Saturday, May 6, 2023

Peter Baldrige, former Assistant General Counsel of the Calif Dept of Public Health notified the agency they were violating the law by not investigating COVID vaccine injuries and deaths. They ignored him.

Peter Baldrige, former Assistant General Counsel of the Calif Dept of Public Health notified the agency they were violating the law by not investigating COVID vaccine injuries and deaths. They ignored him. So I will be filing a writ of mandamus which is a court order to force them to do their job. If the writ is granted by the court, it’s very likely that we will get to have input on how they do it. That will be a nice change, won’t it? 

Who wants to see the data?

As Ryan Cole is fond of saying, “You will never find what you don’t look for.”

Let’s be clear. California is not looking into any injuries or deaths caused by the vaccines. They are looking out for the interests of the drug companies, not your health. They don’t care how many people in California have been injured or died. Your injuries and deaths are immaterial. They don’t care. They don’t even want to look.

The medical community in California is not better. They don’t want an investigation either. Have you heard of a single doctor, Dean of Medicine, or medical association in California calling for an investigation? Of course not!

Does Governor Newsom want an investigation? No way. Newsom himself is vaccine injured so he knows the vaccines cause harm. That’s why he dropped out of sight for weeks after his booster shot. A proper investigation would show that the vaccines killed people which means that Newsom instituted policies that likely lead to the untimely demise of tens of thousands of innocent residents of California and the injury of many times that number.

The only person who called for an investigation, as required by law, is the former Assistant Chief Counsel of the California Department of Public Health. He worked there for 27 years and is appalled by what is happening there now. They can’t take away his medical license because he’s not a doctor. They could try to take away his license to practice law, but he’s retired. This is a problem for them. They ran into someone they couldn’t intimidate.

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