Showing posts with label Stress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stress. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

EPIGENETICS: Our Bodies' Way to Change the Destiny Written in Our DNA by Moshe Szyf

As stress increases, the children develop more autism, they develop more metabolic diseases, and they develop more auto-immune diseases.  And when we map the methylation state, again you see the green genes becoming red as stress increases, the red genes becoming green as stress increases, an entire rearrangement of the genome in response to stress.  So if we can program genes if we are not just the slaves to the history of our genes but they can be programmed, can we de-program them?  Because epigenetic causes can cause diseases like cancer, metabolic disease, and mental health disease.  

Cocaine addiction is a terrible situation that can lead to death and to loss of human life.  We asked the question: can we reprogram the addicted brain to make that animal non-addictive anymore?  We used a cocaine addiction model that recapitulates what happens in humans.  In humans, you're in high school, some friends suggest you use cocaine, you take cocaine, and nothing happens, months pass by, something reminds you of what happened the first time, a pusher pushes cocaine, and you become addicted.  And your life has changed.  In rats, we did the same thing.  My colleague, Gal Yadid, he trains the animals to get used to cocaine, then for one month, no cocaine.  And then he reminds them of the party when they saw the cocaine the first time via cue of the colors of the cage when they saw cocaine and they go crazy.  They will press the lever to get cocaine until they die.  We first determined that the difference between these animals is that during that time when nothing happens, there's no cocaine around, and their epigenome is rearranged.  Their genes are remarked in a different way and when the cue comes, their genome is ready to develop this addictive phenotype.  So we treated these animals with drugs that either increased DNA methylation, which was the epigenetic mark to look at, or we decreased epigenetic markings.  And we found that if we increase methylation, these animals go even crazier, they become more craving for cocaine.  But when we reduce the DNA methylation, the animals are not addicted anymore.  We have reprogrammed them.  And a fundamental difference between the epigenetic drug 

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

1,600 + Reports of Hair Loss Following COVID-19 Shots

The prescient Bill Sardi noted this hair loss last August 2020, from COVID alone, long before the vaccine rollout.  He writes,

Researchers theorize the same male hormones that provoke hair loss may be linked to the propensity of COVID-19 patients experiencing hair loss.  In fact, men with baldness may be more prone to COVID-19 infection itself. 

So it looks like severely intense experiences, like a serious illness, can cause hair loss.  This then becomes quite a statement about the vaccines are: a toxin. 

As many as 70% of the scalp hairs are then shed in large numbers about 2-3 months after a “shock“.  This sudden increase in hair loss (hair falling out in handfuls) is called acute telogen effluvium.  High fevers, childbirth, severe infections, severe psychological stress, major surgery or illnesses, over or under-active thyroid hormone, crash diets with inadequate protein, and a variety of medications– retinoids, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, antidepressants and anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) — are causal. 

I'd read a few years back that pumpkin seed oil is important for hair health and hair restoration.  Looks like Sardi underscores this fact.  He writes that all you need is 400 mg of a daily dose.  

Pumpkin seed oil is a natural 5-alpha reductase enzyme inhibitor.  A 400-milligram daily dose of pumpkin seed oil has been found to restore hair (40% increase in hair count, for men –and women in this author’s experience).  (Pumpkin seed oil completely eradicated this author’s bald spot and at age 75 I have a full head of hair!). This is photo-documentation of the positive effect of pumpkin seed oil on hair loss: 

Before and after pictures: