Sunday, October 22, 2023

The Soviet Union you could do absolutely nothing. It was a permissioned economy. In theory you would be shot if you sold bootleg bread out of the back of your car

in the US when Joe Biden came into power, YouTube disabled their thumbs down, because every time Biden to open his mouth there were so many down votes [that it] was embarrassing to the regime. 

And yet there was some point where governments collapsed.  They largely collapsed because of the money.  At that point, when you get hyperinflation, the government has to make a choice: will it pay the Praetorian Guard or will it pay the bureaucrat busybodies?  Lo and behold, the busy buddies get cut pretty darn fast.  That's what happened in the Soviet Union: the state begins to look after itself.  Day to day it can be pretty discouraging but the people are with us.  If you look . . . I know certainly in the US when Joe Biden came into power, YouTube disabled their thumbs down, because every time Biden opened his mouth there were so many downvotes.  It was embarrassing to the regime.  You see this persistently across the board where the regime has its pet media, they have its pet narratives nobody's believing that garbage anymore.  So I think that we do eventually get to a point where the entire thing looks impressive but you look behind it and there's nothing there.  It's a Potemkin village.  

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