Showing posts with label Lahaina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lahaina. Show all posts

Monday, August 14, 2023

If you want to help families affected by Lahaina, Maui fire directly...

Find the direct link to the charities here


This video is on Rumble which does not censor content. YouTube/Google has taken down EVERY video posted on their site by citizens of Maui. YouTube/Google is a government whore.

The video link about is 22 minutes long and not only shows Lahaina but the surrounding area. The government official says “58 water drops by helicopter” on the fires. That’s like throwing 58 water balloons at a bonfire. There was no fixed-wing aircraft dropping fire retardant as we have in California. Why not? Can’t Maui/Hawaii afford fire bombers?

And NO sirens, which are all over the Hawaiian Islands sounded, ever! Those sirens are there to warn of tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, and North Korean missiles, but no… they didn’t work for this fire.

The Big Boys wanted to burn out the natives, kill the natives, and steal their land.

It’s the same old story.

Thanks, TJM.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

NEW — Death toll in Lahaina, Maui, rises to 93, but Gov. Josh Green warns that the number of deaths will "continue to rise" . . .

People with missing family members are asked to go to the Family Assistance Center to take a DNA swab to help identify victims.  Why not use dental records, or printed IDs, like driver's licenses, or other forms of identification?  Because they're trying to normalize the use of DNA testing, testing by the way has been proven toxic and invasive.  The probe goes all the way up the nose.