Showing posts with label Robert Kadlec. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robert Kadlec. Show all posts

Thursday, April 25, 2024

In my opinion, Sasha is too kind to Dr. Drew.  The fact that she doesn't appear until the 29-minute mark is odd.  She is the marquee guest.  

DREW, 29:10.  You we're starting a frame saying that doctors don't know anything.

LATYPOVA, 29:20. What I mean by anything we were talking about vaccine science and law and my point was that most of these crimes I treat them as intentional crimes so most of it has to do with understanding the law and understanding the pharmaceutical regulations which unfortunately practicing Physicians do not they are treating patients and they believe what the authorities tell them the health department The Regulators and what Pharma reps tell them.  

After looking into this, and I started with the VAERS data by the way, and I totally agree with Tom that the regulators are lying about the various data.  And they do have those thousand different other databases that are much more accurate, and so they know precisely how many deaths and injuries there are due to the vaccine, and even in court filings they don't deny it.  They just lie to the public when they have to respond to the courts.  They say, "Yes, we know.  It's all legal," and that's correct, because the evidence of the intentional crime are the changes in the US law that have been done going back to even the late 80s, starting in the late 80s, and then more recently the partnership between the HHS and the Department of Defense.  Also, evidence of premeditation of this crime goes back to 2016 and 2017.  I published on my substack a leaked audio of the AstraZeneca CEO and VP responsible for monoclonal antibodies Mark Aster discussing in in late 2020s where they describe the part that the Department of Defense approach them in 2017 to start working on the program where the Department of Defense will identify viruses that will cause pandemics and then the farmer companies will respond with drugs and vaccines made in 60 days . . . 

DREW, 31:40. If we have a bioterrorism event I want the defense to have a relationship with Pharma where they could do that no?

LATYPOVA, 31:54. It's not possible to develop anything within 60 days that's fiction and that's exactly how experienced drug developer Mark Kessler responded initially to this he said I thought it was science fiction and that's the correct reaction.  Because it is science fiction it's a narrative it's a fake story that these guys at the Department of Defense manufactured because they want to develop biological weapons but they can't because by a weapons convention prohibits them from doing that so this is the story that they sold to everyone including Congress and pharmaceutical companies and pharmaceutical companies were quickly were convinced to throw away their skepticism because there was money involved for no particular deliverables and since 2017 they have assembled a Consortium the Department of Defense assembled a Consortium of over 300 companies including Pharma companies academic institutions and all kinds of other organizations where they were keeping this base of people who agreed to do this from which they selected ultimately 6 or 10 companies that participated in operation warp speed got billions of dollars, and the deliverable were emergency use countermeasures, prototypes, and demonstrations purchased through other transaction Authority which is a very secretive mechanism to buy prototypes without disclosing anything to the Congress to the people where the money is going of course these contracts were no bid awarded to friends and cronies of Dr. Robert Kadlec, Former Assistant HHS Secretary.  See what Katherine Watt said about Kadlec on January 9, 2023
In my view, Alex AzarRobert Kadlec and Marion Gruber should be the first American war criminals prosecuted for the American implementation of the Covid-19 mass terror and mass murder campaign. There will be hundreds of defendants eventually; I posted a starter list in August 2022 and update it as I find more criminals in the records. 

And by law, emergency use countermeasures under Public Health Emergency are not pharmaceutical products are not treated as Pharmaceuticals.  They do not have any consumer protections as you would expect from them it's a legal and possibility to conduct a clinical trial using emergency use countermeasures because you legally cannot provide informed consent and IRB does not apply so that's why I'm saying you know when Physicians are told that this is a vaccine it's safe and effective and you read all the law that applies and doesn't apply to emergency countermeasures it becomes very clear that this is a premeditated very carefully plan long-term executed strategy to deceive everyone into taking these poisons.  And also to address what Tom friends just said I am very sorry that his wife is sick with cancer it's a tragedy I just had a guest in my house who is 18 your old daughter was injected with Pfizer and she has cancer I sat across numerous people who lost their children to these injections some died immediately some deaths were gruesome and these people have to go and testify to lawmakers and anybody who would listen and recount the story over and over and over again and this is a massive massive crime and it needs to stop now the FDA was fully aware that these things would cause cancer because they've written numerous guidance documents that's how they regulate industry so even in 2015 and I've read those guidance documents in 2015 2013 even more recently than that they wrote extensive guidance documents explaining to the manufacturers who wanted to develop mRNA products


Thursday, December 28, 2023

ROBERT KADLEC: "Using biological weapons under the cover of an endemic or natural disease occurrence provides an attacker the potential for plausible denial. In this context, biological weapons offer greater possibilities for use than do nuclear weapons."

By Robert Kadlec from Battlefield of the Future 

Note specifically that, as Risch says, the U.S. government knew bioweapons could be used “under the cover of an endemic or natural disease…”
Robert Kadlec, appointed to be the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response in 2017 by Donald Trump, wrote in a 1998 internal strategy paper for the Pentagon that:
"Using biological weapons under the cover of an endemic or natural disease occurrence provides an attacker the potential for plausible denial. In this context, biological weapons offer greater possibilities for use than do nuclear weapons." Note specifically that, as Risch says, the U.S. government knew bioweapons could be used “under the cover of an endemic or natural disease…”