Saturday, October 28, 2023

World Communism Coming to You via the W.H.O.'s Health Pandemics . . .

Because as we all know, one particular medicine fits all the varied biological, genetic predispositions of 9 billion people on the planet.  So  

Here is Phillipp Kruse, a Swiss attorney. 

After a career in commercial and constitutional law, [Phillipp Kruse] dedicated his life to challenge the path Switzerland is moving along with many other nations. He has run several cases in relation to regulations impacting children, constitutional controversies and is leading several initiatives supporting activists.

Commentary on this topic is important.  But who do we listen to?  I can think of no better authority in most things geopolitical and macroeconomics than Catherine Austin Fitts.  Here Kruse reviews the specifics of the treaty and how they bind each of the 194 countries. 

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