Showing posts with label Whitney Webb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Whitney Webb. Show all posts

Friday, March 8, 2024

Israel is not America's friend . . . at all. We are simply Israel's hired thug

and when you also consider Israel's involvement in things like the USS Liberty, deliberately conducting false flags, killing Americans to try and get the United States involved in a war for their benefit, or their role, for example, in pushing for the invasion of Iraq after 9/11

Neocons and how they view Israeli foreign policy objectives [think] those should become the US's foreign policy objectives.

[Trump's] willingness to put Neocons in his administration when prompted by Zionist donors, like he did for making John Bolton, one of the biggest Iran war hawks of all, his National Security Advisor, because Sheldon Adelson, his biggest donor, had him do that.

Of course, Israeli intelligence has an admitted policy of trying to further regime change in Iran and trying to, in the event that they want to provoke war with Iran, to have the US strike first so that Israel doesn't have to.  And, of course, if you consider the aftermath of the assassination of the Iranian General Qasem Soleimani during the Trump Administration and they were saying that Iran was going to retaliate with a cyber attack, and if they did, according to Mike Pompeo and Trump, that was going to be the threshold for declaration of war against Iran.  

And then you had to Ohad Zaidenberg during that exact time not through the CTI league but through another company he is affiliated with called ClearSky, an Israeli cyber security company, was saying that he ran and conducted the cyber attack but essentially no evidence in trying to get war to happen.  So having someone like that having an extreme degree of control over allowing people into U.S. critical infrastructure without oversight by the US government is a completely insane policy and presents a very real national security threat of some sort of false flag thing to be blamed on Iran especially the time at which Israel has arguably bitten off more than they can chew with the Gaza conflict and how that's likely to spill over into regional war . . . with Lebanon, Syria, and Iran, and when you also consider Israel's involvement in things like the USS Liberty, deliberately conducting false flags, killing Americans to try and get the United States involved in a war for their benefit, or their role, for example, in pushing for the invasion of Iraq after 9/11.  And Neocons and how they view Israeli foreign policy the objectives, how those should become the US's foreign policy objectives, and all of that, and there's a lot to consider here.  And it's definitely very concerning given the prospect of Trump coming back into office not to say that I'm a "Never Trumper" or anything but considering his close connections to Zionism and Netanyahu and Likud, in particular, and his willingness to put Neocons in his administration when prompted by Zionist donors, like he did for making John Bolton, one of the biggest Iran war hawks of all, his National Security Advisor, because Sheldon Adelson, his biggest donor, had him do that.

2:25. Was Satan unavailable you for that?  I mean, my God, if John Bolton is the answer, I'm wondering what the question is. 

2:31. Unfortunately, because some of these judicial challenges to Trump being on the ballot have sort of given Trump this anti-establishment credentials of being anti-establishment, people have sort of forgotten what happened when he was in office, as is often the case focus more on his campaign rhetoric as opposed to his actions when he was in the position to govern we should remember how many neocons he had in his administration and how essentially Neo- conservatism, and Neocon war more broadly, are focused on making Israeli policy objectives American policy objectives.  If it's not in the best national interest of the United States, people need to consider the close ties of trump to the Likud Party, in particular, because if there is a push for war with Iran I think Trump would arguably be even more susceptible than the Democrats and having that be declared.  But I think it's fair to say also that support for this type of stuff particularly when it comes to the Israel Lobby it's obviously a bipartisan thing.  I think that's quite clear

Sunday, December 18, 2022

The Mafia, CIA, and Jeffrey Epstein Worked Together

Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.

Operation Underworld.  The US government teamed up with Office of Naval Intelligence, ONI,  and Office of Strategic Services, OSS, the precursor to the CIA. 

Jimmy asks "What was the service that organized crime that the U.S. government couldn't do for themselves?"

The mob and the unions wanted intelligence from the dock workers.  The dock workers union was controlled by the mob.  This to me is the most devastating crime against the American worker.  Unions collect dues, enforce values, will tell you how to and who to vote for.  Teachers' unions are some of the worst.  They'll spy on individual members if another member complains about you. Unions are places where you find the worst characters rise to the top, where women become absolute thugs and are prepared to crack heads at a moment's notice.  They may not do it physically or do it themselves but they'll have connections you couldn't imagine.  Women will act like gentle, vulnerable creatures until they make you a target.

Jimmy: So their getting intel on the unions is their way of pushing back on the commies, right?

Whitney: This was back in WWII, so this was about the German saboteurs, this was about the Nazis.  But then you see over time the same sorts of behavior in all sorts of things including working with organized crime and drug cartels. Decades later, like in the 80s, the collusion and collaboration is all justified in the name of anti-communism. 

JFK was sexually blackmailed between being president-elect, November 1960, and his inauguration. Sexual blackmail network was British intelligence and British organized crime who'd recently taken down the government in the UK in the Profumo Affair, 1963.  The 1989 movie, Scandal, starring John Hurt and Joanne Whalley, portrayed this event.  One of the same women who was used in that network was used against JFK.  She was taken over to New York and slept with Kennedy.  Then somehow the CIA allegedly helped her escape back to the UK, and the FBI arrested her and her apparent handler.  Had her client list--sound familiar--bur instead of keeping her client list they destroyed it. The operation didn't work well against Kennedy because of a sloppy cover-up, where Mariella Novotny. She was allowed to leave the country with the apparent help of U.S. intelligence. Cozy relationship between U.S. and British intelligence.  There still is: look ar the west's woke culture and how the MI6 is running geopolitics from the Potomac. Sexual blackmail pops up over and over again in big events and scandals in U.S. history. Epstein was no anomaly, that his behavior.  It's the type of operation perfected by the mob.  This organized crime/intelligence team up.

J. Edgar Hoover, who was America's top law enforcer for decades and decades, he was sexually blackmailed by the mob in the 1930s.  And he never went after organized crime because of that.  That's a matter of record.  Same operation blackmailed Roy Cohn, one of Donald Trump's mentors.  Hoover and Cohn along with mob businessman, Lewis Rosenstiel, were running sexual blackmail operations themselves. Hoover and Cohn joined these operations only after they themselves had been entrapped.  And this involved minors.  J. Edgar Hoover was initially blackmailed by a photo taken of him giving oral sex to his long-time Deputy, Clyde Tolson.  And that was taken by affiliates of Meyer Lansky of the Jewish mob, and later those fell into the hands of James Jesus Angleton, the first counter-intelligence chief of the CIA.  So that's another example of how the mob and the CIA like to share intelligence.  And how the CIA can justify anything, right, in the name of "gathering intelligence."  In the UK, they passed a law recently where intelligence agents or assets can even commit murder or any sort of crime as long as they justify it as "intelligence-gathering activities." This gets brushed under the rug because there's no accountability for U.S. intelligence at all.  In addition to that, you have the Page Boy Scandal in 1982 that was brushed under the rug, where congressmen were caught engaging in sex with Congressional pages who were under age.  And then you have the Franklin Scandal.  [The book I am familiar with is the Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska, John W. De Camp, 2011.] The expert on that is Nick Bryant if you want to learn more.  Bryant's book is titled, The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse and Betrayal, Nick Bryant, 2009.  It was about was a lobbyist in Washington DC who that was running it, named Craig Spence, nominally a lobbyist, who claimed to have CIA connections and whose partner was a guy named Larry King.  A base in Nebraska would get kids from Nebraska, fly them out to DC and they would basically be raped and assaulted by powerful people.  It's a crazy story.  I'm not the expert on that, but I do include it in the book, of course. . . .

18:00  We covered the Jerry Sandusky, the guy from Penn State who was found to be abusing students.  Jimmy learned that there are networks of these pedophiles, and they have conventions almost, right?  And he would take these boys there to be trafficked there, right?

18:30, Whitney.  Wasn't Louis Freeh, the former FBI Director, involved in some aspect of covering up Sandusky's activities, because he was also later hired by associates of Jeffrey Epstein to intimidate his victims.  He was Clinton's FBI Director.  [and of course, Clinton's on the Jeffrey Epstein flight logs 27 times.]  Epstein helped Clinton set up the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Health Access Initiative.  after more than a decade of Epstein being involved in controversial fundraisers in Clinton Presidential history.   

blackmailed and that was how they were recruited to start blackmailing opponents. Trump didn't release the JFK files on his way out the door because they didn't want him to do it.  So if the CIA allows Tucker Carlson to air an admission by a "closely-connected" source to confirm that Oswald was CIA intel, then it means that the remaining JFK files indict the CIA even further with particular information about how the CIA has sexually blackmailed other noted politicians in sexual blackmail operations for decades. And probably shows how the CIA has become the mob.  

Friday, November 11, 2022

Whitney Webb on the Elites Trying to Enslave Human Beings

I cannot stand Glenn Beck.  Mr. Vague, Mr. O-So-General.  Mr. Controlled Sincerity.  Mr. Soft-Peddling, Mr. Redirect you over here because getting too specific is scarwee.    

I liked what she said that the elites want to destroy the creative, productive energy in each of us to create a class of zombie workers.  And that by no stretch of the imagination is Klaus Schwab the only diabolical figure of his kind.  There are hundreds of organizations with a young cadre and who seek private/government relationships.  It's clear that the only people who have a chance at fighting back against the international gangsters who want to digitally and technically enslave us is the productive class.  If you produce something, then the burden falls on you to stop this desire by the elite to control every aspect of our lives to the point we end up as drone bees.

Quote from the Club of Rome is the biggest enemy of humanity is man.  And furthering that narrative, "it's not the corporations that pollute, even the U.S. military  by climate change metrics, the biggest contaminator is not about those guys, it's just about the 'regular' people."  It's really about controlling how much energy people can use.  And if you control how much energy a household can use, you control their economic activity and you also control how big their family can get.  Ultimately, that's what it's about: controlling all aspects of your life.  It's not about the environment with these people.  A lot of Climate Change is Wall St. driven.  If you look at the United Nations, a lot of the people they put in charge of Climate Change policy, you have Mark Carney, the former head of the Bank of England and of the Bank of Canada.  He's one of the guys that came into rescue HSBC when they were caught money laundering for Mexican drug cartels. Not exactly a "good buy" and unlikely that he's driven by concern about the environment.  And then the other person is Michael Bloomberg, former mayor of New York and billionaire guy, and these are the people crafting the solution to climate change?  Just like COVID, you don't have time to think about what we're telling you.  You just have to accept these solutions because if you don't, something really, really bad with happen.  It's fear-driven to get people to accept policies they otherwise wouldn't accept because they're told that this cataclysmic event is just down the line.  And "trust us" is the conclusion of these fear-driven programs.  Look for the messaging.  It usually sounds a lot like, "trust us.  We're the experts."  

There's people that agree with climate change, and people that don't.  Solutions to climate change are coming mostly from Wall St. in things like carbon markets.  There are things like debt for climate swaps, which back in the day used to be debt for land swaps.  Then you have Larry Fink of BlackRock and Michael Bloomberg and Mark Carney coming together in something like G fancing(?) why don't we give Wall Street direct control of the IMF and the World Bank for Climate Change?  How can anyone on the Left that's worried about Climate Change sign off on that?  Why don't they talk about planting trees?  Why isn't Bill Gates, the largest private landowner in the United States, planting trees like crazy if he is so worried about carbon dioxide?  He poo-poos the whole idea of planting trees to fight climate change.  It's just carbon markets and converting to electric vehicles, but electric vehicles necessitates mass mining for rare elements.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

So on January 18 [2021], they detect an issue. They do nothing and they kill 60 people at least . . . . After that occurrence, everything else should be considered intentional.

Manufacturers have safety signals in place.  So the signals regarding the unsafe nature of the vaccines were ignored, consistently ignored . . . .  These safety systems exists.  The manufacturers have these systems themselves and they monitor them, and most of the time they detect safety problems themselves.  The vast majority of product recalled are volunteered by the manufacturer.  With automobiles, you get messages from the car deal informing you that this model has a defective part.  Same system exists for the pharmaceutical products.   

8:27  And these systems exist at the federal, state, and county level.  Health authorities monitor and or pull products when there's a problem.   I found one news report in Orange County, California, the Health authority accidentally did their job and on January 18, 2021, which was just two weeks after the rollout of these shots in the United States, they detected a problem with the lot of Moderna, and they said that there were too many "allergic reactions. . . ." And it was reported in numerous news outlets, including CNN, but nothing happened.  And that lot was allowed to continue to be distributed all over the United States, until the end of March, until it ran out, and I counted in the VAERS system over 3,000 adverse events and 60 deaths.  So on January 18, they detect an issue.  They do nothing and they kill 60 people at least, we know that VAERS is under reported.  After that occurrence, everything else should be considered intentional.  And by the way, throughout the world.  This product is distributed throughout the world.  And wherever it's sold in every country, this should be noted by the regulators and nobody did anything.   

10:18  How did this fraud come about with these regulators playing the role of the regulator but they're not actual regulators?  They know, and they're just part of the theater.  I got my information from Katherine Watt, a private citizen and a deep and experienced researcher in legal matters.  She writes at Substack.  It's called Bailiwick News.  She calls it American Domestic Bioterrorism, but it's actually American International Bioterrorism program because it includes many other countries where these products are being distributed. So she revealed this whole scheme, which is actually quite simple.  The United States government and the Department of Defense are running this program.  The U.S. gov't, over many years--this goes back a decade--put in place three key pieces where they removed the regulations that we just discussed.  They removed the manufacturing practices requirements and all the safety monitoring requirements for what they called "countermeasures."  They call these things "countermeasures."  BTW, these vaccines are classified as "Countermeasures."  [Okay, what does that mean?] Countermeasures is a euphemism for weapons.  So the Department of Defense has the right to order these countermeasures, meaning weapons, from private manufacturers, meaning Pfizer, Moderna, and a whole bunch of their suppliers, there's like hundreds of companies that make this.  So these are Emergency Use Authorized, EUA, so no regulations apply to them, and this happens under public health emergencies.  So three things: 1) you have DOD other transactional authority where they contracted bribed manufacturers 2) they make countermeasures, and 3) which are Emergency Use Authorized, and this happens under Public Health Emergencies.  So when those conditions are met, no regulations apply whatsoever.  The only standard for releasing them or deploying them is the United States Health and Human Services, USHHS, had Alex Azar under the Trump Administration, and now currently it's Xavier Becerra.  It's up to that person's sole discretion to deploy these weapons.  If they feel that they may be effective.  That's it.  There's no other standard that applies.   

13:20  Are we talking about Operation Warp Speed, for example? Yes.  OWS is a DOD operation, with the DOD in charge of the entire operation.  Layers of U.S. government that designs, develops, and manufactures these products.  And Pharma is just suppliers.  They execute only orders.  But everything is designed, developed, and manufactured by DOD.  But the legal structure is, once they make these things, the HHS Secretary, Alex Azar, if he decides they may be effective, they're released on the market.  Notice that this is done by the DOD with their suppliers and network and so forth.  DOD is not regulated by FDA.  It's not regulated by "good manufacturing practices" or good "distribution practices," does not have to run clinical trials.  [I don't see how fraud goes undetected.]  The FDA's own website states that 

Consumers expect that each batch of medicines they take will meet quality standards so that they will be safe and effective.

So they expect a certain quality.  But the quality regulators were let off the hook for the COVID vaccine.  Huh.  

Does not have to demonstrate safety and efficacy.  BTW, for these products, no clinical trials are needed because HHS Secretary declares them to be "effective."  They don't have to be safe.  The decision to release them in the market to the American people is left to the sole discretion of the HHS Secretary, in this instance, it was Alex Azar.  The FDA plays no role here.  What FDA has been doing is acting, and playing theater, pretending to be a regulator, so they're impersonating a regulator, and they have no role to regulate these products.  And that's the fraud that has been committed on all of us.  [Among others, I would add.]  We also have leaked emails we see that the FDA pressured the European medicine Agencies to approve these things on specific schedule, and they created this whole panic, by saying, "Oh, my God, if we don't approve by Christmas 2020, the world will come to an end."  So they pushed the European regulators who are also quite aware.  I don't think they're amateurs and they probably investigated the legal structure of this scheme.  And they probably did the same in Australia and everywhere else where they pushed this garbage.  After all the evidence of reproductive healt damage, heart attacks, myocarditis, and nerve destruction, we go to the regulators to have a discussion, showing them the data, but the regulators refuse to look at the data and refuse to acknowledge them.  They tell us to go away, that it's been determined to be safe and effective.  They're acting.  They're pretending.  They're stalling everyone.  We keep going there only to learn that we're barking up the wrong tree. 

19:00  The main perpetrator here is the DOD.  The contracts of the players show that this scheme was planned.  In the U.S. about 400 contracts . . . for everything, vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, masks, swabs, test kits, staffing, logistics, everything related.