Showing posts with label Greg Reese. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greg Reese. Show all posts

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Cloward-Piven Strategy

Wikipedia orients us,
The Cloward–Piven strategy is a political strategy outlined in 1966 by American sociologists and political activists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. The strategy aims to utilize "militant anti poverty groups" to facilitate a "political crisis" by overloading the welfare system via an increase in welfare claims, forcing the creation of a system of guaranteed minimum income and "redistributing income through the federal government". 

The Cloward Piven strategy was developed by Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven in 1966.  It outlines a strategy for radical social change by way of abusing the system to the point of Destruction.  

Piven pathetically explains,

We were associated with the Social Work tradition which said that the programs worked as they were supposed to work but they hadn't worked as they were supposed to work and it was out of that realization that Insight that we developed the strategy to end poverty which called for a massive mobilization of social workers and lawyers and organizers to get people to get benefits to which they were entitled we were proposing a kind of movement that demanded what people were already entitled to by law, by regulation, by propaganda. 

The primary goal of the Cloward Piven strategy is to create a political and economic crisis that would destroy capitalism and lead to the implementation of a socialist system with a guaranteed income.  The strategy involves enrolling large numbers of people into the welfare system, as many people as it takes, to overwhelm and strain the system until it collapses.  Everyone enrolled into the welfare system is also used as an army to carry out the destruction of the current system.  They are registered to vote and instructed on how to vote, organized and mobilized, and made to appear as grassroots organizations, demanding more from the system.  

The ideal outcome of the Cloward-Piven Strategy is to collapse the current system.  According to their theory, this will compel the government to implement a universal basic income, which would then shift the U.S. towards a more socialist system with increased government control over the economy everyone is being encouraged to do it.  "Burn it down!" is the new sexy ring.  

02:16. In high school they compare it to the American Revolution the Clower Piven strategy is a political gambit designed to overwhelm the American government by placing so many demands on the bureaucratic structure that it collapses.  It's sort of a "shock and awe" campaign, a surprise attack on entrenched systems meant to force major changes to the ways that things are handled by the government.  It may be messy, but it does harken back to a fundamental ideology of the American Republic, "If it ain't fixed break it." 

02:48. All of this explains the likes of AOC.

Wild-eyed, batshit crazy, Piven,

What people like AOC are doing, what the Squad is doing, is really very important, very important.  But at the same time there is this movement which is so big, some people say the biggest movement in American history; it's hard to know because it's hard to measure a movement.  But it is big. It is interracial and it penetrates into every small town.  I now am in Upstate New York. The town I'm closest to has maybe 2,000 people. You know, we have little demonstrations in front of the post office for Black Lives Matter, and this is Trump country; nevertheless, there is a Black Lives Matter demonstration.  So it's a very potent and important moment in American political development, and we have to make the most of it because if we don't we don't know what's going to happen, but it's not going to be good. 

Quite the ominous message for a crazy radical Bolshevik in American government.  



Saturday, June 15, 2024

GREG REESE: Alwaleed bin Talal is co-owner, with Bill Gates, of the Four Seasons, which resides on floors 35-39 of the Mandalay Bay Hotel.

This airport is referenced in the story of Brian Malinowski.  

The Four Seasons Hotel in Las Vegas adjacent to the Mandalay Bay Hotel, the site of the October 1, 2017 mass shooting of young men and women attending the concert was owned by Bill Gates and Saudi Prince, Alwaleed bin Talal through a deal made in 2007.  

Despite that police officers claimed that they saw Paddock shoot himself, the recorded time of his demise wasn't until noon the following day.  Go figure.

Hotel security guard, Jose Campos, was supposedly shot in the leg 6 minutes BEFORE he began his attack, and yet it took law enforcement 72 minutes to get into Paddock's hotel room.  Body cam footage shows a hotel security guard directing police to the 32nd floor.  And less than 10 minutes later, directing other officers to the 29th floor.  When the police finally get to Paddock's floor, hotel security seems strangely casual.  One strolls down the hallway with his back to Paddock's room and points behind him to Room 135.  And they then stand calmly in the hallway with their attention fixed on the police.  Hotel Security Manager, George Umstott, was later found hiding in a hotel room and detained by police.  And several key officers were never even questioned.

Campos claimed he went to UMC Quick Care for treatment, but the facility stated they had no record of this.  He then fled the country and returned only to appear on the Ellen Degeneres Show owned by MGM.  MGM was granted a restraining order, an RO, weeks after the shooting to prevent them from destroying evidence. 

5:50  Dan Bogino.  Two possible scenarios here.  One, completely implausible.  That the Mandalay was a co-conspirator in this, which is nonsense.  Or two, there's some kind of hostility or trust gap developing between law enforcement and Mandalay.  Nothing else makes sense.  

6:08  Greg Reese.  One theory suggests it was Saudi Arabia.  Just 3 months before the Las Vegas massacre, moderate Muhammad bin Salaman, known as MBS, was made the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia and was met that same day with President Trump's personal show of support.  This created a civil war between MBS and his hardliner cousin, Alwaleed bin Talal, co-owner of the Four Seasons, which resides on floors 35-39 of the Mandalay Bay Hotel.  The theory suggests that there was a failed assassination attempt against MBS at the Tropicana Hotel that night and that the massacre at the Route 91 Harvest Festival was a savage message of warning to President Trump.  [Why Trump?  What did he do to Alwaleed bin Talal?  So just showing support to MBS was enough to cause Alwaleed bin Talal to send a violent message?  Whoa.]  Stephen Paddock was a pilot, and according to this theory was a gun runner for Prince Alwaleed bin Talal.  This would explain Paddock's wealth and access to the Service Elevators at the Mandalay Bay.  And when the assassination attempt failed, Paddock became Talal's sacrificial lamb rather than his getaway pilot.  The Prince had Saudi military helicopters in the area at the time.  Four weeks after the Las Vegas shooting, MBS, had his cousin, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, and 10 other princes arrested on corruption and money-laundering charges.  We don't know if this theory is correct.  But a year later, the case was closed.  And we are told that there's nothing to the story but the 64-year-old lone gunman with no motive, Stephen Paddock.

8:00  Sheriff Joseph Lombardo.  There's no conspiracy between the FBI, between LVPD, and the MGM.  Nobody is attempting to hide anything. 

Monday, May 20, 2024

"Dancing Israelis" infiltrated government buildings prior to 9/11?

Here is the transcript to Reese's excellent video. 

"The Dancing Israelis."  Over 100 Israeli art students were arrested following 9/11?  FOX News reported that these art students served in military intelligence in Explosive Ordinance Units.  the majority of those questioned, "stated they served in military intelligence, electronic surveillance intercept, and or explosive ordinance units."

In March 2000, several of these Mousad art students were living in the World Trade Center in a residence program, occupying floors 90 and 91, where walls were unfinished and structural beams were exposed.  A member of this group of artists, Hanan Serfati, was arrested by the DEA as part of the Israeli spy ring, but the identities of the 14 Israelis who were with him have never been released to the public. 

Itay Simon, Marina Glickman, Dilka Borenstein, Zeev Miller, Ofir Navron, Aran Ofek, Dominick Suter, Salvador Gersson Smike, Sar Ben Zui, Moshe Elmakias, Ron Katar, Lior Baram, Tomar Ben Dor Michael Calmanovic,  Hanan Serfaty, Peer Segalovitz, Michal Gal, Ophir Baer, Legume Yochai, Akyuz Sagiv, Yoni Engel, Yotam Dagai, Or Alroei, Eli Rabinovitz.

Funny art niche, ain't it?   Whose military intelligence, the U.S.'s or Israel's?  If Americans Knew: Is Israel Spying in or on Americans

Here Florian Reither explains The B-Thing, a kind of performance art project done in 2000 on the 90 and 91st floors of the World Trade Center. 

Friday, April 19, 2024

"The pathogens already exist inside the lipid nanoparticles, the hydrogel,...that have not opened yet."

Jason Shurka claimed that on October 4, 2023, FEMA would be using 5G frequencies to activate nano pathogens in the blood of the vaccinated.  That turned out to be a nothing burger, thank God, except for the personal self-aggrandizement that it blessed Shurka with.  My question is who in the medical freedom movement simply boosted this guy to some credible source for mass craziness?  Who endorsed him?  Who found him credible?  Greg Reese claims at the end of the video that he doesn't know who the guy is.  Okay, then why would you promote him?  If the medical freedom movement so addicted to clickbait that they'll promote anyone, anything?  What, can't find enough material to review?  I mean the 5G is probably a concern, so work on that; work on that first. 

On October 4, 2:22pm Eastern time, the Emergency Broadcast System will be activated across the entire United States under the leadership of FEMA disguised as a test.  However, this test will be used to send a high-frequency signal through devices like SMART phones, radios, and TVs with the intention of activating graphene oxide and other nanoparticles that have been inserted into billions of human beings around the world through the obvious mediums.  If the October 4th date does not occur for any reason, the backup plan will be to do it on October 11th at the same time.  In the case that this is not able to be stopped, I ask you to shut off your phones and all other relevant devices at 2pm eastern time for a period of 2 hours to be safe.  --Jason Shurka 

FYI, this guy's prophecy was from last year, 2023.  I don't know why Greg Reese is showing him this year, a full 6 months post the deadline, which kind of came and went without a whimper, thank God.  

Greg Reese says that he doesn't "know who this guy is."  Well, . . . 

Friday, January 12, 2024

DENIS RANCOURT on COVID: A Science of Psychological Murder?

00:28. As far as I could tell from all-cause mortality data that we've been studying extensively for a long time there's no such thing as a viral respiratory pandemic he explains all this and his essay titled, "There Was No Pandemic," July 2, 2023, which you can find on his sub stack.  "There was no pandemic in the sense that there was not a particular leave virulent pathogen that was spreading and causing death that is not what happened what happened was a huge assault against vulnerable people by many different methods and every time you did that you caused excess mortality and all the countries where they were not doing that there was absolutely no excess mortality even if it was a jurisdiction that was right beside the one that was doing it."

01:15.  Rancourt explains a science of psychological murder that has been officially studied and documented for well over a century it wasn't just a spike protein that killed them it was the whole damn thing.  "Realities of Health," by Denis Rancourt, November 20, 2023, says that psychological stress and social isolation are dominant determinants of an individual's health that causes a suppression of your immune system and you're going to get some kind of infection cancer heart disease and very often the lungs are exposed to the environment and subjected to all the bacteria that are you live with all the time you get bacterial pneumonia and it's a huge killer when a society is stressed meaning all its individuals are stressed the kind of psychological stress that kills you is when your entire world is turned upside down your whole life you thought you had a place in the world and it's gone that will kill you in a very short time we always occupy a dominant hierarchy a social dominance hierarchy that is how we organize our society because we are social animals it is a fundamental truth of how we organize society the stress that is intended to keep you in your place within the dominant hierarchy is an everyday chronic stress and the stressors have to keep changing how they're going to stress you because you get habituated to this trust so they have to randomly hit you with the hard things every once in awhile to make sure you understand what your place is that stress is one of the biggest determinants of Health but we have to admit that medicine itself is a massive killer it's a massive cause of premature death of individuals.

03:07. Modern Western medicine is officially recognized as the third highest cause of death.  It was designed to be a way of controlling the population.  The rule of medicine as an institution in our society is to maintain the dominance hierarchy; it's to keep people sick and to put them in their place.  It's just part of that institutionally.  Financed by the Carnegie Foundation and published in 1910, the Flexner Report was used to outlaw natural medicine practices in America. 

"The 1910 Flexner Report: Rockefeller’s corporate illusionists create foundation and framework for SICK CARE MEDICINE over a century ago," S. D. Wells, June 12, 2022.

The Rockefeller Foundation then founded a new kind of medicine, an inverted form of healthcare that utilizes petrochemical drugs and experimental surgeries to keep people sick and in many cases kill the patient.  As Denis Rancourt has pointed out, this is how societies have been run for centuries.  A declassified document entitled "Geomagnetic Factors in Spontaneous Subjective Telepathic Precognitive and Postmortem Experiences," by George B Schaut and Michael A. Persinger as well as decades of trauma-based mind control research shows us that the CIA and our governments are well aware of the deadly effects of traumatizing a population can induce.

"How CIA DIA Trauma-Base Mind Control Works," Cultocracy, August 29, 2016.

They are killing us with fear and trauma this is known as psychogenic death or psychosomatic death.  It is the phenomenon of sudden death brought about by strong emotional shock.  Chairman of Physiology at Harvard Medical School, Walter Cannon called it "Voodoo death," because mind control is the main method used and voodoo rituals, which are well understood, by our world leaders Bill and Hillary Clinton spent their honeymoon in Haiti at a voodoo ritual which Bill claims inspired him to run for political office.

I was particularly intrigued by the voodoo religion voodoo on the most interesting day of the trip I got the chance to observe Voodoo in practice after several minutes of rhythmic dancing to pounding drums the spirits arrives the man proceeded to rub a burning torch all over his body and walk on hot coals without being burned the woman and her friends he screamed repeatedly then grabbed a live chicken by the time we got back from Haiti I had determined to run for attorney general.

05:35. Greg Reese reporting

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Nanotechnology found in both Vaxx'd and Unvaxx'd

Thanks to Greg Reese @ the Reese Report via Lew Rockwell.  Here is the transcript to Greg's presentation.

By taking antioxidants, one is able to dissolve these filament clots.  She has found that EDTA chelation therapy will remedy infected blood within 3 days.  And megadosing vitamin C also seems to work.  

You can find Ana Maria Mihalcea, M.D., Ph.D's work here.  Find her Substack page here.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Unrestricted Warfare: China's Master Plan to Destroy America, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, 2020.

Who is Michael Yon? Green Beret trained combat correspondent and author.  What has he authored?  Several books.  

Wikipedia does a decent overview.  Brian Williams of old NBC News cited Yon as the most embedded war journalist.  Okay, that's enough to cause me to question, like what are his connections that granted him access? But it also looks like he's been critical of military operations.

The Darien Gap is a border crossing on the border between Panama and Columbia.  

Oh, look, Texas Governor Abbott deployed the Texas National Guard and razor wire to repel migrants crossing illegally.

Monday, November 7, 2022

Scott Horton reminds us that it was Condoleezza Rice who tore up the Anti-Ballistics Missile Treaty.

from Greg Reese @ the Reese Report.

Here is the first of four interviews that Oliver Stone did with Vladimir Putin in 2017.  Scott Horton reminds us that it was Condoleezza Rice who tore up the Anti-Ballistics Missile Treaty.  

Monday, February 21, 2022


Always a good idea when evaluating the authenticity of a movement, its ideals, its convictions, its goals is to ask who is leading the movement?

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

The Truth About Mass Psychosis

Reading is one antidote. And if you're reading, it means you're already thinking. 

Let's hope and pray that folks can see all of the institutions in society as corrupt and corruptible from education to medicine to legal to farming and entertainment. They're all lying to us. Unfortunately, too many of us are okay with that kind of treatment. That's just one more shackle that we must dispose of.  Mass psychosis exists because no one trusts society's institutions to do right by them anymore.  So though mass psychosis seems like things are crazy, chaotic, and out of control, and they are, this is also the beginning of awareness and the start of an exit strategy from the matrix of corruption.  

Mass psychosis relies on rendering every individual anonymous.  It started with the hooded, dark-shade-wearing Unabomber, Ted Kazinsky.  Mr. Anonymous.  Then the kids in high schools all began wearing hoodies, with their faces and gaze recessed as far back in the hoodie as possible for maximum anonymity.  They didn't want to be called on in class.  They retreated to their rooms at home, the only place of solace from the collection of adults who've allowed their world to become so corrupt.

How many times have we heard someone say, "Oh, his ego is too big!"  Good, I say.  We need more individuality.  When people act on behalf of group identity, where the only personal ambition is some goal purportedly agreed-upon by and for the group, then society is doomed.  That is fascism.  Or communism.  

We hear of an alter ego, a bruised ego, stroke one's ego, or "Lee is on an ego trip" as if all of these experiences are bad.  All these say is that the listener or audience is upset that the man with the ego is invested in something he likes.  And the problem is?  We need more people to have an ego, and to not surrender identity to the crowd.  For example, I'm not a fan of LBGTQ's politics or their advocacy for surgical reassignment of gender, but I do kind of like their exuberance with personal identity.  It's just an identity that is outside of my wheelhouse.  It's nobody's business.  You live your life, and I'll live mine.  Let's call it mutual and peaceful respect.  So I don't like it when someone else tries to destroy another man's, or woman's, ego.  But it's baked into the language now that when we don't like someone else's exuberance, we complain to anyone who will listen to us that he's just "stroking his ego."  This kind of attack comes most often from unhappy folks.  It's envy.  

The psychology of the crowd, however, is the exact opposite: the crowd prefers anonymity, whereas the individual celebrates an ego, a personality, joie de vivre, a joy of conversation, a vitality of standing out, of expression.  It's like the dark, brooding, sulk of Antifa has become the mascot of modern-day life, our dark and brooding muse.  

2:35  Reese states that AP and Reuters claim that mass psychosis does not exist you should understand that these publications are the mouthpiece of the vaccine manufacturers.  James C. Smith, President and CEO of Thomson Reuters, was also a board member of Pfizer, the decision-making body.  So when Reuters promotes or defends vaccines, Smith engages in flagrant conflicts of interest.  Waging psychological warfare against a group of a population who believe that the media would never lie to them.  Though people know that the media news lies to them, they have a hard time wrapping their minds around the fact that the media news also lied about bodily integrity.  People find themselves in such a symbiotic relationship with media--love and hate, consolatory media, where they've settled for spoon-fed information rather than devote the time and work of reading, comparing, concluding, and revising for themselves, for the truth.  They're realizing that they've surrendered their stronger selves for those few delicious hours of storytime.  that flip side of their conclusion, of their belief, or tWhy would people believe that the media would lie?  Where do people watch their favorite shows?  Where do they binge-watch?  Who broadcasts their favorite football team home and away games in the cold northeast?  Why would these networks lie to people about a vaccine or any kind of medicine for that matter?  What I hear a lot from folks who've been vaccinated is a recitation of the lies told them by Fauci, Collins, Gates, CDC Director, Walensky, and other priests of the vaccines and you can hear the heartbreak at knowing the extent of their injuries. 


Here is the Moosmosis article, "Psychology 101: Crowd Psychology and the Theory of Gustave Le Bon," cited in the video.   Here is their home page.  

"Psychology in Social Roles Today," Mosmosis.

Pathological Subconsciousand Irrational Determinism in the Social Psychology of the Crowd: The Legacy of Gustave Lebon,” Gregory R. McGuire, Science Direct, 1987.

Fearing the Masses: Gustave Le Bon and Some Undemocratic Roots of Modern Rhetorical Studies,” Jay P. Childers, Advances in the History of Rhetoric, March 2014.   

How Does the Concept of Individualism Help Explain the Renaissance?” Staff Writer, Reference, March 25, 2020.  

"The Shadow: Carl Jung Warning to the World," Staff Writer, Eternalized: In the Pursuit of Meaning, October 1, 2021.


Monday, January 17, 2022

Speechless . . .

FDA allows nanoparticles into the food supply, claiming that they are no more dangerous than their larger counterparts.  Titanium is generally safe, or GRAS, or Generally Recognized As Safe, therefore, nano-titanium must be safe.  Unknown materials can exhibit new or altered physicochemical properties at nanoscale dimensions, which can enable the development of novel products.

FDA’s Approach to Regulation of Nanotechnology Products.  In other words, the human trials for consumable nanotechnologies are currently happening in the public without their knowledge or our consent.  “Nanoparticles in your food?  You’re already eating them.”  Nanoparticles can be absorbed into our immune defense system and into our bloodstream.  And just like the FDA admits, materials at the nanoscale can cause unknown changes in a person’s biological system. 

Animal studies have proven that nanoparticles are changing the way our bodies are absorbing certain minerals, such as iron.  FDA chemist, Timothy Duncan, wrote that nanotechnology in the food supply is being held back because the food supply industry is afraid of public backlash and that nanotechnology will somehow make food healthier.  The FDA is far more concerned with pushing these nanoparticles into the food supply than they are with safety.  Like they said about giving the experimental vaccines to your kids, we’re never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it.  At least 20 products are adding laboratory-made nanoparticles into their ingredients.  And they are getting ready to coat bananas in new nanotech. 

Here are those products: 

Dikinson Coconut Curd, Mentos Frehsmint Gum, Hostess Powdered Donette, Good and Plenty Candy, Kool-Aid Blue Raspberry, Eclipse Spearmint Gum, M&M’s Chocolate Candy, Albertson’s Vanilla Pudding,  Betty Crocker Whipped Cream, M&M’s Chocolate With Peanuts, Trident White Peppermint Gum, Jello Banana Cream Pudding, Dentyne Ice Peppermint Gum, Kook Aid Lemonade, Mother’s Oatmeal Iced Cookies,  Albertson’s Mini Marshmallows, Dentyne Fire Spicy Cinnamon, Vanilla Milkshake Pop-Tarts, Mentos Mints, & Nestle Original Coffee Cream.  

What do all of these products have in common?  They all contain titanium dioxide.  What is titanium dioxide?  


There is Nano-WHAT in My Food?  Companies are not required to disclose their nano-sized ingredients, so we don’t know how prevalent it is.  Along with being a proponent of population reduction, forced vaccinations, and genetically modified foods, Bill Gates is also the biggest private farm owner in America.  Business Insider claims he owns 242,000 acres of farmland across the United States, 

The Microsoft cofounder and philanthropist Bill Gates owns 242,000 acres of farmland in the US, making him the largest private-farmland owner, an analysis by The Land Report found in January

It adds that, 

The couple holds an extensive farmland portfolio stretching over 18 states, according to The Land Report. The Gates family's biggest holdings are in Louisiana (69,071 acres), Arkansas (47,927 acres), and Nebraska (20,588 acres), the report said. 

Does anyone doubt for a second that Bill Gates is allowing this dangerous nanotech the FDA is pushing for into America’s food supply?  

18 States:  Washington, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, North Carolina, Indiana, & Ohio. 

In related news, 10 out of the 1[8] states that Bill Gates owns farmland, at least along with another ten, have recently made it legal to dispose of human bodies into the municipal water supplies using a process called, Alkaline Hydrolysis, allowing human remains to be added into bio-solid sourced fertilizer.  It’s called Alkaline Hydrolysis and is referred to in pop culture as being very, very green. 

What is Aquamation?  The green alternative to cremation chosen by Desmond Tutu.  So the Green Revolution is all about recycling human remains? 

Headline:  CREMATION: THE DENIAL OF HUMAN BODILY INTEGRITY?  Spiritual leaders have objected to Alkaline Hydrolysis because they say it is disrespectful to the human body, the vessel of a divine soul and it is understandable why they say this. 

What Happens When a Dead Body Is Dissolved in Lye?

In Alkaline Hydrolysis, the human body is liquefied with lye and poured down the sewer to mix in with the community’s excrement and if that weren’t bad enough, this bio-sludge is then collected from municipal water treatment plants and then used on so-called fertilizer on factory farms. 

HEADLINE:  Biosolids: Mix Human Waste With Toxic Chemicals, then Spread on Crops, The Guardian.  The official excuse is that it saves the government money for expensive toxic waste disposal. 

Meanwhile, we are all being sold food that has been grown with a toxic bio-sludge made up of human remains and excrement which is then loaded with new and strange nano-technology.  Interestingly, the 1973 dystopian movie, Soylent Green, took place in the year 2022. 

Friday, January 7, 2022

The mRNA vaccines train the body to produce antibodies in the blood but not in the mucous membranes that normally protect our respiratory tract

Thank you to Greg Reese of the Reese Report.

The mRNA vaccines train the body to produce antibodies in the blood but not in the mucous membranes that normally protect our respiratory tract.  The COVID-19 vaccinations are turning off lymphocyte production where they need it the most while amping it up in the bloodstream which is where it gets much worse.  For those without the vaccine, a natural infection will remain localized in the respiratory tract.  But for those who've been vaccinated, unrelated cells deep inside the body react to the respiratory infection by creating a new spike protein which then causes the cell that created it to be attacked by the immune system.  Experts warned us of this last year:

The claim that COVID vaccines will cause more severe disease through antibody-dependent enhancement, ADE, is not yet supported.