Monday, May 22, 2023

DAVE COLLUM: To me, it was leaked to give us an excuse to get out of a losing situation.

4:00  CEO of Budweiser, Brendan Whitworth, is a CIA asset.  Makes sense.  So that Dylan Mulvaney contract is no accident or stroke of good career luck.  Funny.  And people call me a conspiracy theorist for pointing out all the CIA plants at the different companies and institutions in the U.S., but that's another story.

4:17  That insane press conference that John Kirby gave, the Defense Department, where he said "They're not true," "don't believe them," and "don't say anything."  More importantly that the media sat there and wondered "How can we help you do damage control?"  The leaks were real, but they didn't tell us . . . all they did was confirm for us that which we already knew.  If that's the case, then why is Kirby worried about this stuff getting out in public?  Kirby is not that good an actor.

6:00 Do you think he was panicking then?  

6:02  Absolutely, he was panicking.  That was a sphincter-clinching . . . I don't see anybody in the Biden Administration as 12-D chess-playing gameplayers.

Do you think the 21-year-old kid leaked anything?  

The kid is straight out of central casting for alt-right central casting.  If this kid is such a patriot that he'd be willing to torch his military career, 

The photographs suck.  I can do better.  

What if the kid is that guy?  If he's a patriot and dedicated to his role in the U.S. military, is it that far beyond the pale we're going to be able to slow the march to war.  6 months in Leavenworth, and he's let out.

What are the downstream effects of this?  There is no way the military-industrial contractors want to be exposed.  So they have an incentive to stop this [war] from happening.  The leak isn't fake, but it was done in a way to have plausible deniability, be part of the disinformation campaign, and signal that there's much more out there to those in the know that there's disagreement at the top.

11:50  It looked to me like the start of the end of the war, and it would be one of these things that by leaking you turn the story into the leak, like COVID into the leak, and then you say, "Oh, my God.  This is horrifying, and then you're pulling out," and then you blame Ukraine for not holding up their end of the bargain after we'd gotten them so close to victory.  To me, it was leaked to give us an excuse to get out of a losing situation.  

Interesting comment on the shoe from Lewfalo:

Russia has saved the Western World from itself many times in history by keeping Europe in check. By doing this they’ve also saved themselves and the rest of the world. Most recently, it began with Syria. But when covid happened and Russia went along with it, many of us thought it was the end. Who can be sure why Russia went along with covid but perhaps they actually were several steps ahead of Europe? Every government on Earth wants full control over their citizens, so why not go along with measures to achieve that goal, look like a team player, and put Davos at ease at the same time. What do you think? But finally, when Ukraine happened last year it truly became the death knell for Davos and old money Europe…only Davos didn’t know it when it began. Now surely they do know it, because they shot their entire wad with covid it seems. And though it looked like they succeeded for 2 years straight, it really was the beginning of the end for them. Peak Davos, as Tom says… Now enough of the clueless masses are weary not just of covid, but all vaccines and “pandemics”. Weary not just of “experts”, but their own doctors (which I love most, because I’ve always known they’re all quacks and sadists for the most part). More distrust and hatred of the news media and entertainment media in general. We have Russia to thank once again for saving the world. Now it’s time for us to pick up the pieces and finally move on, and make damn sure every last one of these fiends are dead and buried once and for all. No amnesty, no rebuilding, no “bringing them to justice”…just eliminated.

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