Showing posts with label Victoria Nuland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Victoria Nuland. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

A notorious neocon and protege of Dick Cheney, Nuland led the Obama administration's overthrow of Ukraine's government in 2014, leading to Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

Victoria Nuland's replacement, John Bass, former Ambassador to Afghanistan who oversaw the U.S. withdrawal from the country.

Friday, January 12, 2024

MUST WATCH: Gonzalo exposing Viktoria Nuland!

Absolutely loved this guy.  Learned so much by him.  

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Who and What Is Victoria Nuland?

Sherwin B. Nuland, Victoria's father,

46:18. She would have known how  sensitive the Russians, be they Imperial Russians or Soviet Russia or the Russian Federation, would be to NATO encroachment.  And yet she was the one pushing it.  She pushed for this kind of encroachment.  And it started, of course, with her old boss from the very beginning, Strobe Talbot, who also was a man who hated Russia for reasons of his own that aren't important for this conversation.  But what happened was that she saw how Russia was getting up and how it was evolving and pulling away from the good old days of the 90s, the good old days for the rapacious financiers and oligarchs and riff raff and evil people who had been in Russia during the 90s but which had destroyed Russia.  Well Putin was resurrecting Russia and improving the standard of living of the people between 1999 and 2013 in Russia which rose phenomenally.  The whole country became much, much more successful and better off.  And you compare the fate of Russia during those 14 years and the fate of, say, Ukraine in those 14 years, it's night and dayh, because there was no one to halt the Western corruption.  That's the difference and that's the fundamental problem because Victoria Nuland and Robert Kagan, and that whole cabal in the U.S. State Department in the foreign policy establishment they want a broken Russia.  They cannot stand the fact, and it's because of number one, arrogance,  because they insist that America has to be not only the biggest and strongest country, but far and away the most powerful; you know, they want to maintain the power imbalance like the Americans had after the second World War.  That's number one.  And number two, and this is something that is very disturbing to people you have to face it, there are long-standing ethno-religious hatreds towards Russia.  They hate Russia with a passion.  They would be happiest if Russia were obliterated in a mushroom cloud and that's a fact.  They hate it with a passion for the psychological reasons that I've explained before because you have to understand that all the people who are running American foreign policy are the children of Jews who made it in America but the grandchildren of Jews who fled programs in Russia in Russia or Belarus or wherever in Eastern Europe.  And that kind of generational trauma it . . . expresses itself and resentment and rage toward the source of that ancient ancestral trauma.  You have to look at the facts.  And if somebody wants to say that, you know, "Oh man, you're being anti-Semitic" or some s*** like that, listen, I descend from a man named Jose Miguel Cabrera, and he was betrayed by a man named Bernardo Higgins. And I was taught to spit at the name of Bernardo Higgins and you know that all happened 200 years ago and I'm not kidding he was assassinated basically in 1821 and 200 years later here we are and my family still hates his guts.  Ancestral hatreds you know they ripple, they ripple down into the future.  There is that famous line from William Faulkner "The past is never over, it's never even the past."  Very true many Americans want to wake up and think that you're a blank slate.  These tight-knit families tell stories of generations before I know stories of my own family growing up in Latin America you know every Sunday sitting around my grandmother's dining room table and she would tell me stories of her mother and her grandmother and her great-grandmother stories of how our family had come from Germany how my great-great-grandmother as a young 16-year-old girl had convinced her spinster older sister to leave Celesteville Holstein and chase after this handsome German naval officer who had stopped at the Port that they were living in and she had fallen desperately and married him.  51:38

Monday, August 7, 2023

"Victoria Nuland is in Niger’s capital and requested to see the detained former President Bazoum. Her request was denied by the military junta." The power of BRICS

Friday, July 22, 2022


CALEB MAUPIN  [his Twitter feed] In particular, the investment fund, Rosemont Seneca, is headed by Hunter Biden.  Rosemont Seneca Partners is tied to Hunter Biden, the U.S. President’s son.  The Russian Defense Ministry is listing financial entities involved in these Biolabs in Ukraine.  Now, they also listed Geoge Soros’ Open Society Institute and the Open Society Foundations which are also involved with Anda as well as the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.  And the U.S. Dept of Threat Reduction.  All of them seem to be tied in with these Biolabs, and it appears that Rosemont Seneca Partners, the reason they would be involved is because they have relationships with MetaBiota, and Black and Beach, which are the main suppliers of Pentagon Biolab materials.  Moscow is also coming forward and saying that it appears that these Biolabs are connected with institutions and research organizations that are related to nuclear missiles. 

IGOR KIRILLOV  The scale of the program is impressive.  In addition to the military, the U.S. agencies for International Development, the George Soros Foundation, and the CDC are directly involved in its implementation.  Scientific supervision is carried out by leading research organizations, including the Los Alamos National Laboratory, which developed nuclear weapons as part of the Manhattan Project. All of these activities are carried out under the full control of the Pentagon. 

Wow. Caleb Maupin is soft-peddling it.  Check out this statement by Kirillov

“It needs to be said that the ideologues of US military biological research in Ukraine are leaders of the Democratic Party,” said Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov, head of the NBC Protection Troops.

Now, over 30 Biolabs are accused by Russia of being involved in weapons development trying to develop biological weapons.  Now, the U.S.A. denies this and says they’re just research facilities.  And we did hear acknowledgment of these facilities' existence from US Undersecretary Victoria Nuland.