Friday, May 12, 2023

When OWS turned over the organizational charts, they shocked everybody because the top organization that had managed OWS was not HHS, which is a public health agency. It wasn't CDC or NIH or FDA. It was the NSA, a spy agency.

It was a pretense for clamp down totalitarian control.

The weird thing about the pandemic was this constant involvement by the CIA and the intelligence agencies, and by the military.  When Operation Warspeed made its presentation to FDA, to the committee they call the (VRBPAC) Committee, Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee(VRBPAC) asked for the organizational charts which were classified up to that time.  When OWS turned over the organizational charts, they shocked everybody because the top organization that had managed OWS was not HHS, which is a public health agency.  It wasn't CDC or NIH or FDA.  It was the NSA, a spy agency.  That was the top agency, the lead agency on Operation Warp Speed on the pandemic. And the second agency was the Pentagon.  The vaccines weren't developed by Pfizer or Moderna.  They were developed by NIH.  The patents were owned 50% by NIH.  Nor were they manufactured by Pfizer or Moderna.  They were manufactured by military contractors.  And basically, Pfizer and Moderna were paid to put their labels on the vaccines as if they came from the pharmaceutical industry.  This was a military project from the beginning.

And then you have 20 different simulations that I uncovered, virus and pandemic simulations, that started in 2001 right before the Anthrax attacks.  And the CIA was sponsoring them all.  The last one was Event 201 in October 2019.  And the participants in there are Avril Haines, the former Deputy Director of the CIA, who's been managing cover-ups her entire life.  She managed Guantánamo Bay, lying on the Senate.  She is now the Director of DNI, Director of National Intelligence, which makes her the highest-ranking officer at the NSA that managed the pandemic.  So you have a spy who is convening these pandemic simulations and each of these simulations going back 20 years, they're not simulating a public health response  They're not doing things like,

"How do we stockpile vitamin D?" 

"How do we get people outdoors, get them to lose weight, get them doing exercise?"  

"How do we develop an information grid with all of the 15 million doctors, frontline physicians, all over the world?" 

Who are going to be encountering their situation so that we can get what they're doing that works, what doesn't work, and put together a model, here are the repurposed drugs that worked, here are the treatments that worked.  None of that happened.  It was an incredible opportunity to manage a pandemic in a way that was intelligent and sensitive and devastating to the disease but we didn't do any of those things.  It was all about how you use the pandemic to clamp down on censorship.  How do you use it to force lockdowns?  

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