Thursday, May 18, 2023

Liberal Hypocrites Opposed Lockdowns in China AFTER Calling U.S. & Canadian Truckers SupremacistsU

Naomi Klein wrote an article in March 1, 2022, titled "Toxic Nostalgia, From Putin to Trump to Trucker Convoys," slamming the protests against the lockdowns . . . but when China protests the lockdowns, they're heroic.  

Jimmy Dore does an excellent takedown of her.  

When did she come out and apologize to conservatives?  March 9, 2023.  What did she apologize for?  For siding with the Democrats' position on J6 Protestors as terrors and white supremacists.  But she doesn't apologize for attacking the freedom fighting truckers in the United States and Canada, which renders her apology meaningless.  Personally, I don't like her apology because she says that she was duped, apparently unable to decipher the truth through the powerful propaganda machine of her own party, the Democrats.  She explains before the whole gets lost into subscription-ville, 

It’s tempting to sweep this confrontation with my own gullibility under the rug — to “move on” without ever acknowledging that I was duped, and that as a result I made mistakes in judgement, and that these mistake

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