Thursday, May 16, 2024

JOHN LE GAY BRERETON: From experience I have seen more evils result from vaccination than I ever saw result from small-pox.

What one doctor of many 100s said about smallpox vaccination from the 1800s into the 1900s. Spoilers! It wasn’t a miracle of modern medicine. “From experience I have seen more evils result from vaccination than I ever saw result from small-pox. In the first place, I have seen direct fatal results from vaccination. In the second place, I have seen chronic-incurably chronic-disease the result of vaccination, and death after the lapse of many years; and, in the third place, I have seen introduced into the system, through vaccination, diseases of a destructive character, especially syphilis. I was vaccinated when a boy, and a few years afterwards I took small-pox. I vaccinated my first four children. One of them died certainly from vaccination, and another was never strong after he was vaccinated. I would rather be shot than have anyone of my family vaccinated.” — John Le Gay Brereton, Esquire, MD, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, 1881 

“John Le Gay Brereton, Esq., MD, MRCS, LAC,” New South Wales, Compulsory Vaccination, Presented to the Parliament by Command, September 20, 1881, Sydney: Thomas Richards, Government Printer, pp. 1043–1046. 

Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History, Suzanne Humphries, Roman Bystrianyk, 2013.  

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