Sunday, May 21, 2023


Thank you to Alex Krainer.

American mythology is taking a hit. These interviews are much more damning than the shots of the moon landing.

What a sad history we've built for ourselves.  Russia completely owned the space program.  And though it was Kennedy who professed a commitment to it to put the U.S. on par with Russia or on the map all its own, his assassination on 11/22/1963, put the mission in the hands of a CIA-controlled NASA, and we've been living under that mantle ever since.  Could it be that the finest "Made in America" export is just propaganda itself?  

Collins, Aldrin, and Armstrong's Apollo 11 Command Module landed, on July 24, 1969, about 950 miles southwest from the coast of Hawaii, a CIA stronghold, where the men were retrieved and boarded onto the aircraft carrier, USS Hornet.  But how did their splashdown take place?  They came back into orbit through a controlled landing via a parachute.  But why the Pacific Ocean?  Why Hawaii?  Why not back at Cape Canaveral?  

They were then placed into quarantine for one full month.  Their quarantine, called a Mobile Quarantine Facility, or MQF, was an Air Stream trailer.  

Then on September 16, 1969, the 3 astronauts of the Apollo 11 mission gave a press conference.  Seems apparent that they were brainwashed Manchurian style.  

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