Showing posts with label Steve Kirsch (@stkirsch). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Steve Kirsch (@stkirsch). Show all posts

Friday, June 9, 2023

Steve Kirsch Testifies the Truth About All Vaccines to Pennsylvania State Senate

All these vaccines are causing harm to our kids.  It's not just the COVID Vaccines.  It's every single one of them.  There's never ever been a study comparing fully vaccinated kids, who follow the CDC schedule, versus kids who did not get vaccinated at all, who did not get a vitamin K shot, which is not a vitamin.  And whose mother did not get vaccinated if you compare the results of kids whose moms didn't get vaccinated no vitamin K shot and no vaccines and if you compare the outcomes of those Kids versus kids who got the CDC schedule there is a dramatic difference. It is an unbelievable difference.  It is a difference that nobody wants to talk about.  There are no studies, zero, that show the opposite.  You know I go on Twitter, and the doctors say, well, for every study there's always a study that shows the opposite.  This is the one case where there are no studies in medicine that show the opposite results.  The fully unvaccinated kids are always healthier.  And, in fact, there was a 10-year study done by Dr. Paul Thomas.  And, of course, they got that study retracted,  unethically, in violation of the COPE guidelines.  That 10-year study showed that the kids who got measles were the kids who were vaccinated against measles. The kids who got mumps were the kids who got vaccinated against mumps. The kids who did not get any vaccines did not get any of the diseases that the kids were vaccinated against . . . we're vaccinated. So when you talk about you shouldn't be discriminated against because you didn't get a vaccine, you should be applauded because you didn't get a vaccine because you did the right thing.  If you're a parent and you didn't vaccinate your kids you should be applauded because you did the research and you found out that vaccines are causing chronic disease in America.  There's a study that was done by The Control Group they have over a thousand people who are unvaccinated.  The health outcomes in those people are night and day compared with fully vaccinated people.  

We have like a 60% rate of people with a chronic disease in America.  If you've not been vaccinated at all, the rate is close to zero.  And, of course, none of this is talked about.  They tried to get the CDC to do a study of the fully vaccinated versus the fully unvaccinated.  In 2005, the CDC Director Julie Gerberding from 2002 to 2009, promised to do such a study.  She said, "Yes, we should do such a study. It's important that we do a study now. We can refine it later," and that was nearly 20 years ago. And that study has never been done.  And it will never be done because they don't want people to know that all these vaccines have been harming people since the very beginning.  There is no safe vaccine, not a single one.  Not one vaccine is safe and effective.  And I actually went on Twitter and offered $2,500 to anybody who could show me such a study.  And nobody was able to produce such a study. 

Find Steve Kirsch's notes for the presentation in a fun and easy-to-read slideshow here.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Dr. Michael Huang Treats Thousands of Vaccine Injured in California

"My first language is common sense."  -- Dr. Michael Huang

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Charles Hoffe is being prosecuted in Canada for recommending ivermectin, and for telling patients that the vaccines are dangerous.

Yeah, this guy, the guy who sounded the alarm of harm early and often, is on trial in Canada for recommending Ivermectin.   

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

17 doctors admit that her problems stem from the vaccine, but none will document that on paper. Her cardiologist said she had no interest in helping or researching effects of the vaccine on her heart

Before the vaccines, it was "We're all in this together."  After the vaccines, it is "I'm sorry, what's your name?" and "I've never heard of myocarditis.  Go see your doctor." 

Apparently, the "We're all in this together" was a collective cheer by the millionaires and billionaires reaping windfall profits and had nothing to do with any call to altruism by working men and women, or grandfathers, moms, dads, nephews, cousins.  We're not all in this together.  Quite the contrary.    

We'd like to forget. Boy, how I'd like to forget. But we can't forget. It must be recorded. It must be remembered. Never forget. Never forgive. Hold the line.

Do reminders work?  To what degree?  For how long?  We were reminded endlessly about fascism and the Jewish Holocaust of WWII.  How instructive was that to help us make the right decision regarding COVID and the vaccines?  How many of us relied upon the law to obtain an exemption, and defended ourselves, our bodies, and our property?  Not sure if it's soul searching that folks need to do as much as it is to know the laws that protect your rights and to apply them mercilessly against companies, yes, even grocery stores, that want to force some medical device or measure on you when they have no license or protections from the law to do so.  They've gotten away with enough.  Apply accountability.  And never forget.  Never forgive.  And hold the line.  

To the first video, the scene takes place at the Blue Mountain Ski Resort in Ontario, Canada.  For the life of me, I haven't been able to find the name of the man.  He's not identified in any of the reports published online.  And the incident took place on February 1, 2022, so almost a full year ago.  As to the mask mandate back then, their site currently says that masks are mandated and that exemptions are forbidden by the ADA.  One article from last year said, perhaps in error, that the masks were recommended, which is different from being required.    

Steve Kirsch provides a good write-up on Stephanie's murder. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Dr. James Thorp on Medical Censorship by State Medical Boards

Please read Kirsch's article, "Why Dr. James Thorp is a hero, but will soon lose his license to practice medicine forever," about he thinks Thorp is a hero and the difficulties faced in winning judgments or damages.  State medical boards are running doctors' lives and are threatening the lives of their patients.  

Any healthcare provider who spreads any misinformation (in the view of their governing Board for their specialty), will have their license to practice medicine revoked. The Medical Boards are the judge, jury, and executioner. Whatever they say goes.

This censorship technique works. It keeps virtually all healthcare professionals silenced about what they are seeing. Nobody wants to lose their career. The doctors just do the best they can under the circumstances: they tell patients to take the jab, and then tell the family it was bad luck when they die, that it was not related to the vaccine. 

And here he talks about judgments and damages.

We talked about why, even though Dr. Thorp is being honest about the vaccines, masking, mandates, and early treatment, the medical boards are likely to prevail in a court of law even though the science is clear that Thorp is correct.

The reason is simple: judges don’t believe they can adjudicate the merits of medical arguments, so they always side with the “respected authorities.” The medical boards simply say, “See your honor, every doctor in the country says the vaccines are safe. Dr. Thorp is a quack and a danger to society.” It works every time.


Sunday, November 14, 2021

"YouTube has determined that nobody has died from the COVID vaccines."