Friday, May 24, 2024

LATYPOVA: and those people get promoted through Academia and Military and everywhere and those people are just as programmable actually better programmable because they're they're coin operated.

People think it's some sort of a new thing that they now can make gain-of-function (GoF) viruses.  And I assure everyone that, first of all, nobody can make viruses in the labs or anything alive, really.  And secondly, they don't make gain-of-function viruses.  So this is an area that on purpose has a lot of mythology around it.  But it goes back decades if not centuries.  So so-called biowarfare or using biological agents, and primarily using bacterial toxins.  So bacteria are real.  They are live organisms. They are large.  They're single-celled animals, and as part of their life cycle they excrete toxins.  Most bacteria are benign in fact actually beneficial we have a lot of bacteria living inside us as our gut biome those are very beneficial bacteria now there are some in nature that can excrete toxins especially if there are a lot of them and they tend to be associated with things like sewage from humans and animals getting into the water and those bacteria like E coli and other types can create secretions that are toxic and can be transmitted through water and that was noticed a long time ago thousands of years ago so there is historic there are historical accounts of people knowing this and preventing this through Water Sanitation centuries ago because of this 

1:45. This idea of buy a Warfare of the scientists and Labs able to create these viruses and release them out onto the population and get everyone sick and kill you know like large swaths of of the population is largely a myth.

2:00. It's largely a myth.

2:01. They have not been able to achieve that.  Now however in treating or creating the antidote to the biological warfare when they talk about vaccines that are being injected into your body, they are penetrating your skin,  the body's first offense, and then being distributed by lipid nanoparticles to all areas of the body, crossing over the blood-brain barrier, that, on the other hand, can be very harmful.  

2:28. Exactly.

2:30. So they love this Boogeyman of the released virus so that they can deploy what is actually the bioweapon device.

2:40.  A bit of reality that, yes, there is this danger with bacterial toxins in the water, especially, and once all those problems were solved with water sanitation, then this whole mythology about viruses started being created.  It was originally created in the 1800s but then started getting more propagandized.  I remember through my own sort of professional life in this healthcare that viruses used to be like nothing.  They were considered basically when doctors didn't know what to tell you.  They would tell you, "Oh, it's a virus," so this was like a . . . and then this whole mythology of all viruses, viruses everywhere.  And then viruses infect Hollywood and propaganda, all kinds of entertainment propaganda getting programmed to everyone's brain that viruses can be weaponized.  And this is the preferred narrative of the government and [the Defense Dept] who make up narratives like, "Oh there's going to be a lone wolf, some crazy PhD in a lab, and they will create this enormous danger by releasing gain-of-function viruses. . . ."  And remember that those Anthrax letters, which were clearly the handiwork of the Department of Defense, even the strain came from Fort Detrick, it was all pinned on Bruce Ivins this whole thing was created.  

It's Bruce Ivins because he's crazy.  He just did it.  He was a lone wolf.  No reason whatsoever.  He had access.

But 400 other people had access. 

. . . but it's him. 

And so they pinned it on him and suicided him and end of the story, right? They did this from the anthrax letters and then they made through several iterations the Zika and a few other pandemic scares: the avian flu, that's another false one; it's a fake narrative.  The Swine Flu, the Avian Flu.  The Avian Flu is a false narrative.   Swine flu is a false narrative.  So they practiced these over and over and over, and they figured out that this was a story that would scare the largest number of people.  Everyone had been pre-programmed, including their own internal experts.  So it's not like everyone is in on this deal.  They have a whole bunch of people who will do anything for money.  They cannot think.  Will not think.  And have been promoted through the system because of these personality traits these people specifically look for people who are very ambitious, not very smart, and will do anything for money.  And those people get promoted through Academia and Military and everywhere and those people are just as programmable, actually better programmable, because they are coin operated.

5:33. So there is a vetting process for leadership in the United States of America: have to have a huge ego, do anything for money, and be quite dull.  

5:43. You notice them everywhere.  They're all over the place.

5:50.  They can spot an intelligent person miles and way away and like, no, you are not getting in the Inner Circle.  There's no way.

6:00.  So because of these features in the leadership people are saying well no so many people cannot be in on the scam they don't have to be so everyone is given the narrative The narrative over time and now we're into the military programming this and planning this out . . .  

Here's the full video. 

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