Showing posts with label Jake Tapper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jake Tapper. Show all posts

Monday, September 25, 2023

Ethyl Mercury from the vaccine was gone from their blood in a week; the methyl Mercury from the tuna fish a month later, 2 months later, was still there. it was lodging there and causing severe inflammation

I don't even think that Fauci is capable of telling the truth.  Here with Jake Tapper, he says that, 

The thing that always gets misconstrued is that thimerasol, which does not cause any difficulty, the mercury in thimerosal is ethyl mercury, which is very different from the methyl mercury in fish, which when you get an accumulation of it, the fish are contaminated, can be a problem.  It's an entirely different type of mercury.  So that's the big misperception that is out there. 

Really?  Because Robert F. Kennedy, who knows a thing or two about vaccines and how their manufacturers have fared in court, says that 

Instead, the reason ethyl mercury was disappearing from their blood is that Ethel Mercury crosses the blood-brain barrier much easier than methyl mercury from the vaccine and was going directly to the brain of these animals and it was lodging there and causing severe inflammation and we now know that it's there 20 years later.  Out of sight of the blood samples.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022


I am surprised that the graduates of Klaus Schwab's "Young Global Leaders" School haven't been served with arrest warrants.   And the whole thing about Fauci moving the goal posts was not only used to fix people in a hypnotic back-and-forth trance for greater psychic driving if his message, but that he could use his fiat dictates as evidence that the science is always changing, see?  Even worse than Fauci is the media that props him up.  There has to be a real retributive justice coming for the likes of Jake Tapper and his legions.  

And as Fauci can claim "We just didn't know" that serves to delay early treatment and gives the illness some traction and extend the time before people get a diagnosis, early treatment, or any treatment before it's too late, and you're going to have thousands more, hundreds of thousands more people die and be killed.  And the fact that the County Health agencies from around the country have followed such a narrow plan of health: masks, vaccines, and 6-feet.  It's one thing for the country health offices to be stupid and wrong--they've always been wrong and stupid; that's why people ignore them.  But to compound a bad situation, employers then start squeezing their employees to get shots.  Does your employer have a medical license?  It doesn't matter.  All licensure requirements have been turned upside down.  One no longer needs to be competent or skilled or expert in one's field.  They just need to be appointed.  But the whole lack of knowledge thing by flip-flopping Fauci or any number of Klaus Schwab's "young leaders," matches the disease itself that results from the vaccination.  What I am talking about is that the disease that results is metastatic cancer without a central or localized tumor from which the cancer spreads.  In other words, the vaccinations give your body metastatic cancer without an initiating tumor.  Instead, the blood clots are the initial stage and site of the metastatic cancer, and these clots are happening all over the body, hence, metastasis.  The problem with metastatic cancer is the equivalent of Stage 4 cancer.  It's the cancer that people die of.  Do you get what I mean?  So the traditional way that cancer is detected is through a biopsy of a tumor to decipher if it is benign or cancerous.  But there's no tumor.  The blood clots that are forming form from fibrin, hairlike strands that clump together to form a clot.  But they also form the foundation, the base of a tumor.  But the clots are producing these fibrin and platelet clots throughout the body.  Think of these clots as an archipelago of clots throughout the body.  It's one reason why so many systems of vaccinated folks have either slowed down or have been crippled--the pain is diffused and doctors cannot detect any "tumor."  They're not looking at the whole picture.  Vaccinate folks are enduring pain unnecessarily.  Since it's cancer that those who've been vaccinated are facing, including those who've experienced passive vaccination via exosomes, then you'll want to follow this protocol.  Find it toward the bottom of that page on macrophages.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Jake Tapper Sold His Soul to Pharma

This quotation made an impression on me,

the fact that the cumulative mercury levels in all those new vaccines they had recommended had overdosed a generation of American children with mercury concentrations over a hundred times the exposures the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency considered safe.

I don't know what it takes to get institutions to take action on behalf of the well-being of the citizens of this country.  

Excerpts from Kennedy's article:

Verstraeten’s initial data run suggested that mercury-containing hepatitis B vaccines — administered during the first month of life — were associated with a wide range of neurological injuries, including a dramatic 1,135% rise in autism risks among vaccinated children.

Verstraeten’s findings propelled CDC into DEFCON 1. The agency’s top vaccine officials summoned 52 pharmaceutical industry leaders, the foremost vaccinologists from academia and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and public health regulators from the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), CDC, World Health Organization (WHO) and European Medicines Agency to a secret two-day meeting at the remote Simpsonwood retreat center in Norcross, Georgia, to strategize about how to hide these awful revelations from the public.

Most of these individuals were physicians and regulatory officials who had committed their lives to public health out of idealism and deep concern for children. Verstraeten’s data confronted them with the fact that the cumulative mercury levels in all those new vaccines they had recommended had overdosed a generation of American children with mercury concentrations over a hundred times the exposures the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency considered safe. 

Not everyone in government had surrendered their convictions, 

In the tense days leading up to the Simpsonwood conclave, children’s health champion Dr. Ruth Etzel of the EPA pleaded with her fellow public health leaders to publicly admit they made a terrible mistake by inadvertently poisoning American children, and to repair the damage.