Showing posts with label John Bolton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Bolton. Show all posts

Friday, March 8, 2024

Israel is not America's friend . . . at all. We are simply Israel's hired thug

and when you also consider Israel's involvement in things like the USS Liberty, deliberately conducting false flags, killing Americans to try and get the United States involved in a war for their benefit, or their role, for example, in pushing for the invasion of Iraq after 9/11

Neocons and how they view Israeli foreign policy objectives [think] those should become the US's foreign policy objectives.

[Trump's] willingness to put Neocons in his administration when prompted by Zionist donors, like he did for making John Bolton, one of the biggest Iran war hawks of all, his National Security Advisor, because Sheldon Adelson, his biggest donor, had him do that.

Of course, Israeli intelligence has an admitted policy of trying to further regime change in Iran and trying to, in the event that they want to provoke war with Iran, to have the US strike first so that Israel doesn't have to.  And, of course, if you consider the aftermath of the assassination of the Iranian General Qasem Soleimani during the Trump Administration and they were saying that Iran was going to retaliate with a cyber attack, and if they did, according to Mike Pompeo and Trump, that was going to be the threshold for declaration of war against Iran.  

And then you had to Ohad Zaidenberg during that exact time not through the CTI league but through another company he is affiliated with called ClearSky, an Israeli cyber security company, was saying that he ran and conducted the cyber attack but essentially no evidence in trying to get war to happen.  So having someone like that having an extreme degree of control over allowing people into U.S. critical infrastructure without oversight by the US government is a completely insane policy and presents a very real national security threat of some sort of false flag thing to be blamed on Iran especially the time at which Israel has arguably bitten off more than they can chew with the Gaza conflict and how that's likely to spill over into regional war . . . with Lebanon, Syria, and Iran, and when you also consider Israel's involvement in things like the USS Liberty, deliberately conducting false flags, killing Americans to try and get the United States involved in a war for their benefit, or their role, for example, in pushing for the invasion of Iraq after 9/11.  And Neocons and how they view Israeli foreign policy the objectives, how those should become the US's foreign policy objectives, and all of that, and there's a lot to consider here.  And it's definitely very concerning given the prospect of Trump coming back into office not to say that I'm a "Never Trumper" or anything but considering his close connections to Zionism and Netanyahu and Likud, in particular, and his willingness to put Neocons in his administration when prompted by Zionist donors, like he did for making John Bolton, one of the biggest Iran war hawks of all, his National Security Advisor, because Sheldon Adelson, his biggest donor, had him do that.

2:25. Was Satan unavailable you for that?  I mean, my God, if John Bolton is the answer, I'm wondering what the question is. 

2:31. Unfortunately, because some of these judicial challenges to Trump being on the ballot have sort of given Trump this anti-establishment credentials of being anti-establishment, people have sort of forgotten what happened when he was in office, as is often the case focus more on his campaign rhetoric as opposed to his actions when he was in the position to govern we should remember how many neocons he had in his administration and how essentially Neo- conservatism, and Neocon war more broadly, are focused on making Israeli policy objectives American policy objectives.  If it's not in the best national interest of the United States, people need to consider the close ties of trump to the Likud Party, in particular, because if there is a push for war with Iran I think Trump would arguably be even more susceptible than the Democrats and having that be declared.  But I think it's fair to say also that support for this type of stuff particularly when it comes to the Israel Lobby it's obviously a bipartisan thing.  I think that's quite clear