Thursday, May 18, 2023

"She didn't read his book, the New York Times bestseller, Amazon bestseller for weeks if not months"

KRYSTAL, 1:47:  I don't want to get into a debate with you over this because you've spent your life . . .

DORE, 1:53: Because he would embarrass you because you don't know anything that you're talking about.  And that's why you don't want to get into a debate.  And you are sure you don't want to get into a debate because if you got into a debate, everybody would even more than we know now [reveal] that you know nothing.  People would know that you know nothing about what you're talking about.  You haven't read any of the studies, and he would clean your clock, which is why you're doing such a dishonest and amateurish . . . well, it's not, it's a hack.  This isn't an amateurish interview job.  This is a hack job, and that's what she's doing.  

METZGER, 2:22:  The people she thinks are maybe qualified they're never going to do it.  They're never going to talk to him.  So it's just left to someone like her to say, like, "Well, I trust this group for whatever reason . . . ."

DORE, 2:36:  And she just talks over him.  She just talks over him.  

KRYSTAL, 2:40:  Pulling out this study, I will tell you, let me just tell you . . . I've listened to 

DORE, 2:47:  She won't let him talk.  She's been talking non-stop now for about 3 minutes straight, and  

METZGER, 2:53:  Listen to ehat she says, the sentence she says . . . 

KRYSTAL, 2:54:  Hours of interview with you . . . 

METZGER, 2:57:  No you didn't!  Ha ha ha . . . no she hasn't.  

DORE, 3:00:  Did she say she listened to hours of interviews?  But you know what she didn't do?  She didn't read his book, the New York Tunes bestseller, Amazon bestseller for weeks if not months, bestseller.  Ah, she didn't read that book because if she did, she wouldn't be saying this stupid shit.  

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