Monday, October 9, 2023

"we got the genetic blueprint for [the military vaccine] from the Communist Chinese"

This is Dr. Lee Merritt announcing her attendance at the Red Pill Expo in Des Moines, Iowa in August 2023, so about 6 weeks ago.  What I found fascinating comes at the 00:57 mark where she says, 
I spend most of my time speaking about war, and that's my motif behind it because we are all in a war.  One day I was speaking at the Freedom Law School about bioweapons and I realized while I was standing there on stage I had this epiphany that I'd been paying my taxes my entire life, thinking I was being a good American only to suddenly realize that my government had been funding bioweaponeers for decades to poison my children.  I was a Navy physician for about 10 years before I had my Iowa license investigated for over a year and a half because I suggested that America's Frontline Doctors speech I gave in San Antonio that it was a national security nightmare to mandate a vaccine for our military that had never gone through . . . it was untested; it had not gone through any long-term testing if you believe the history.  And if you believe the history, we got the genetic blueprint for it from the Communist Chinese I mean that is just insane lack of military security.  So we're in a war, and we're in a strange war where we cannot clearly identify the enemy.  

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