Showing posts with label COVID. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COVID. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Man Suffers "Agonizing" Penile Blood Clot Caused By COVID

What is with all these penis injuries?   

Sunday, January 16, 2022

UFC PRESIDENT DANA WHITE: No, but I took them and they worked for me, so why shouldn't I be able to take them again . . . or other people?

First, I can't believe, or maybe I can, how doctors, two hundred of them, are calling for Spotify to censor not censure Joe Rogan.  What's wrong with an opinion?  What, it conflicts with their state opinion, the one sanctioned by their state medical boards?  

How are monoclonal antibodies beneficial?  According to Bill Sardi, they are an excellent anti-cancer medicine.  See below.  

What is it that they do to COVID or to the spike proteins?  One benefit of monoclonal antibodies is that you can target them to a specific antigen.  That's good and unusual.  I mean antibiotics or chemotherapies can't do that.  Those are like shotgun blasts on your cells.  These remarks on antibodies in contrast to antibiotics was interesting, 

Monoclonal antibody therapy can also benefit the treatment of certain infectious diseases. In comparison to antibiotics which are unable to discriminate between beneficial and infectious bacteria, antibodies can be designed to target specific disease markers on the surface of pathogens. This specificity ensures that the natural balance of the microbiome is unaffected, further decreasing the risk of subsequent infection recurrence.

Moreover, antibodies may be the only suitable option in the treatment of viral diseases that cannot be prevented by vaccination such as HIV or hepatitis C. In these instances, antibodies can act as neutralizing agents (by blocking cell-virus interactions) and/or promote the clearance of viral particles from the patient’s system.

Now you can't get those things to save your life now.  The clown/plant at the 1:40 mark asks the dumbest, most provocative question that only ridicules everything.  

Bill Sardi said this about monoclonal antibodies

If these proteins can somehow be negated then the immune system would have a chance to attack and kill off cancer cells.  Specifically, roaming white blood cells known as macrophages recognize a protein called CD47 and therefore do not attack and engulf cancer cells.  In this manner cancer cells escape the normal immune surveillance that keeps cancer cells at bay. 

Cancer cells typically have a higher level of CD47 than healthy cells and the amount of CD47 predicts the survival of cancer patients. 

Cancer researchers have recently documented the blockade of the CD47 cell-surface receptor with a monoclonal antibody to re-activate macrophages to engulf cancer cells and kill them.  Since virtually all known types of tumor cells exhibit CD47 receptor on their surface, this development may be monumental. 

This single monoclonal antibody drug has now been demonstrated to shrink or even cure human breast, ovary, colon, bladder, brain, liver, and prostate tumors that have been transplanted into laboratory mice. 

In recent years, blockade of the cD47 receptor had been shown to cure some cases of non-solid tumor (lymphomas and leukemias) in the research lab. 

So, for cancer, monoclonal antibodies are a highly promising treatment.  But what about COVID, or, the toxins from the vaccines--the spike proteins?  What do monoclonal antibodies do to the spike proteins?  

Sunday, December 12, 2021

TAKE VITAMIN D3 CONSTANTLY: If you wait until you actually get the virus, it's already too late.

Once they have a virus, take 50 milligrams [of zinc] two times a day for one week and that hits the virus on the head within hours.

As the first line of defense, we should be dealing with people's immune systems in the safest way possible.

8:05  How much vitamin D? 50 to 100 grams/milliliter.  4,000IUs, but he did mention that people can do 50,000IUs a day for 6 months without any adverse effects.

10:40  25 milligrams of zinc is extremely safe; you can take up to 40mg a day without any ill effects in most adults.  You go above that and you reduce the absorption of copper.    How much zinc?  50mg  

11:05  You asked me about vitamin D.  4,000 units.  But people who are overweight need up to or over 8,000 to 10,000 units or more per day.

How much vitamin K2?  200mgs per day, every day.  Because vitamin D does cause the release of calcium from the bones into the blood and you want to try to avoid any deposition of that in the wrong places.  

To fight infections like COVID, you'd want to have levels of vitamin D above 50 grams.  With each higher dose of vitamin D, it triggers the protein and genetic pathways that people need to do better.

Virtually every cell in your body has vitamin D receptors.  Therefore, . . . take your vitamin D.  Your body is waiting, hungering to feel better.  A lot of vitamin D's functions are immunomodulatory that actually directs the immune system to work in a better way.  If you combine vitamin D with zinc, which has significant effects on viral infections, boosts the cells' ability to kill viruses, including cancer.

Get enough sleep.  Get outside, get some sun.  Engage in sports.  It's very much about looking after yourself.  

15:30  If you want the derided compound, Hydroxychloroquine to work, it works in combination with zinc.  It seems that that makes the difference.  You don't want a zinc deficiency.  Studies have shown that zinc does improve the immune response to viral infections.  And, I can say anecdotally, that I use it on a daily basis [as a physician] for viral infections.  Once they have a virus, take 50 milligrams two times a day for one week, and that hits the virus on the head within hours.

Cytotoxic lymphocytes need zinc to function properly.  Without Cytotoxic Lymphocytes, what viral infection--it's going to run right over you.  

Whereas zinc works straight away on a virus, vitamin D needs to be metabolized.  What does that mean?  You need at least a few days beforehand to get into your system, therefore, I just tell people to take it constantly.  You want to take it for at least a few weeks beforehand, seeing as you don't know when you're going to get CVID, you could get COVID twice easily.  If you wait until you actually get the virus, it's already too late.  Even people who've received high doses after they get the virus--they've done studies with 50,000, 200,000 units of vitamin D given as a shot at the time of admission to the hospital, it probably does have some immunomodulatory effect but it takes time to kick in.  It takes a few days, by which stage the person could be a lot farther down the illness with COVID.  They could be onto a much later stage of COVID whereby they're already ventilated.  And the whole idea of this is to prevent that.  

Yes, we know it has to be metabolized by the liver and it has to be metabolized by the kidneys.  I can remember patients with renal failure, for example, who couldn't metabolize their vitamin D.

After metabolism, you've got to make sure it has its effects on the genetics of the body, on the immune system, and that presumably takes longer.  

High doses of vitamin D.  

He neglects to mention it but for D to be absorbable, you must take magnesium.  That means you must take magnesium with vitamin D.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

1,600 + Reports of Hair Loss Following COVID-19 Shots

The prescient Bill Sardi noted this hair loss last August 2020, from COVID alone, long before the vaccine rollout.  He writes,

Researchers theorize the same male hormones that provoke hair loss may be linked to the propensity of COVID-19 patients experiencing hair loss.  In fact, men with baldness may be more prone to COVID-19 infection itself. 

So it looks like severely intense experiences, like a serious illness, can cause hair loss.  This then becomes quite a statement about the vaccines are: a toxin. 

As many as 70% of the scalp hairs are then shed in large numbers about 2-3 months after a “shock“.  This sudden increase in hair loss (hair falling out in handfuls) is called acute telogen effluvium.  High fevers, childbirth, severe infections, severe psychological stress, major surgery or illnesses, over or under-active thyroid hormone, crash diets with inadequate protein, and a variety of medications– retinoids, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, antidepressants and anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) — are causal. 

I'd read a few years back that pumpkin seed oil is important for hair health and hair restoration.  Looks like Sardi underscores this fact.  He writes that all you need is 400 mg of a daily dose.  

Pumpkin seed oil is a natural 5-alpha reductase enzyme inhibitor.  A 400-milligram daily dose of pumpkin seed oil has been found to restore hair (40% increase in hair count, for men –and women in this author’s experience).  (Pumpkin seed oil completely eradicated this author’s bald spot and at age 75 I have a full head of hair!). This is photo-documentation of the positive effect of pumpkin seed oil on hair loss: 

Before and after pictures:

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

DR. SHANKARA CHETTY: they offered me a beer and a donut but I still don’t want to skydive, you still haven’t proven the science and tell me how it’s going to benefit humanity

Dr. Shankara Chetty.

It’s the allergic reaction that causes death.  But that is not the end game.  That is to test the waters.

We’ve been conned into thinking that giving away all our freedoms

Spike protein is also a membrane protein.  The mRNA will distribute it throughout our body.  It will be manufactured in various tissues throughout our body.  It will be incorporated into those membranes around our body in those specific tissues.  Those tissues will be recognized as foreign and will trigger a host of autoimmune responses.  So the deaths that are meant to follow the vaccinations were never meant to be able to be pinned on the poison.  They will be too diverse, too many, and too broad of a timeframe to understand that we have been poisoned.  And I think this is the big plan.  The toxin is dependent on the host’s response to it.  We got mild, modest, and severe responses to COVID after the 8th day and it confused most of us.  So as we keep talking about COVID pneumonia and we keep chasing the virus, but the virus was just the vector to give us a taste of the poison.  Now this toxin, in the long-term, is going to get people with pre-existing illnesses to have those illnesses exacerbated.  It has bits of prion in it, it has bits of HIV in it, so people with cancers are going to have their cancers flare up, and they’ll say they died of the cancer.  People with [blood] vessel injuries, like diabetics and hypertensives are going to have strokes and heart attacks at varying times and will attribute those to their pre-existing conditions.  People are going to develop over time autoimmune diseases, a diverse of which will never be addressed by any pharmaceutical intervention because they are far too targeted.  We gave up our freedoms and were told that jail is the best place to be secure.  So we willing went down that road.  Now, today, if we want our freedoms back, they’ve got a mandated vaccine, like we were herded like cattle into a car, and the only way out is through the dip, and that is how we lost our freedoms.  The vaccines make absolutely no sense.  We were sold the vaccine as our savior from the start, and if we look at the science, the science does not play out.  The vaccine was absolutely non-sensical.  We keep fighting about how good the vaccine is or how bad it is.  Two points: vaccines are meant to stimulate immunity, and in doing so prevent infection and transmission.  That’s what gives the vaccine in a population or group a benefit.  So if you get the vaccine, by protecting yourself from the virus and not getting it, you protect me.  Clearly, that has not occurred.  This COVID vaccine does not do that.  Now they claim that the vaccine has a benefit in preventing severe illness and death.  That is a therapeutic benefit.  My intervention with treatment does the same, but I do not expose the entire world to the side effects of my treatment.  I only expose sick people to that.  And that therapeutic benefit does not come from immunity but from the vaccine exposing you to spike protein and building a measure of tolerance to an allergen not to any immune-mediated response to a virus.  So the virus distracts us from the big picture.  It’s the spike protein that’s the toxin here.  Secondly, the prevention of severe illness and death is an individual benefit if it actually does that.  So if you take the vaccine, it prevents you from getting severely ill or dying.  It has no group or herd benefit.  It does not benefit me at all.  So why am I being coerced into forcing you to take the vaccine for me?  To put that into perspective, skydiving is an individual risk and an individual benefit that does not influence anyone around me.  So my right to choose to skydive is vitally important.  Now they want me to skydive because they say it benefits humanity.  Now they can’t prove the science and can’t tell me how this act of mine is going to benefit humanity yet they insist I do it.  When I do it, and I can’t see the science, they offered me a beer and a donut but I still don’t want to skydive, you still haven’t proven the science and tell me how it’s going to benefit humanity.  Now, it looks like they want to push me out the plane, but when I look up, the parachute that they’ve provided me with is full of holes and they don’t want to admit to that and I see a few dead bodies on the ground and they’re telling me that they’re fast asleep, and I don’t believe that.  Now, if they can prove a population benefit to the vaccine, maybe I’ll take this plunge for the benefit of humanity.  But until that point, we are being coerced.   

Friday, October 8, 2021


1:27:15  from Dr. Annie Bukacek:  So they say that they care so much about the elderly, that's why they're doing this to them.  It's not true.  The elderly are . . . more prone to loneliness and despair.  Seeing their families is what the elderly live for.  Initially with this, I really thought the nursing home administrators meant well that they were misguided but that they meant well.  That's what I thought a while back.  But then in June, I started reading the details of CARES Act 2020 and found out that $4.9 billion of CARES Act 2020 money went to these nursing care homes and assisted living.  So they're being paid, they're being paid money to torment these elderly people.  They're getting paid for that.  So there is no good intention there.  And if you add on top of that, the nursing homes and assisted living facilities are testing their employees once or twice a week, they're making bank off of this and torturing people.  No, I don't believe for a minute that they're doing this because they care about the elderly.   

A gunshot victim who died, but had tested positive for COVID weeks earlier, is coded as a COVID death and not a shotgun death.  A similar thing happened to a drug overdose victim.  He had a COVID PCR test a few weeks before he died, but the hospital, because money from Medicare incentivizes them to do so, counts a drug overdose as a COVID death.  Why would hospitals give an old man dying of old age count the death a COVID death? Or to someone known to be suffering from cancer for years?  This was a political agenda from start to finish.  CDC sets hospital protocol for diagnoses.  So the CDC, to serve a Faucian bargain, and a Gates bargain, made everything about COVID to pad the numbers used in projections to stoke the fears to make people compliant in getting a gene therapy that does nothing for their health.

Monday, January 18, 2021


His name is Dr. Eric Nepute.  He is the founding chiropractor at the 
Wellness Warrior in St. Louis.  Some remarks from the Comments section:

"The system is set up to kill people right now.  Our breath helps us to detoxify our bodies."

"Stop masking your air."  

“Does underwear mask farts?”

In the above video, he recommends, like so many other doctors and nutritional journalists, taking vitamin D and zinc for the Coronavirus or any other cold.  

The following video was produced back in May 2020.  Here he concedes that if you want to wear a mask, then wear a mask, a far cry from his above exhortation that masks are killing you.  This tells me that he's been seeing the numbers on what is exactly killing people.  It's not COVID; it's lockdowns and masks.