Showing posts with label — Brook Jackson 💜 (@IamBrookJackson) July 1. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Brook Jackson 💜 (@IamBrookJackson) July 1. Show all posts

Friday, June 30, 2023

SIRI: shouldn't you wait until you do know to have the science to support it to . . . say that vaccines do not cause autism? PLOTKIN: Do I wait? No.

1:34, Siri.  If you don't know whether TDP or DTP causes autism, shouldn't you wait until you do know to have the science to support it to then say that vaccines do not cause autism?

1:52, Plotkin.  Do I wait?  No.  I do not wait because I have to take into account the health of the child.

2:05, Siri.  And so for that reason, you're okay with telling the parent that TDP, and DTP does not cause autism even though the science isn't there yet to support that claim?

2:19, Plotkin.  Absolutely.