Showing posts with label Dr. Stanley Plotkin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Stanley Plotkin. Show all posts

Friday, June 30, 2023

SIRI: shouldn't you wait until you do know to have the science to support it to . . . say that vaccines do not cause autism? PLOTKIN: Do I wait? No.

1:34, Siri.  If you don't know whether TDP or DTP causes autism, shouldn't you wait until you do know to have the science to support it to then say that vaccines do not cause autism?

1:52, Plotkin.  Do I wait?  No.  I do not wait because I have to take into account the health of the child.

2:05, Siri.  And so for that reason, you're okay with telling the parent that TDP, and DTP does not cause autism even though the science isn't there yet to support that claim?

2:19, Plotkin.  Absolutely.  

Thursday, June 29, 2023

The Pantheon of Vaccine Ghouls: Dr. Stanley Plotkin, Kathryn Edwards, Paul Offit, et al.


One of the features of evil is laziness and sloppy or blending of meaning so that meaning serves the interest purely of the speaker. Paul Offit was a former student of Plotkin's.  

Paul A. Offit, MD, is the Director of the Vaccine Education Center and an attending physician in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

I don't like his exhales of disgust to thwart the prosecutor's line of questioning. 

Plotkin obviously isn't the only lab ghoul devising lethal vaccines.  His former student, Paul Offit, the head of vaccines at Philadelphia's Children's Hospital defends their use on healthy kids.  That's healthy kids.  Healthy, yes, healthy kids.  Then there is Kathryn M. Edwards who was deposed back in 2020 and in 2022 for her testimony on the connection between vaccines and autism.