Showing posts with label Canadian convoy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canadian convoy. Show all posts

Monday, February 21, 2022


Always a good idea when evaluating the authenticity of a movement, its ideals, its convictions, its goals is to ask who is leading the movement?

Monday, February 7, 2022

KLAUS SCHWAB: Has infiltrated cabinets in Canada, China, US, Russia, Germany, France, & others

Thank you to Martin Armstrong.

Schwab has publicly bragged that he has “penetrated” cabinets around the world to force his economic philosophies upon the people circumventing any right of the people to vote. Canadians need to understand this agenda. Trudeau is now even having the police arrest people bringing fuel to the Truckers. This is an all-out war against Schwab for the very future of our world, our families, and our children. Academics have been the supporters of communism because they have never lived under such systems and always talk about equality materially rather than equality of rights. You cannot have freedom (liberty) and equality simultaneously.


Schwab has been behind the design of the EU. The German people were NEVER allowed to vote on joining the Euro. Kohl even admitted he acted like a dictator because if he allowed the people to vote, he knew he would lose. 

This is what they are doing right now before our eyes. Schwab has infiltrated governments to force his Marxist agenda upon the world. He has his people in place to totally control Europe. Just look at the countries he has dominated and you will see the worst oppression under the pretense of caring for the welfare of the people because of COVID which is not even a threat anymore than the Flu. 

Schwab is using this strategy to infiltrate all world governments. 

This is the very same agenda he used in Europe and is now moving to take over the world. Even Fauci appears in Schwab’s videos promoting his economic agenda – equality. 

 He has infiltrated the US government with John Kerry who is the key person and even Biden named his outrageous sending spree with the WEF slogan – BUILD BACK BETTER.