Showing posts with label Nancy Pelosi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nancy Pelosi. Show all posts

Monday, May 13, 2024

WINSTON MARSHALL: Populism is not a threat to democracy, but democracy itself. Nancy Pelosi objects.

Still checking but it looks like Winston Marshall's speech was given on May 8, 2024, before the Oxford Union Society.  The topic of his speech Winston Marshall speaks in opposition to the motion that "This House Believes Populism is a Threat to Democracy."

Saturday, February 18, 2023


Friday, October 28, 2022


Turns out I was right. 

This was the first report that I read on Paul Pelosi.

Wow, the incoming reports on Paul Pelosi, coming in fast and furious, go from bad to worse.   

What, so Nancy was the real, intended, or original target? It has all the stench of an FBI op. Not sure when, or even if, a lengthy article in Rolling Stones or the Atlantic or the New Yorker will get published on what actually happened to Paul Pelosi, but when it does, I do wonder what it will reveal.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

With Prospects of Midterms Sagging, Dems Preach Violence Against Republicans and MAGA . . . a Mostly Peaceful Call to Arms, Be Reassured . . .

Democrats suffer from a terrible case of amnesia.  Do they recall the 2020 Summer of Love, or Seattle's version of it, where their foot soldiers of Antifa and BLM performed a scorched earth policy in cities across America?  Do they remember that . . . any of it?  

Do they know who Kyle Rittenhouse is, or how he legally defended himself against attempted murderers on August 26, 2020?  I'll bet that Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar know.  

Recently, a 41-year-old Democrat took the Democrats' message to heart and used his car to run down a teenager who was a Republican.  

Remember during the Trump presidency how the Democrats and their political and Hollywood supporters came out with their call for violence?  I do. I shocked when I heard Democratic Congressional Representative, Maxine Waters calling to harass and disturb any events by Republicans.  Waters has served the same congressional district, District 43, since 1991.  That's 31 years.  It's not the presidents who run this country; it's the local politicians and the federal politicians who oversee them.  

Waters denied it, of course.  

Nancy Pelosi told an audience that there could be collateral damage for those who do not share "our" view.  

What was the context for Pelosi's remarks?  It was a reference to her economic policies and how some would be left out.  But the term "collateral damage" is a military term for unintended consequences of weaponry.   

She said,  

that her preferred economic policies would entail "collateral damage" on certain groups.

Pelosi was going back and forth on climate change and its connection to job creation and prosperity with Paul Krugman, an economist and New York Times  columnist. After finishing a sweeping discussion about those topics, Pelosi made the case that liberal policies would entail "collateral damage for some others who do not share our view" but ultimately help the country.

Be sure to check out the comments to this video.  

I don't like violence and I am not trying to stir things up.  But I do think it's important to keep a record of who and what these Bolsheviks are like.

Friday, July 22, 2022


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Biden canceled the Keystone XL project as soon as he took office and reversed [ALL] Trump-era policies to make America energy independent. Now, they're blaming the president of a different country

from Martin Armstrong.  

Back in 2007, Nancy Pelosi was quick to blame the Bush Administration for rising gas prices. In 2018, Pelosi tweeted, “The price of regular unleaded gas has climbed 20% over the last year (thanks to Republican policies), eating away at working families’ paychecks – but according to @GOPLeader, you’re #BetterOffNow.” The national average for gas was under $3 at the time.

Now that gas prices have reached all-time highs, Pelosi and the Democrats no longer believe that the White House is responsible. “Gas prices will roughly cancel out the 2018 consumption boost from the tax cuts,” Schumer said at an Exxon gas station on Capitol Hill. “That’s right, whatever meager benefit working families may have seen from Trump’s tax scam for the rich has been wiped out by the gas prices that President Trump is responsible for.”

No one ever blamed Obama for rising energy prices after he did everything to end domestic production. Biden canceled the Keystone XL project as soon as he took office and reversed all the Trump-era policies to make America energy independent. However, the other side refuses to blame Biden or their current policies as gas continues to rise. Instead, they are blaming the president of a different country and have made no meaningful progress in curbing energy inflation. If they cannot admit the cause of the problem, they cannot concoct a viable solution.