Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Dr. James Thorp on Medical Censorship by State Medical Boards

Please read Kirsch's article, "Why Dr. James Thorp is a hero, but will soon lose his license to practice medicine forever," about he thinks Thorp is a hero and the difficulties faced in winning judgments or damages.  State medical boards are running doctors' lives and are threatening the lives of their patients.  

Any healthcare provider who spreads any misinformation (in the view of their governing Board for their specialty), will have their license to practice medicine revoked. The Medical Boards are the judge, jury, and executioner. Whatever they say goes.

This censorship technique works. It keeps virtually all healthcare professionals silenced about what they are seeing. Nobody wants to lose their career. The doctors just do the best they can under the circumstances: they tell patients to take the jab, and then tell the family it was bad luck when they die, that it was not related to the vaccine. 

And here he talks about judgments and damages.

We talked about why, even though Dr. Thorp is being honest about the vaccines, masking, mandates, and early treatment, the medical boards are likely to prevail in a court of law even though the science is clear that Thorp is correct.

The reason is simple: judges don’t believe they can adjudicate the merits of medical arguments, so they always side with the “respected authorities.” The medical boards simply say, “See your honor, every doctor in the country says the vaccines are safe. Dr. Thorp is a quack and a danger to society.” It works every time.


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