Sunday, May 21, 2023


"Psychopaths can sing the lyrics, but they don't respond to the melody."  

Wayne keeps to himself, he does a great deal of reading, a great deal of writing. 

Psychopaths can be wondrous in many ways.  One of them is the ability to engage otherwise knowing and well-informed therapists about their sincerity and desire to change.  The damage they inflict on the population is very widespread.  

WAYNE:  "I knew that I had to get in touch with some deeper level of inner connection so that I can identify with humanity."  

That is the thing, isn't it?  How does one connect with the prevailing values of a group?  I mean if you join a group and assess their values, how do you know that you're not going to, say, have contempt for their views or for the organization itself?  And if you do have contempt, what is the proper course of action--do you simply leave, or, if it's your work, do you stay and work out problems?  To what extent?  For how long?  At what cost?  And if you stay, what are your incentives, if you do, in fact, have contempt for them? 

In real estate, I loved the work, I loved talking with people.  I didn't like always feeling like I was operating on limited knowledge or feeling like I had no time to learn.  

In Education, I absolutely did have contempt for some of its values.  And by extension some of the personnel, who were there mainly by the grace of the state or its district.  Take Satan's money, you've got to do Satan's bidding. 

What many psychopaths will do is establish trust with you.  Once established, they will begin spotting and committing to memory your vulnerabilities, your fears, your hopes, and anxieties, so they can exploit these at a later date. to their advantage.  This is how they work, which puts their charm in a whole new context.  Their charm is like shiny bait.  You know it's not to be trusted but you want to see how it works.  That's probably the one skill that psychopaths master is charm, and it's only a function of their predatory instincts.  It only exists to satisfy the short and long-term goals of their predatory nature.  I knew one psychopath through another friend, who actually used to shoot and kill dogs that would stray onto his property.  I mean he wouldn't even bother to shoo them away or yell at them to "Get out!"

Very difficult to warn other people of a psychopath's true nature.  "Stay away from Rick," you might warn.  The listener hears this and compares this warning against Rick's charms and thinks, "Well, my friend is just being overly cautious of my well-being.  I'm an adult.  I can make my own decisions.  I'll risk it for a while.  What could go wrong?"

By the way, when they are caught, the psychopath will exhibit a conviction that he's done something wrong, but that conviction is only expedient.  And it's only to the extent that it's working on his audience.  Remember, the psychopath is mainly satisfied by seeing his techniques work to their desired effect, whether that desired effect or goal is sickness, injury, and or death.  Intrinsically, they are a black hole of social morals.  They have to be, for they are aware of their intentions to prey on people.  But they rationalize those intentions, so they never feel the pangs of conscience.  

It's been said that they don't have to be violent.  Perhaps.  Not overt violence, but intentionally violent outcomes always.  Destruction is their preferred goal.  Your destruction.  If they can arrange it so that you do it to yourself, through immolation, even better.  They can, if you let them, hijack huge swathes of time from your day, including other valuable resources, they will have no qualms.  

Deceit and deception is their default mindset but set to the facade of transparency and vulnerability.  Think of the Roman god, Janus, who looks in two directions at the same time.  Janus is the Roman god of "beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, frames, and endings. He is usually depicted as having two faces."  Two-faced.  Bet on it.  

When they engage you in conversation, they delight at how they've fooled you and will take pleasure and delight in the length to which they can fool you.  When they find someone they can trust, someone who won't out them, someone not so critical of their lifestyle and game, they can and will relax, but their feelings for safety are only transient.  They've played so many other people that they guard against well-deserved reprisals, so this makes them defensive at all times.  But to flip the script, they can and will be overtly celebratory to completely redirect any perceived threats from friends or foes.  

If you out them, they won't like it but they will endure it because they know they're frauds.  They know that they're not in the same league as those who've sacrificed time, and money, and tested themselves in the real world.  Psychopaths don't live in the real world.  They are a prop in it, an automaton, a mannequin.  They've got to make themselves likable to even get a hearing.  

They view Satan as a boorish amateur.  

If you find yourself in a protracted relationship or friendship with a psychopath, know that they always measure your sins against them as the most egregious, most worthy of retaliation, while always downplaying their transgressions against you and so will never apologize.  Remember, they see themselves as more valuable to your life even though they are completely detached from what is important to you.

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