemical and Biological Warfare Program is currently housed in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).  Where was it before that?  Why did they move it? Are we searching for Carmen Santiago, Waldo, or the Holy Grail?  Where is it NOW?  Our bioweapons program [yes, it's ours; we're paying for it] USED TO BE HOUSED in the Department of Defense (DOD).  Wow!  Maybe they changed locations out of convenience to us.  Instead of being alarmed at the bioweapons, our government is making them like medicine.  How considerate of them.    

Katherine Watt explains, 

Through gradual, covert statutory reclassification and program transfers, reinforced through Presidential Executive Orders and related executive branch declarations, and implemented through hundreds of regulatory amendments, the US Government's Chemical and Biological Warfare Program originally housed in the Department of Defense (DOD), became the Public Health Emergency [PHE]-Emergency Use Authorization [EUA]-Medical Countermeasures program housed in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). 

Everybody gets the following wrong or states it only peripherally, but you ought not to forget it.  The next paragraph answers the question "Who is behind the biowarfare against the American people?"  Asking "Who" used to be one of the 5 basic questions journalists asked.  But that dates me.  

Read it a few times if you need to:

The bioterrorism program is now jointly operated by DOD, HHS, Department of Homeland Security, Department of State, most other US federal agencies and their subordinate departments, divisions, offices, authorities, enterprises, committees, advisory boards and employees, in collaboration with the World Health Organization, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and other public, private and public-private hybrid institutions around the world…

In 2022 Attorneys General of 15 states sued HHS trying to repeal the HHS’ definitions of “public health emergency”.  --Sasha Latypova

What Does It Mean When Pandemics Are Declared?

Historically, epidemics could only be recognized AFTER the fact: after a substantial number of people became ill, died, and after a significant economic impact. Examples of real epidemics include mostly water-born, crowding/poor sanitation, and vermin-related diseases such as cholera, plague, typhus, and smallpox. All of these diseases are eliminated by proper sanitation of water, hygiene, and improvement in living conditions. It is not possible to predict an epidemic unless one purposefully takes measures to poison water or cause significant deterioration of people’s living standards.

In the clown-infested reality that we currently inhabit, the international government-military blob is claiming that they can predict pandemics and declare emergencies based on one fake PCR case of a made-up virus somewhere in the world.

HHS refused to amend its definitions of a pandemic and insisted that they can claim absolutely anything is a pandemic. HHS ultimately prevailed, the case was re-filed by OK and TX, the judge dismissed it and it was not appealed. In the refusal to amend its definition of a pandemic, HHS stated that “any communicable disease event” - this means a single case of anything they claim “communicable” anywhere in the world (for example, a single cow that “tested positive” for “avian flu”), once announced by the WHO, can qualify for forced testing, tracing, detention and injections of humans or animals in any town or village in any state of the US!

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