Tuesday, May 21, 2024

SALADINO ON CHICK-FIL-A: 100% Real Chicken has 47 Ingredients? There's nothing Grade A about this junk food at all.

The capital A stands for Grade A, top-quality chicken.  

Their grilled chicken sandwich contains 47 ingredients in the chicken alone, including dimethylpolysiloxane, which is a silly putty ingredient, anti-foaming, three different types of seed oils, including soybean and canola oils, multiple types of gums, including xantham gum . . . 

Though they boast about top-quality chicken, while in March 2024, they removed their stipulation that all their chicken be antibiotic-free.  As it says on their website, this is 100% real chicken.  Everybody here at the counter told him it was 100% real chicken.  100% Real Chicken has 47 Ingredients?  There's nothing Grade A about this junk food at all.  

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