Tuesday, January 18, 2022

The Truth About Mass Psychosis

Reading is one antidote. And if you're reading, it means you're already thinking. 

Let's hope and pray that folks can see all of the institutions in society as corrupt and corruptible from education to medicine to legal to farming and entertainment. They're all lying to us. Unfortunately, too many of us are okay with that kind of treatment. That's just one more shackle that we must dispose of.  Mass psychosis exists because no one trusts society's institutions to do right by them anymore.  So though mass psychosis seems like things are crazy, chaotic, and out of control, and they are, this is also the beginning of awareness and the start of an exit strategy from the matrix of corruption.  

Mass psychosis relies on rendering every individual anonymous.  It started with the hooded, dark-shade-wearing Unabomber, Ted Kazinsky.  Mr. Anonymous.  Then the kids in high schools all began wearing hoodies, with their faces and gaze recessed as far back in the hoodie as possible for maximum anonymity.  They didn't want to be called on in class.  They retreated to their rooms at home, the only place of solace from the collection of adults who've allowed their world to become so corrupt.

How many times have we heard someone say, "Oh, his ego is too big!"  Good, I say.  We need more individuality.  When people act on behalf of group identity, where the only personal ambition is some goal purportedly agreed-upon by and for the group, then society is doomed.  That is fascism.  Or communism.  

We hear of an alter ego, a bruised ego, stroke one's ego, or "Lee is on an ego trip" as if all of these experiences are bad.  All these say is that the listener or audience is upset that the man with the ego is invested in something he likes.  And the problem is?  We need more people to have an ego, and to not surrender identity to the crowd.  For example, I'm not a fan of LBGTQ's politics or their advocacy for surgical reassignment of gender, but I do kind of like their exuberance with personal identity.  It's just an identity that is outside of my wheelhouse.  It's nobody's business.  You live your life, and I'll live mine.  Let's call it mutual and peaceful respect.  So I don't like it when someone else tries to destroy another man's, or woman's, ego.  But it's baked into the language now that when we don't like someone else's exuberance, we complain to anyone who will listen to us that he's just "stroking his ego."  This kind of attack comes most often from unhappy folks.  It's envy.  

The psychology of the crowd, however, is the exact opposite: the crowd prefers anonymity, whereas the individual celebrates an ego, a personality, joie de vivre, a joy of conversation, a vitality of standing out, of expression.  It's like the dark, brooding, sulk of Antifa has become the mascot of modern-day life, our dark and brooding muse.  

2:35  Reese states that AP and Reuters claim that mass psychosis does not exist you should understand that these publications are the mouthpiece of the vaccine manufacturers.  James C. Smith, President and CEO of Thomson Reuters, was also a board member of Pfizer, the decision-making body.  So when Reuters promotes or defends vaccines, Smith engages in flagrant conflicts of interest.  Waging psychological warfare against a group of a population who believe that the media would never lie to them.  Though people know that the media news lies to them, they have a hard time wrapping their minds around the fact that the media news also lied about bodily integrity.  People find themselves in such a symbiotic relationship with media--love and hate, consolatory media, where they've settled for spoon-fed information rather than devote the time and work of reading, comparing, concluding, and revising for themselves, for the truth.  They're realizing that they've surrendered their stronger selves for those few delicious hours of storytime.  that flip side of their conclusion, of their belief, or tWhy would people believe that the media would lie?  Where do people watch their favorite shows?  Where do they binge-watch?  Who broadcasts their favorite football team home and away games in the cold northeast?  Why would these networks lie to people about a vaccine or any kind of medicine for that matter?  What I hear a lot from folks who've been vaccinated is a recitation of the lies told them by Fauci, Collins, Gates, CDC Director, Walensky, and other priests of the vaccines and you can hear the heartbreak at knowing the extent of their injuries. 


Here is the Moosmosis article, "Psychology 101: Crowd Psychology and the Theory of Gustave Le Bon," cited in the video.   Here is their home page.  

"Psychology in Social Roles Today," Mosmosis.

Pathological Subconsciousand Irrational Determinism in the Social Psychology of the Crowd: The Legacy of Gustave Lebon,” Gregory R. McGuire, Science Direct, 1987.

Fearing the Masses: Gustave Le Bon and Some Undemocratic Roots of Modern Rhetorical Studies,” Jay P. Childers, Advances in the History of Rhetoric, March 2014.   

How Does the Concept of Individualism Help Explain the Renaissance?” Staff Writer, Reference, March 25, 2020.  

"The Shadow: Carl Jung Warning to the World," Staff Writer, Eternalized: In the Pursuit of Meaning, October 1, 2021.

Problems with the Vaccines

Dr. James Thorp on Medical Censorship by State Medical Boards

Please read Kirsch's article, "Why Dr. James Thorp is a hero, but will soon lose his license to practice medicine forever," about he thinks Thorp is a hero and the difficulties faced in winning judgments or damages.  State medical boards are running doctors' lives and are threatening the lives of their patients.  

Any healthcare provider who spreads any misinformation (in the view of their governing Board for their specialty), will have their license to practice medicine revoked. The Medical Boards are the judge, jury, and executioner. Whatever they say goes.

This censorship technique works. It keeps virtually all healthcare professionals silenced about what they are seeing. Nobody wants to lose their career. The doctors just do the best they can under the circumstances: they tell patients to take the jab, and then tell the family it was bad luck when they die, that it was not related to the vaccine. 

And here he talks about judgments and damages.

We talked about why, even though Dr. Thorp is being honest about the vaccines, masking, mandates, and early treatment, the medical boards are likely to prevail in a court of law even though the science is clear that Thorp is correct.

The reason is simple: judges don’t believe they can adjudicate the merits of medical arguments, so they always side with the “respected authorities.” The medical boards simply say, “See your honor, every doctor in the country says the vaccines are safe. Dr. Thorp is a quack and a danger to society.” It works every time.


Man Suffers "Agonizing" Penile Blood Clot Caused By COVID

What is with all these penis injuries?   

Monday, January 17, 2022

Ocular Manifestations after Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine

This interview was part of this thread somehow.  Find the time to listen to Michael Yeadon's compelling review of the vaccines, of the criminal culpability, of the health, the threats to democracy if people continue putting more poisons into their systems.   

What eye problems, you ask?  Too many to count.  

Too many to count.  

Because the eyes are such a concentrated vascular organ, I don't know how you can pass up on vitamin C if you want to care for your eyes.  An additional compound that I've liked is Lutein.  This tends to make my dreams a bit more vivid, which I like.  As far as improving my ability to adjust my eyes exiting a lighted area to a darkened one, I cannot say that I've noticed a difference with Lutein.  Not to say that one doesn't exist; just that I haven't noticed it.  Bill Sardi, on the other, points to the benefits of Resveratrol to do that.  

If any unwanted tissue growths develop, I would consider what Bill Sardi has recently reviewed from Japan, a product that turns macrophages into natural killer cells.  It's called Macrophage Activating Factor, MAF.  Of interest was this point that Sardi made:

Investigators now realize the internal production of interferon cannot sustain a population of activated macrophages.  Other immune cells (T-cells) help to activate macrophages out of dormancy.  This is where macrophage activating factor (MAF) comes in.  In states of disease or infection, macrophages are predominantly activated by vitamin D-binding protein/macrophage activating factor (MAF).