Thursday, May 16, 2024

CHRIS SMITH: And the whole point of a vaccine for a flu virus . . . I know a professor of immunology who said "the idea that you would have a vaccine appropriate in any circumstance for a flu virus is absurd."

So our drugs [i.e., vaccines] are obsolete as soon as they are out the door.  --Stephanie Seneff

This is similar to the flu in that this virus mutates very very quickly and we are constantly chasing it and it's always winning.  And as soon as we roll out a new vaccine that's been perfected for the latest virus, the virus has moved on.  So our drugs are obsolete as soon as they are out the door.

1:52. The MRNA Jabs have been sold to us as vaccines but you were saying that there's something different explain that to us.

2:00.  Yeah it's really a gene product it's manipulating your human cell to make a foreign protein using a foreign RNA sequence that has been humanized so the sequence is extremely unnatural first of all they're taking all these uridines and replacing them with methyl pseudouridine that is a big change in that is what allowed them to keep the RNA alive because normally enzymes would just remove it very quickly and they were afraid it wouldn't live long enough to produce despite protein that would generate the antibody so they were worried about it being destroyed by the immune system of the cells by the cells getting destroyed before it had a chance to make the protein so they engineered it to be extremely sturdy most mRNA usually disappears after a few hours the cell makes it it uses it to make protein and it wipes it out after a few hours this mRNA has been shown to be sticking around still months later after the vaccine.

2:58.  Months, maybe years in some people?  

3:00. We don't know how long, as long as they've looked.  I think people have stopped looking at a certain point, and they still see it you know.  So how long is it going to go?  It hides inside certain cell types, actually senescent immune cells and it stays there for a long time and that is really disturbing because it continues to make spike proteins.  They've done so well at making it, first of all, to not break down, and secondly, to have it keep on making spike protein at a high rate.  They've actually engineered the code, so it's not the same code that the virus uses.  They did what is called code optimization, which allows it to make protein faster which also allows it to make more mistakes.  When you hurry, you make mistakes.  And on top of that, those methylpseudourides cause it to lose track of where it is and it'll do a frameshift which ends up making all kinds of proteins that are completely unnatural, and who knows what they will do to the immune system?  You're going to get autoimmune disease from something like that. 

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