Saturday, October 28, 2023

RADM Daniel Hagari, IDF officer, delivers an urgent message for the residents of Gaza who don't speak English and can't even see this video because Israel cut off their internet access

The Israel Defense Forces Spokesperson RADM Daniel Hagari. Some, Laurence (Larry) Boorstein, claim that he is one of the main war criminals of the Zionist Israeli entity.

Adding that "He and all the others should be charged in International Criminal Court in The Hague for their roles in war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide."

Seemingly from the dead, John McCain tells reporters that Israel ought to level Gaza. Specifically, he says . . . oh, no, not John McCain. Oh, sorry. A living standing U.S. senator from South Carolina, Lindsay Graham. It was Lindsay who said "Level the place," and not some demon from Hell.

During WWII, the Nazis gave similar promises of "temporary relocation" to Jews disembarking from trains arriving at death camps in eastern Poland, like Sobibor.

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