Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Sex education was founded by disciples of Alfred Kinsey, who is certainly one of the most prominent sexual deviants of the last century

Sex education was founded by disciples of Alfred Kinsey, who is certainly one of the most prominent sexual deviants of the last century, and that sexual education internet shell was about sexual freedom sexual experimentation and rejection of Judeo. Chistian values.  It is not about health whatsoever so that was a rude awakening.  And as a result of that research I wrote a book called You're Teaching My Child What?  That's a book about the lies of sex education and while I was doing that research, I discovered what kids were being told about gender.  I discovered the kids were being told that Humanity was not separated into male and female, that that is an oppressive and false paradigm and everything was couched in the language of Social radicalism and Marxism, Rebellion we have to fight against they were telling kids, and still do, that gender binary, in other words male and female.  Now this has no scientific basis no medical basis.  Scientifically, humanity is divided into male and female.  And so that was back in 2008 when I wrote that book and I included a chapter about gender and I predicted that what we are telling our kids about male and female that is not something based on biology but it's based on feelings, and that it can change throughout the lifetime. And that we need to do away with the idea that we are all permanently male or female.  It's when I discovered that that I warned parents that a disaster is coming.  This is going to be disastrous for our kids.  Unfortunately, it took the current Calamity that we are now seeing to prove that I was right.  It is a catastrophe to tell kids, little children, preschoolers that adults make mistakes that male and female, boy and girl, is randomly "assigned" by a doctor or nurse in the delivery room, that sometimes the grown-ups are wrong, that only they know  if they feel like they are male or female and when they announced their identity the whole world is obligated to go along with it and those people who do not go along with it, who may question it are transphobes, bad people, toxic people.

6:42. I've said from the start that what is being demanded of us from this ideology is the total transformation of society, and you would think that if we are dealing with people of goodwill they would say something like, "I realize that we're asking an enormous, a tremendous amount of you.  We're asking you to modify language, legal norms that go back thousands of years.  We are asking you to introduce potential conflict in your in your households, and all kinds of social turmoil.  We realize that this is an enormous in position but it must be done for the sake of Health and Justice.  But they can't even be bothered to say that it's just yep we're making radical demands and you're going to sit there and take it.

7:24. Yeah, that's pretty accurate It's imposed on us.  I call it a crusade.  It's a crusade because, like I mentioned, there's no basis in medicine or science for this. It's more like a religion than anything else.  It has its sacred beliefs that cannot be challenged.  No debate is permitted. And, yeah, it's steamrolling.  It's crusading through our culture, through our medical institutions, our Medical Professional associations, previously trusted institutions in government, education, to say nothing of the media and Hollywood obviously.

8:17.  Now you've said that

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