Showing posts with label Childhood vaccines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Childhood vaccines. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 28, 2023


What happened to Elizabeth Vargas?  What happens to these people?  

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. sat down with NewsNation for a 90-minute "town hall" style event hosted by Elizabeth Vargas. In this segment, he explained his skeptical stance toward childhood vaccine mandates.  Here is a transcript of the conversation

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Jake Tapper Sold His Soul to Pharma

This quotation made an impression on me,

the fact that the cumulative mercury levels in all those new vaccines they had recommended had overdosed a generation of American children with mercury concentrations over a hundred times the exposures the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency considered safe.

I don't know what it takes to get institutions to take action on behalf of the well-being of the citizens of this country.  

Excerpts from Kennedy's article:

Verstraeten’s initial data run suggested that mercury-containing hepatitis B vaccines — administered during the first month of life — were associated with a wide range of neurological injuries, including a dramatic 1,135% rise in autism risks among vaccinated children.

Verstraeten’s findings propelled CDC into DEFCON 1. The agency’s top vaccine officials summoned 52 pharmaceutical industry leaders, the foremost vaccinologists from academia and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and public health regulators from the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), CDC, World Health Organization (WHO) and European Medicines Agency to a secret two-day meeting at the remote Simpsonwood retreat center in Norcross, Georgia, to strategize about how to hide these awful revelations from the public.

Most of these individuals were physicians and regulatory officials who had committed their lives to public health out of idealism and deep concern for children. Verstraeten’s data confronted them with the fact that the cumulative mercury levels in all those new vaccines they had recommended had overdosed a generation of American children with mercury concentrations over a hundred times the exposures the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency considered safe. 

Not everyone in government had surrendered their convictions, 

In the tense days leading up to the Simpsonwood conclave, children’s health champion Dr. Ruth Etzel of the EPA pleaded with her fellow public health leaders to publicly admit they made a terrible mistake by inadvertently poisoning American children, and to repair the damage.

Friday, November 12, 2021

". . . so all of these children who have been sacrificed by the medical profession will go for naught"

"And it's always going to be protected under the EUA.  They will never make these FDA approved because that pulls the EUA protection off of them."

Lawrence Palevsky, 2:27

For about the last 60 years or so, parents have been screaming at the top of their lungs that pediatric vaccines have been harming their kids.  They have watched their children die in front of their eyes.  And they have watched the medical profession call it "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome" instead of what it really was which was murder by vaccination.  They've watched their kids deteriorate in neurological and immunological function.  They've watched their kids develop auto-immune disease.  They've watched their kids become 1 in 5 neuro-development disabilities.  1 in 10 with ADDHD.  1 in 36 with autism.  1 in 20 under the age of 5 with seizures.  And they have watched 1 in 10 with asthma, 1 in 9 with asthma, 1 in 9, 1 in 10 with allergies.  1 in 12 with allergies.  They've watched cancer rates go up.  They've watched all their kids get sicker and sicker with chronic illnesses.  And endlessly, parents have shouted from the rooftops, "These injections are making our kids sick.  These injections are killing our kids."  And across the board, on a global scale, their voices went unheard.  And because their voices went unheard, and because we've been able to live in a system where we accepted these kids as sick, we accepted the new normal, as all these kids with chronic illnesses and learning disabilities and auto-immune problems, we are now in a situation today where we have accepted that vaccines are safe.  We have accepted that vaccine injury is rare.  And we've accepted that the only way to get better from an illness is through a needle.  So the 60 years or so of complaining of the facts that these vaccines are destroying our kids, has fallen on deaf ears.  And so all of these children who have been sacrificed by the medical profession will go for naught.  Because it seems that our public and our world needs a Round 2.  And it is unfortunate and it is sad; it is disgusting and it's very painful to watch.  But I believe we are going to watch a Round 2 that is going to be that much bigger because it seems that the experiences of all these parents are being ignored because somehow we have never, ever entertained the idea that these companies that have single-handedly been fined billions and trillions of dollars for heinous crimes are all of a sudden altruistic and giving us products that are going to somehow save our lives.  And so those parents are going to have to have those experiences that millions, if not hundred of millions, of parents have had in the past and it's going to bring them to their needs.  And they're going to experience what it's like for a society to look at them and say "There's nothing wrong with your kid from the shot.  You're psychologically impaired," which is what is happening now in doctors, in nurses, and professionals who've been injured by this shot and are taking their stories to the medical profession, to the media, and to the government and have been told "It's all in your head."  And so we will sit back and watch, unfortunately, hoping that we can reach one parent at a time to recognize that this is not a vaccine, it is not safe, that there is nothing about this shot that is going to prevent any infectious illness.  COVID itself is not an infectious illness.  It's a toxic illness.  And this shot has not been approved, it is only authorized.  It is illegal to mandate this shot, and if you're going to get this shot, because you want your child to be able to participate in sports or to go to school or to go to the prom or to go to a sporting event or to go to a restaurant or to go to college, then your thinking needs to change because that is a big problem because you are choosing your child's happiness over your child's health and potential life.  And so we pray and we pray and we pray, and we continue to educate and we do our best, and we will cry, and we will pour many tears because this shot is going to cause death and destruction and infertility and cancer and cancer and cancer.  

Maureen McDonnell, 8:00

Dr. Tenpenny, I know you've written a book on the many mechanisms of harm from this injection, how do you perceive it effecting children?  And just to answer a few of the questions, this is being recorded and it will be available on and ma'am, probably tomorrow.  

Dr. Tenpenny, 8:23

We're livestreaming right now at the 20 Mechanisms of Injury on How the COVID Shots Can Make You Sick or Kill You, Dr. Sheri Tenpenny, 2021.  I've been talking about vaccines for 21 years, and I've always said that a vaccine injury does not respect age.  One of the reasons the COVID vaccines was greenlighted under the EUA was because the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Act of 1986 only protects the companies from liability if put the shot into the pediatric schedule; hence, we put flu shots into 6-month-old babies, so they would have liability protection for flu shots.  That's why the shingles vaccine is hanging out there and why there's a growing class-action lawsuit about the shingles shot because you can't put the shingles shot on the childhood schedule.  "Darn!!" says the pharmaceutical industry.  So now we've got this under the EUA because of all of the millions and millions and millions probably billions of adults who are going to die from this [COVID] shot.  And it's always going to be protected under the EUA.  They will never make these FDA approved because that pulls the EUA protection off of them.  So the mechanisms of injury that I've crafted out . . . I was on an interview the other day and somebody asked me if I'd identified anymore, and I said, "Well, just one, but I'm sure if I spent more time on them I am sure that I would find more than one, and that is the one that Larry alluded to was how the spike proteins go into the chromosomes and blocks your repair mechanisms.  We all create cancer cells 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

CHILDHOOD VACCINES: Kids can't grow the right microbiome. And then the aluminum again cripples [their] immune system, [their] macrophages

 XMRV,  a mouse retrovirus.  Blood and vaccine supply was contaminated by or with a mouse retrovirus called XMRV.  Fauci put the brakes on Judy's research where she found this contamination.  The coronavirus is from cows, pigs cells, dogs cells? 

On the first day of life, [infants are] given a Hepatitis B vaccine, which is a piece of hepatitis vaccine but it's 200 mcg or more of aluminum, which is highly neurotoxic, highly immune-crippling, all of this within 24 hours of life.  Crazy.  And they've done this because they can.  And they've rushed these mandates through and taken away our freedoms.  They've done things like--here in Ventura County, the nurses went 2 x 2 and if the parents refused to sign the approval for the COVID vaccine, they'd give it to the child/student anyway, and the nurses would have to tell on each other because they had decided that they're hurting their babies, so we've woven this culture, this corruption around vaccines are these miracles around and they're not magic PEZ dispensers of immunity.  They're very toxic, very complicated drugs that shift the immune response, the natural immune response.  You're not seeing the virus in its natural form, where it would infect.  You're injecting a needle full of toxins, environmental toxins where you can't even sort out the toxicities.  Very difficult and I've testified with Dr. Ruscetti in vaccine court . . . not really a court, I call it a kangaroo court, because there's no discovery.  It's run by the DOJ and HHS, and it's basically the injured family against the entire government.  And the vaccine is presumed innocent at all costs.  And they destroy these families that have already been injured.  So that's a chapter in the book.  


First of all, there's a statute of limitations of 3 years.  The parents will recognize that something is wrong with their child.  They've got their 2-month-old shot, they've got their 4-month-old shot, they've got their 6-month-old shot.  Doctors give children the Pediarix vaccine.  And they think, "Oh, I only got one shot."  But Pediarix is the Hepatitis B, the D-TaP (Diptheria, Tetanus, Acelera Pertussis), and a polio vaccine in a single shot.  CDC recommends that children receive 5 doses of DTaP, usually at the following ages: 2 months, 4, months, 6 months, 15-18 months, 4-6 years.  Those are all grown in different cells and are then combined together without cleaning them up.  They're not co-developed.  They haven't been tested safe or individually or in that package.  You give that infant with no immune system, remember he/she is still breastfeeding, Mom is still immune-suppressed so that the microbiome can still develop throughout the body, microbiotic, each individual parts of the good bacteria can start talking and develop the gastro-intestinal tract.  

18:00 Then you drive with all of these toxins these extreme flames, so you just destroy tissue.  Then you've got all of these antibiotics, and all of these antibiotics are left in the culture media, so the kids are literally injected with antibiotics.  They can't grow the right microbiome.  And then the aluminum again cripples your immune system, your macrophages, your mast cells, so you develop all kinds of things.  So what the vaccine course requires is that you stay the vaccine that causes the injury.  So let's just say that the last shot the child got--we usually call it the straw that breaks the camel's back--is the MMR, the measles vaccine.  It's either MMR1 or MMR2, because the people have no choice and no knowledge, nor do the doctors; that's why Vaxxed II is so important.  Because doctors are saying, "They just told us they were safe and effective, and here's the schedule."

They won't let you identify where the injury started with the Pediarix.  That was the first sign.  So what they say is "that the child has always has had asthma; it was genetic."  And then they drive the immune response, and the last shot that they get is the one that kills them or . . . they fall apart immunologically.  And you can see it coming on, but by now the child is, say, three years old, and you can't diagnose autism before 3-years-old, and so you have to have a diagnosis.  And doctors have to diagnose these things in the child, and the parents are saying, "It was injury, it was that vaccine," and the doctors are like "No, no, no, just get another shot."  

And for me doing the, I'm like an investigative reporter [searching for] what killed the person.  And you're going through it, it's like a suspense thriller.  I used to call it like an Alfred Hitchcock movie.  And you know the parents are in there being bullied, and the mom's like "I don't know," and the dad's like "I don't know."  And the doctor's like, "Get the shot, or I'll throw you out of my . . . ."  It's horrific.  When the patients are tough, when the parents are tough, and they hang in there, the doctors fabricate the medical records.  And so they say that the parent gave permission for the vaccine and they did not.  


21:00  So the corruption in that court is horrific.  Always, we would say that it's the cytokine storm.  This is the susceptibility.  And this is why that shot, and we usually implicate other shots.  And in the book, of course, the government says, "There's no proof of that.  There's no evidence of that.  There's no publication of that," of course, because any publication of that destroys your career.  And of course, nobody will opine for the court.  It's hard to find a doctor because [if] they side with the victim, they'll destroy your career.  And since my career had already been destroyed, it's like fine, I'll help the victim; that's what I do.  I'll make drugs.  I'll figure it.  In fact, we actually make people heal from the vaccine injury.  And that's what I hope to get 

Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies and I interview virologist and whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits about her vast and expansive knowledge of viruses and what she thinks about COVID-19. She is the author of Plague of Corruption and most recently, she has stirred controversy for her interview in the documentary PlanDemic.

Zach and I interviewed her before most. But just putting it out now.

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